Ty x Ava

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Hey guys. I have another installment of the one shots for you guys. My close friend has given me permission to use his oc and use mine to make a ship. I do hope you all enjoy this work of art and please 

Originally Published: October 20, 2017

Ava Akiyama was new to the city and was to move in with her cousins, Sae and Makoto. She was moving there because her parents were killed and she had no one else to go to. She rode several trains to get there and when she did she stepped off and grabbed her luggage. She had quite a few bags that were clearly stuffed to the rim and she was struggling to carry them but no one noticed. She struggled and eventually bumped into someone.

"I'm so so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going." She said picking up her bags and looked up at the man. He looked no older than 18, and was very rough looking in appearance. "Hmph, whatever. Are you alright though?" He asked her. She nodded her head and smiled softly.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I was just trying to make sure that I was going the right way to my cousin's house." She said softly as she picked her bags up off the sidewalk. Ty bent down to help the poor girl since she seemed to be struggling a lot.

"So who's your cousin?" He asked trying to start a conversation with her. She stood back up and looked at him, adjusting her bags.

"Sae and Makoto Niijima." She said and started to lug her bags with her as they walked down the many streets.

"Ah the famous prosecutor, Sae Niijima is your cousin?" He asked and she nodded with a smile. She was glad he was helping her despite knowing her for only like all of 20 minutes.

"I don't like her. She ruined me with her stupid sense of justice and how she took things away from me." He grumbled as they continued to walk to her new residence. She was silent for a minute unsure of how to say anything to his response.

"You don't need to say anything it's something personal between me and her. You don't need to get involved with it." He said with a softer tone of voice but it was still gruff sounding.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could help somehow with this." She said softly, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. As they walked she continued to make small talk with him and slowly made some progress with him.

"Can I see you again?" She asked softly, standing on the stairs of her new home. He shuffled a bit and looked at her.

"I can't guarantee anything, but I can try I guess. You make good company after all." He said and rubbed the back of his neck while looking at her. She was cute he had to give her that, but he was a vigilante. She would probably run away and never look back if she knew that about him.

"Oh! That would be so splendid! I'm looking forward to it!" She said excitedly. She hugged him and he stiffened up and felt very awkward in the hug. She seemed to gullible to what she could see.

"Can we meet tomorrow, when I get out of school at the cafe my cousin talked about called LeBlanc?" She asked softly looking into his eyes.

He wanted to say no but the cute look she was giving him was too hard to resist. He nodded his head and sighed.

"Sure I guess I can. I'll see you there." He said and turned around leaving before Sae came back and raised hell with him again for being near her house.

Ava smiled and watched him leave before taking her bags and heading inside of the house. She had her own keys that Sae sent her in the mail, they were made on a purple key just like she asked and she went up to her new room.

"It feels good to finally have a comforting home again." Ava muttered and started unpacking. Makoto was still in school and Sae was still at work so she was alone for the time being and decided to unpack and make her room look more like her rather than just another guest room in the house.


It took her a couple hours but she finished in the best time because she heard a car pull into the driveway so she got up off her bed and went downstairs and sat on the couch waiting for someone to walk in. She heard the door knob click open and she stood up.

"Welcome home Sae-san." She said softly and hugged her older cousin. She was shocked nonetheless to see Ava there so early.

"I thought you weren't coming for another 4 hours." She said hugging her younger cousin back. Ava smiled softly and pulled away from Sae.

"I was able to get an earlier train so I decided to get on earlier." She said softly as she sat down on the stool by the counter.

"I see. Well I hope you enjoy your room, when Makoto gets home we can go out to eat. I'll show you some places around the city." She said sitting on the couch.


When Makoto got home they went out to eat and they showed Ava around the city. It was certainly different from where she used to live with her parents. There wasn't a single empty place in the city, back home people usually stayed reserved and didn't like to come out often.

"How do you like it here Ava?" Makoto asked her and she just nodded as they walked into the house. Ava went to her room so she could sleep after her long day of traveling. She couldn't wait until her life here started.


As the months went on she got used to her school life and hung out with Makoto's friends and hung out with Ty more. He was generally self reserved and didn't open up too much but she was slowly warming up to that type of behavior from him. She started to grow feelings for the boy and was falling hard for him now too.

"So what are you doing this weekend, Ava?" Ty asked her as he walked her home from school. This became an everyday thing since the week after she met him.

"I'm not doing anything in particular besides finishing up a paper tonight," She said softly looking up at him. She was considerably shorter than him.

"Well I was wondering if you'd like to go out on Saturday night." He asked her rubbing the back of his neck and looking embarrassed asking this to her.

"Sure I'll go. I'd love to go with you. What time do you want me to be outside?" She said with a soft smile and turned to go inside.

"Around 6:30." He said and started to leave feeling like something good might actually come to him from this. Ava smiled and went inside the house and went up to her room to finish her homework for the week. She had a hard time focusing on her homework because she was visualizing about her date with Ty. She thought it would be the most dreamy date ever. Little did she know that this date would end in disaster.


In school on Saturday, Ava couldn't focus and just wanted to get home and get ready for her date. She was doodling in her notebook instead of writing down notes waiting for the last few minutes of school to be over.

When that bell rang she was was packing up her things super fast and left the room in a hurry to get that first train home and go take a nice hot shower. When that train showed up she had a bright smile on her face and waited for her next stop. She only had one more train to catch before she had a 10 minute walk home. She got on her last train when is showed up and walked the rest of the way home. She tossed her bag on her bed and stripped out of her uniform before getting in the shower.

"That feels so nice." She said as the hot water rolled down her body. She quickly washed her hair and body before getting out and drying off. She kept her hair wrapped up and went to her closet and started looking through her clothes and went with some jean shorts, a purple floral tank top, a tan cardigan, and some white sandals.

She put her clothes on and sat down in front of her mirror, combing out her hair and she started to put it in a side fishtail braid and smiled with how she looked. She didn't wear makeup so she was ready, and in the nick of time too. It was already 6:25. She quickly grabbed her bag and went downstairs and sat on the front stairs. She watched as Ty approached looking a little more decent than usual, wearing a button down white shirt and some jeans with some brown shoes.

"You ready to go?" He asked her as she smiled. She nodded and stood up grabbing his hand.

"Where are we going?" She asked him and he shook his head.

"It's a surprise Ava." He said with a bit of a knowing smirk. They both made some idle small talk and walked to a diner.

"Oh this is lovely Ty." She said as they sat down in a booth. She smiled at him and blew him a kiss.

"I'm glad you like it. I had a hard time choosing where to go." He said with a heavy blush and rubbed his neck awkwardly as he looked down at his menu.

"I wouldn't have cared where we went as long as it was with you." She said and looked down at her menu to hide the blush on her cheeks. She wanted so badly to kiss his soft looking lips.

They both ordered their food and made some small talk with each other and Ava tried to contain herself to keep from kissing Ty.

"I had a really nice night Ty." She said softly as she walked home with him that evening. It was dark and the only thing surrounding them was the moonlight and buildings in the alleyway. Ava felt something was gonna go wrong and decided to ignore it and stayed close to Ty. As they were about to exit the alleyway, Ava felt someone grab her hand and drag her back and she struggled.

"Let her go Kaneshiro." Ty growled trying not to scare Ava but sound threatening. Ava was scared and she felt a blade on her neck as she held fear in her eyes as she looked at Ty pleadingly.

"Help... me... Ty..." She choked out from the lack of air from not only his hand pressing against her throat but also the blade too. Ty had not a single clue as to how he could help her without scaring the living daylights out of her.

"Let her go now, Kaneshiro. I'm not going to say it again." Ty growled as he eased closer to him. Kaneshiro tightened his grip on her throat and backed away more.

"And what are you gonna do if I don't?" Kaneshiro asked with a sly smirk. Ty growled and pulled out a gun from the back of his pants and fired it at him. Kaneshiro dropped Ava and ducked down.

"You piece of shit! I'm gonna kill her!" He said and pulled out a small knife and slit Ava's arm as she tried her best to get away from him. She cried out in pain and held her arm to try and stop the blood flow. Ty growled and tackled him.

"I'm gonna murder you and dig you a grave ten feet under!" He said choking the man. Kaneshiro pushed him off and ran away. Ty quickly went over to Ava and grabbed her hand. She whimpered in fear and he felt his heart drop.

She was afraid of him..

He slowly let go of her. Ava didn't want that at all. She clung to him like a lifeline and cried into his chest.

"Don't leave me please.." She cried and looked up at him with teary eyes. He held her closed and rubbed her back.

"I won't leave you. Not now, not ever.." He muttered and kissed her head. She looked up at him and kissed his lips gently and wrapped her arms around him. Despite all that she saw she still wanted to be with him and that shocked him heavily. He slowly kissed her back and held her close to him. After all that's happened she loved him and tonight proved just that.

"I love you, Ty Jihira.." She mumbled as she pulled away from the kiss. He looked at her and smiled a little.

"I love you too, Ava Akiyama.." He said softly pressing another kiss to her lips.

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