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Cammy and Chun-Li x Changed Criminal Male Reader

3rd POV

The Mishima Zaibatsu club has been one of the most terrifying organizations we've ever had, especially the father of the Devil himself, Heihachi Mishima. An old man that can pack a punch if not aware and is surely an intimidating person. If you could call him one.

Very strong, powerful and you may not believe me, a fast individual for his age. With all of these quantities, his organization prospered through the ranks of many. Many have decided to destroy this establishment by force, but it was no use since their men are a force to be reckoned with.

The Mishima family is probably the worse family mankind has ever seen. But don't get it wrong, they're all very cool and special in their own way. Even the Devil himself is scared to act up against these mighty fighters.

Until one day, the Chinese Interpol and the British Army announced their collaboration to defeat the Mishima Zaibatsu. It was a shock indeed, with one of their best fighers fighting beside each other, stopping villains that were hard to catch.

The duo of Cammy and Chun-Li were among the favorites to being police officers. They're very talented and attractive, beautiful is an understatement. They're built from the Gods, like litteraly.

They used to know each other as kids and grew up best friends. That's why their attacks are completely in sync with one another. I think this is why some of the men oggle at those meaty thighs. I don't doubt them, probably one of the most finest legs in all of Asia and Europe.

They toppled the police ranking and are currently in first place all around the world. The once cute buddies were now famous world wide. Not to mention when you open up your social media, they're already on the site whether that be news information, collabs with big artists, paparazzi photos and so much more.

That last one was pretty weird but you get the point. We cut to the scene of a park, people walking around having fun when suddenly an alarm from a small grocery store rang throughout the area, gunshots followed by screaming from women and children were heard. It caused a panic rush to everyone.

Out came from the grocery store is the brand new recruit of the Mishima Zaibatsu, Y/N L/N. An assault rifle on his right hand with the amount of money he's carrying on his left. Now you might be wondering, why is this guy robbing a simple grocery store when he can just buy the food himself?

Simple. He's treated very poorly on the organization, it's like North Korea when he first discovered how ragged his position is. He was used just for baits to get Heihachi to the real deal, it's simple enough. Cause some small havoc within the public while the rest of his men deal with, whatever bullshit he's dealing with.

Y/N has no choice but to comply since he doesn't really want to talk back against his superior. I don't blame him, the dude will just headbutt you to death.

Y/N L/N was a simple man when he first got the job. But when he found out that the organization he's in were a bunch of criminals, there was no turning back. Not only he was mistreated, he was promised to have a better life, only to go down deeper.

He was a poor man, he just wanted to live like the rest of them all. He never wanted this life, he wanted to go back the way he was before. Just a simple man rather than a criminal.

He ran to the dark hallways of the city, the buildings overshadowing the sunlight. Sweat came out his forehead as he was panting from the activity he's currently in. He dropped to the ground and checked the money he just stole.

Y/N: ...This is enough.

His voice sounded weak. This just gives us the information how abusive the org is. Actually, this small heist he did was just a rogue mission that he did for himself. He needed the money to survive, instead of eating a plain bread with no ounce of water.

Y/N: ..I should get out of here, the cops might be on my tail.

He stood up once again and picked up the stolen money from the ground. Checking the magazine and he's ready to go.

???: Hey! Stop right there!

Or not.

He froze in place. He tried to aim at the gun as fast as possible but it was just broke in half by a fast swinging leg kick. The gun is simply no use now and there's nothing he could do. He shivered out of fear and tries to ready himself up for a fight.


He was knocked out unconscious and was on the ground just before he could react.

Chun-Li/Cammy POV

Cammy: Mission: Accomplished.

Chun-Li: That was... Sad. You didn't have to do that Cammy.

Cammy: Orders are orders. Must neutralize target, you know that.

Chun-Li: Yeah, yeah... But why do I get the feeling that we're the bad guys on this situation?

Cammy: You're overreacting. He's a criminal that robbed a grocery store, he has no shame.

Chun- Li: Jeez, okay calm yourself down girl.

I grab one of my walkie-talkies in my pocket and announced that our mission was a success. If you call that a mission, I suppose not for me. Seriously, my higher ups can be a little hyper when it comes to these.

Cammy: What should we do to this punk?

Chun-Li: We captured the criminal, the last thing we have to do is lock him up.

Cammy: Of course. Let's get this idiot out of here.

She harshly carried the poor man on her shoulders while I grab the bag of money. It's a heavy one. He could've been lucky if he didn't got into one of us.

Cammy: Is there something on your mind?

Chun-Li: Hm? Oh, it's nothing. I was just wondering how... I mean... When..

Cammy: When are we going to capture that Bison guy?

Chun- Li: Please don't say his name.

She got serious there, must have had a bad backstory before. She misses her father very much and I'll make that bastard pay.

Cammy: Look I know I'm not really good at these but... Don't worry, when the going gets rough there's nothing you could do but to stand up. You can rely on your friends, on me Chun. So if you're hiding something, you can tell it to me. But I think you already know that.

Chun-Li: ...Wow, that was a shocker. I didn't know you're a philosoper! Haha, that's so funny!

Cammy blushed at her teasing and scoffed at the other direction.

Chun-Li: But, thanks Cammy. Without my best friend, I'm most likely going to be a nobody.

Cammy: The feelings mutual, Chun.

The walk towards prison was fairly far away but they have a message that the both of them shall stay at a hotel since there was going to be a mission far from their location, much to Cammy's dismay.

Cammy: What in God's name?!

Chun-Li: That's not very wise. We can't keep a criminal like this in public environment.

Cammy: Is there anything we could do?!

Chun-Li: Why are you asking me? I'm not the Commander, nor the General, nor the-

Cammy: Okay, okay... We'll take a hotel. Just so these perverts can stop looking at me.

She looked to her right to see some men with smirks on their faces, but Chun-Li just glared at their soul, keeping them away from her friend.

Chun-Li: Fucking pervs. Can't they just show some respect?

Cammy: I don't think they know what that means, Chun.

Chun-Li: (Sigh) Let's just get some rest. And by tomorrow morning they shall be here.

Cammy: They "Should've" been here.

She places some hate on the word since it was a very stressful day, and it just got even worse for her.

It was now night time with Y/N wrapped up on a chair, a rope tightly bonded to his body locking him up.

Meanwhile, Cammy and Chun-Li changed into a more comfortable clothing, some show-through pajamas that fit their Goddess bodies very well. They're bodies look already soft and with an exception of sexy clothes? That's heaven right there.

The both of them smiled at each other and complimented their bodies. They would occasionally tease one another but they weren't on a relationship. If only the rumours were true that the two of them were a couple, everyone would flip the hell out.

Chun-Li: Your legs got fatter Cammy, I told you to stop eating those chips.

Cammy: You can talk my dear friend. It looks like you PJ's are going to rip out at any moment. Didn't I told you to lay off those donuts?

Chun-Li: Wha-?! Well, excuse me you fat legged monster! Donuts are the best!

Cammy: Who are you called fat legged!? I'm more fit than you, Ms. Can't take my eyes off of Sweets!

Chun-Li: That's it! This time, you'll show me some respect!

Cammy: I could say the same to you!

The two posed in the middle of the room, ready to grapple each other to death.


Ugh.. My head... Am I dead?

I could drink some water right about now. I suddenly hear some speculation to my right and saw probably one of my dreams coming true. Two of the most gorgeous girls wrestling on the bed, groping each others bodies like nothing. Some groans ans moans of pain were heard when suddenly the... Damn, those legs. I just noticed them.

Chun-Li: Yield now or suffer!

Cammy: I-I.. Will never give- Ah! Up!

The two looked really familiar. And then I remembered something on one of the articles that there are now some fighters were capturing criminals. So these two are... NO WAY!


The both of them froze from their embarassing fight, shocked faces were seen with bright blushes. Y/N has a big smile on his face that the two of his idols were now in a room with him.

Y/N: I can't believe it! It's actually the both of you-


Cammy again kicked him ferociously out of embarassment. Her face full of hatred and rage.

Cammy: Goddamnit! Why now?!

Chun-Li: Uhh, Cammy-

Cammy: I don't care anymore! I'm going to kill him!

Chun-Li: Cammy, wait!

Cammy wanted to choke him to death with her signature, thick legs and cracking his neck at the process. But Y/N was lucky Chun-Li is a more peaceful person.

Cammy: Hey, let go!

Chun-Li: You are not going to kill him! There's no need for that!

Cammy: He's a criminal! Why should we spare him when we can kill him?!

Chun-Li: Because that's not how we're both trained. We kill if it's necessary, it's not always the time to do that!

Cammy hesitated for a couple of seconds and sighed getting her frustration out but was still mad. Chun-Li also sighed but in relief that her friend didn't do something that could lose their jobs.

Cammy: You're right... I'm sorry Chun, please forgive me...

Chun-Li: Don't worry, I forgive you. But... What are we gonna do now? He can wake up at any given moment.

The two thinked for a hot minute when Cammy just sighed.

Cammy: This is going to be a bad idea.

Chun-Li: What? What's going to be a bad-

Cammy cut the tight rope off his body with just a swift kick and carried him on the bed.

Cammy: ...We can.. Talk to him..?

Chun-Li: ...Are you seri-



Ugh... My head- Okay, you get the point. It freaking hurts. She needs to stop those freaking leg kicks. Although.. They were kinda soft, not gonna lie.

I heard the same bickering from the two and I decided to glance at them. They really look so beautiful up close. I heard these two were great friends and now they're both living the dream. Jeez, the amount of yuri I have with these two.

A/N: No, no. I don't have those. So please don't ask.

Chun-Li: Ah, he's awake.

The both of them looked at me with different expressions, of course Cammy doesn't seem to like me. Can't blame her. Chun-Li looks fine but I know she's cautious.

Chun-Li: You got some nerve to rob a lonely store. What's your deal?

Y/N: ..U-Uhm..

Cammy: Speak. Or I'll make you-

Chun suddenly bonked her head, signalling her to be nice... Not really.

Chun-Li: Anyway, as I was saying. Why did you rob the store?

Y/N: ...Y-You want me to tell you..?

Cammy: Of course you idi-Ah!

Chun: Go ahead.

Y/N: W-Well.. You see...

I told them my history of getting here, a simple man that wanted to live his life when suddenly he didn't get the job he wanted, he eagerly wanted to make a new one but came across a dangerous organization. At first glance, you can already tell how strict they are from the messed up rooms they have to rest on. Not to mention, he was mistreated like a sack of shit.

Y/N: And that's why I robbed the bank at the first place.

The two women looked at me if I was telling the truth, and so far they didn't complain.

Chun-Li: That's... Sad to hear. Is there anything you could've done?

Cammy: Especially resigning to that org?

Y/N: You can't really... You'll be a slave there forever so there's no way I can just talk it out.. I'm not really living the best of my life right now... I can't sleep.. Eat.. Anything really.

Chun-Li was really upset and forgiving whilst Cammy found that truth of my past. The both of them looked at each other and nod.

Chun-Li: I knew it could come up to this. The Mishima Zaibatsu is a terrible org.

Cammy: I'm just suprised you're still alive, living in that hell hole.

Y/N: Yeah... So..?

Chun-Li: So we promised and talked this out earlier that if you're one of them, we'll likely kill you-


Cammy: But you're pretty much okay.. For now.

Y/N: S-So..? You'll spare me?

Chun-Li: Mhm! You're in safe hands.

Cammy: ...Fine.

Y/N: Thank you! T-Thank you so much!

Y/N hugged Chun-Li all of a sudden, her chest were very soft and the PJ's fit her very well. Chun blushed at the action while Cammy-

Cammy: HEY! Hands off!

She pried the poor man off of her with Chun blushing beet red, Cammy was strangling Y/N.

Chun-Li: H-He hugged me.. I miss those touches when I was with my father.

She looked at the two fighting at each other, putting a smile on her face.

Chun-Li: I think.. He's not so bad.

A/N: Part 2?

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