2 - A Sad Past

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When everyone was ready to listen to Shadow's backstory, the hedgehog started to talk

Shadow: I was born in a place called Space Colony ARK, where I was created by Gerald Robotnick to cure his grand-daughter Maria

Bridget: What was wrong with her?

Shadow: She was dying by a symtom only I can cure, I was an experiment which can save her life

Poppy: An experiment?!

Gregoria: That's impossible!

Shadow: Is hard to believe, but it's true

Boris: Well, that's unexpected...

Shadow: Yeah... well, me and Maria were very close to each other and the people who lived there were training me to be a militar when I was one month old

Demi: But how did you--? Oh! You were already a kid when the created you, right?

Shadow: Yes... my training was doing well, but some of the people were scared of me because they thought I will hurt them...

Bridget: But you look like you're a nice person...

Shadow: But even so... they were still scared and I didn't knowed why, and one day a scientist called Claine with a group of scientists drugged me to test me and the professor send them here in Earth for doing it

Oxana: Oh my gosh! That was so cruel!

Shadow: It was... Maria took care of me when I was still sick with those drugs... and we both were feeling well... untill-- (sobs and wipes tears)

Vampirina:(rubbing Shadow's back) Alright... alright... calm down Shadow... tell us what happened...

Shadow:(with tears) Maria and I h-heard the alarm that they w-were intruders in the ARK, t-they wanted to kill me, w-we figure out that Claine and her scientists t-told those agents about me and m-me and Maria went to the escape pods b-but she pushed me in the capsule and when she pulled the lever... (sniff) those agents s-shoot her and then she d-died, and I couldn't do anything, because my capsule already was sent here...

Flashback - 36 years ago

Maria and Shadow were running to the escape capsules. Maria then pushed Shadow on the capsule and was ready to pull the lever

Shadow: Maria! What are you doing?! (Punching the glass)

Maria: Shadow... listen to me... you have to do this for the people who live in that planet... please give them a chance to be happy... please do it for me...

Just then, the agent entered to the room and Maria pulled the lever and the countdown started

Computer: Capsule ejected in 30 seconds

And then one of the agents took out a gun and shooted at the girl

Shadow: Maria!

Maria:(in a weak voice) Please... Shadow... I need your help... everyone's fate depends on you...

Shadow: No! Maria don't!

Maria: Sayonara... Shadow the Hedgehog...

And the capsule where Shadow was went all the way to the Earth

End of Flashback

Shadow:(sobs) And that's how it happened...

Everyone of the room were in tears of hearing that tragic past, Oxana was crying in Boris' shoulder, Bridget was also crying in Poppy's shoulder and Demi and Gregoria were crying and hugging each other. As for Vampirina, she was hugging Shadow as she also felt bad for him

Vampirina: Oh Shadow! That was very sad to hear... how could they do that to a girl like her?!

Gregoria: Yeah! Why did they do that?!

Oxana: You poor little kid... I think you should stay in our house so you don't feel alone... we will take care of you...

Poppy: You can trust the Hauntleys, they will take care of you very well

Demi: Yeah... it may be a haunted house, but there's a room for you to live

Gregoria: Hey! By the way, how did you didn't get scared when you saw me and Demi?

Shadow:(chuckles) I actually read about monsters, I thought they were a myth, untill I saw you two

Bridget: Maybe the Hauntleys are vampires, but the are good persons in the inside

Shadow: Well... for me is okay if I stay here...

Boris: Well... we have a room available for you Shadow... so you can live here if you want...

Shadow: Thank you mister...

Boris: Call me Boris...

Shadow: Thanks Boris...

Oxana: I will make some food for you, I'm sure you are hungry after being in that capsule

Shadow: Thanks miss...

Oxana: Call me Oxana...

Shadow: Okay... thank you Oxana...

Demi: I'm Demi and this is Gregoria

Gregoria: (streches hand)

Shadow:(shakes hand) Nice to meet you...

Poppy: Hey! Maybe we can do a sleepover tonight, so Shadow can feel confortable with us

Demi: Can we be in too?

Vampirina: Sure! Besides he needs a lot of company so he can be happy and he lights up a little bit

Gregoria: Shadow, do you like that idea?

Shadow: I think that's a good idea...

Demi: Time for a sleepover!

5 hours later...

Bridget: That was totally fun!

Poppy: I agree, this was a good sleepover

Vampirina: Shadow, how do you feel now?

Shadow: I actually enjoyed it, I never had a sleepover in my life

Demi: Since how many time you were in that capsule?

Shadow: Now that I remember it... I was actually there for 36 years...

Girls: 36 years?!

Shadow: Yeah... but I actually still have 6 years old...

Poppy: Oh my! That a lot of years and you have 6 years old like us?

Shadow: Yes... I think the capsule was keeping me still young in that long time...

Vampirina: Well, at least you are with us now as your friends, and that's what matters (hugs Shadow)

Shadow:(hugs back) Thanks Vee...

Vampirina:(breaks hug) No problem Shads...

Shadow: Hey! Maria used to call me like that...

Vampirina: Oh! I'm starting to sound like her now!

Eveeyone laughed at that and then Oxana walked to the room

Oxana: Alright kids, time to go to bed

Vampirina: Okay Mama!

Oxana: Shadow, do you want yo go to your room or you want yo sleep with the girls?

Shadow: I actually want to sleep with them, since they were very kind to me

Oxana: Okay, I don't have any problem

After everyone were in their bed/sleeping sacks, they were starting to fall asleep

Poppy:(yawns) Good night you guys...

Bridget: See you at the morning...

Vampirina and Shadow were sleeping in the same bed facing opposite directions

Shadow: Thanks for everything Vampirina...

Vampirina: You're welcome Shadow... goodnight...

Shadow: Goodnight Vee...

And the two of them fell asleep...

At least Shadow was starting to have a new life in the Hauntleys' house

Next chapter: Another hedgehog comes to the vampires' house

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