3 - Another Hedgehog on the House

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In that morning, Oxana called up the kids for breakfast and everyone woke up

Oxana: Kids! Time for breakfast!

When Vampirina woke up, she saw that she was facing Shadow on the bed

Vampirina:(gets up from bed) Oh my gosh! Is good that he's still asleep, because that may have been embarrasing

Bridget: Isn't Shadow going to wake up?

Poppy: Shadow! Wake up! Is time for breakfast!

Shadow:(yawns) Hey girls...

Gregoria: Good morning sleepyhead

Demi: Wow! You really sleep a lot

Gregoria: Yeah... now get downtairs to eat breakfast

Vampirina: Okay! Come on Shadow! (Janks Shadow's arm)

Shadow:(gets janked) Woah! Vee! Go easy on me!

Vampirina:(lets go) Oh! Sorry!

After they went to eat breakfast, the adult vampires were watching how their daughter was being very nice to the black hedgehog

Oxana: Oh Boris! Look at our little daughter with Shadow!

Boris: I know... she really is kind and sweet to everyone... and even he was also kind to his people...

Oxana: Yeah... I know... he really is a sweet child... and the poor thing lost his friend and his people...

Boris: Well... now he is going to live with us, and we will treat him very good...

When the kids ended their breakfast, everything was good, untill Shadow's ears twiched as he heard someone crying on the outside of the house

Shadow: What is that sound?

Shadow went outside of the house to see who was crying. When he went outside, he saw a purple hedgehog girl who was holding a dalmatian in her arms. And just then, Vampirina come outside to see what happened

Vampirina: Shadow, what happened?

???: (sobs)

Shadow: I think this girl needs help, and she also has a dog with her

Vampirina: Get her inside! I will call my parents!

Shadow: Okay

When Vampirina went to find her parents, Shadow was slowly aprovaching to the hedgehog girl

Shadow: Hey... are you okay?

???:(sniffs) No... my father died... and I'm all alone now... and this poor dalmatian is hungry and he is dirty...

Shadow: Well... listen, my friend wants you to come inside this house so you and the dog can be okay

???: Well... that's nice of you and your friend to help me... what's your name?

Shadow: I'm Shadow

???: Well, my name is Hailey

Shadow: And what's the pup's name?

Hailey: Actually it's not my pet, so I don't know what's his name is

Vampirina: Shadow! Get the gitl inside!

Shadow: Okay, come inside

Hailey: Alright...

When they got inside, Poppy gave the pup a bath and Oxana was feeding the hedgehog girl and put a blanket around her

Oxana: Are you okay now?

Hailey: Yeah... I'm fine... but what about the dalmatian?

Bridget: Poppy is bathing him and feeding him, he will be alright

Hailey: Um... maybe this sounds crazy... but actually that pup can talk...

Vampirina: He does?

Shadow: That's strange...

Boris: Now that you're alright, tell us what happened to you

Hailey:(signs) Me and my father actually had a home a year ago, but then some people burned our house and we lost everything and in our town, no one helped us because everyone was cruel and heartless in there

Oxana: You poor child, those people were so cruel

Hailey: I know... my father and I wanted to find a town that had nice people and that they care about us... and we were stray people...

Boris: What that means?

Bridget: Someone homeless who lives on the streets

Vampirina: Oh no...

Hailey: Months later, me and my father found this place and all people gave us food and money to survive our stray life, but then my father became very sick and we didn't had enough money to make him a treatment in the hospital

Vampirina: And what happened?

Hailey: I tried to find someone to help my father, but the people said that they didn't have experience in medical assistance, my dad became even sick every day and I couldn't do anything to help him

Boris: And what happened next?

Hailey: When the people already gave me enough money to get my father to the hospital, my father already died in that moment, the people told me that they will take care of me, but then the persons who burned our house came to kill me and my father and I needed to escape and all those people who wanted to help me got hurt and some of them died

Oxana: Now this is also a serious case of loss, she also needs to stay in our house

Boris: That's right, we already helping Shadow, so now let's help this little girl

Oxana: The little pup also needs help, so both need to stay

???: Hailey? Are you okay?

And they saw that the dalmatian was already clean and fed

Hailey: Oh good! I'm so glad you're alright!

Vampirina: So he really talks!

Shadow: Little one, do you have a name or something?

???: My name is Marshall

Vampirina: Hailey, in where did you find Marshall at?

Hailey: I just found him on the street and he was very hungry

Boris: What happened to you, little pup?

Marshall: I was all alone on the street because my parents died in a fire and I needed someone to take care of me

Hailey: He really needed my help, so I went to the streets to find him a home, but no one could take care of him

Shadow: Why don't you take care of him, we can help you

Hailey: You will do that?

Marshall: Really?!

Shadow: Sure! I also think the Hauntleys won't mind

Vampirina: No, we don't mind

Oxana: Of course you can stay Hailey

Boris: You can stay in Shadow's room, in there is two beds for you

Marshall: But what about me?

Poppy: I actually have a puppy bed that mom had from our dog that passed away, maybe he can use it

Boris: That's very thoughful of you Poppy

Vampirina: Come on guys, let's head to your room

While the kids went to Shadow and Hailey's room, Boris and Oxana were discussing about something

Oxana: Boris, maybe we should get those kids to Vee's school

Boris: But do you think the will accept two hedgehogs and a talking dog in the school?

Oxana: I don't know, let me talk with the school and see if they can allow Shadow, Hailey and Marshall in the school

Boris: Let's hope is like that, those kids need education because they need it

Oxana: And we will tell that they are orphans but we will asign them for the school

Boris: Better talk with the principal and let her know about the kids

Oxana: Okay...

Could it be true? Can the orphan kids get in school with the help of the Hauntleys?

Next chapter: The orphans go to school with Vampirina and her friends

Marshall is from Paw Patrol, the only thing that belongs to me is Hailey the Hedgehog

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