Strike Them Down (2)

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3rd POV

The battle of the new and young inexperienced rookie against a much more veteran like opponent was a... One-sided affair for the young'in. As the smoke settled down, Brimstone and Viper took the elevator down the arena and tried to assist the concussioned body of Breach, his body full of bruises trailing with blood.

Much to everyone's shocked faces to the overwhelming power of Y/N, he was still a little guilty destroying one of his superiors that he'll get fired for causing such destruction. But Brimstone, reassured him that a spar is a spar, and he lost fair and square.

Viper, although not sure what to say, just flashes Y/N a wink for a job well done. To say that Viper liked how Breach just got rekt was an understatement, she didn't just liked it. But she saw it coming.

But that was a few weeks ago, today was just a normal one for the rookie sitting on one of the couches with a smile. He's liking this organization alot, everyone is so nice, excluding  Breach, but everyone can atleast tolerate him. He was scrolling through social media  since after his first ever mission yesterday was a success, so right now he gets a day off.

He felt a tingly feeling coming his way so he looked to the right and saw a very happy and clingy Jett with her arms extending for a quick hug. Y/N gently placed his phone on the table and was quickly pounced on the couch.

Jett: Good Morning, pretty boy~.

Y/N: O-ow.. Can you atleast be gentle?

Jett: No! You will love my hugs if I say so!

Y/N: You are one clingy girl...

He sighed, not knowing what to do at this point as the both of them stare at each other, Jett suddenly planted her lips on his cheek which made Y/N blush.

Y/N: What the-! What was that for?!

Jett: I-I got caught up in the moment... You don't mind right?

Her eyes felt so soft that made Y/N cringe at the sight, he fell for the puppy eyes once again. How is that skill so strong in the first place?

Y/N: Alright, fine. You cute tornado.

He gently placed a finger on her as she blushes at the nickname he gave her, her tsundere side activating for cute measure.

Jett: I-I'm not cute..

Y/N: Lies. Just accept the compliment like how I accept your love.

Her blush deepens on her face, too bad she felt embarassed and hid from the crook of his neck.

Jett: I-I.. Love you too.

Y/N: Now that wasn't hard eh babu?

The two cuddled on the couch, with the occasional soft kisses from the both of them. Yup, this is Y/N's life now. Filled with women that loves him and only him, of course, he doesn't mind.

Time Skip

Y/N was on the training grounds shooting a Classic pistol on a dummy target, every week he has to train guns since it's one of the most valuable weapons they need for saving their powers. Switching to an assault rifle, a Phantom was heard in the room, bullets were shot with perfect accuracy and as soon as the mag was about to run out, Y/N decided to have fun.

With a grin, he left out just one bullet and inflated it with his thunderous power, as he shot the dummy, the bullet grazes on every single ounce of the target exploding on contact.

If that was a real human being, he would've died a millions of pain. Not only the target would be shot dead, but he would explode to oblivion.

Just thinking about it makes the young agent gag and cringe at the sight, speaking of Agent, he was called as Storm. Courtesy of Jett naming him.

He felt soft, slender arms on his neck which made him yelp surprised at the sudden contact. He turn around as the culprit was Sage.

Y/N: Ma'am?

Sage: Ow, after all those weeks, you still call by formalities. I'm hurt baby...

Y/N: W-What?! B-But-

She started to comically cry on his shoulder, wailing and screaming to say sorry like a child that was hurt. Y/N felt so embarassed at the scene that he couldn't do anything but hug her as a way to apologize.

Sage: You hurt me dear...

Y/N: I-I'm sorry..?

Sage: I may be your superior.. But that doesn't mean you'll leave me out of this.

She looked at the young man with a pouty face, comical tears rolling down her eyes... Wait, how is that even possible?

Y/N: Umm..

Sage: Because you hurt my feelings.. I will have you by myself for now~.

The metallic door perfectly timed Y/N's death wish, his face paled at the sight of it closed. And now he's stuck with another clingy Agent.. Which is one of the hottest at that.

Sage: Kiss me, that's an order.

Y/N: Y-You can't f-force me! This is rape!

Sage: You idiot! I'm doing this because I love you! Do it now or you'll face far more consequences.. That I don't mind doing it~.

Y/N feels so embarassed at the sight of his superior closing her eyes, and waits for Y/N to finish the job. It's like a mini-mission that he has to complete, and it looks like he'll regret it later.

But he won't dissapoint her, his hug pulls her closer that their bodies started to warm up at each other. Placing a gentle hand on her cheeks and kisses her sweet lips.

The two kissed for awhile and it turned into a passionate make-out session, their tounges battling for dominance and love that both of them liked very much.

Y/N wanted to rip her clothes then and there, but remembers that the both of them are at a place not suitable for a passionate night of love.

So the kiss was good enough.

The two finally stopped with a trail of saliva on their mouths. Sage has that smirk that tells a man to rip her to shreds then and there but Y/N wasn't having any of it.

Sage: Why'd you stop~..?

Y/N: Sage.. Look, I love you but. I'm not ready yet. I still have enough time to enjoy my life, and maybe we can do this when it's the right time?

Sage: But I can't wait that long~..

Y/N: Well, you better wait or there will be no kisses and hugs for you.

She whined, playfully slapping his shoulder with a sultry smile. Y/N blushed at the sight and gently caress her soft cheek, she looks like a baby that needs cuddles and Y/N is here to witness it.

Sage: I'll wait for the right time, my stormy stud~.

Y/N: Of course, my gentle angel.

They stayed in their arms for awhile, loving the affection of one another.

Time Skip

As the day passes by, night overcomes the world. Y/N was on his bed watching a horror movie. Some people think watching a scary movie at night is a horrible idea, but to Y/N, it's one of his sleeping pills.

The jumpscares weren't really that bad if you mastered the art of being a sadist. Yes, Y/N can be a sadist if he wants to and seeing people squirm out of fear makes him smile. Heh, his father really thought him well.

There was a knock on the door in which Y/N pauses the movie for now.

Y/N: Yes? Come in.

It was the German mechanic herself as she skips infront of Y/N while the door closes by itself, she has a cheeky smile that made Y/N nervous.

Y/N: I-Is there a problem Killjoy?

Killjoy: Nothing love, just wanted to see you. So what are you watching-

She stopped. Her face slightly paled at the sight, were one of her weaknesses. Horror.

Y/N: KJ? You okay?

Killjoy: N-Nothing dear..

She sat beside the young Y/N, slightly shivering at the paused movie. Y/N sees this and smirked.

Killjoy: S-So.. You like horror movies?

Y/N: Yeah, they help me relax before going to sleep.

She quickly looked at me like I was a maniac hiding in plain sight.

Killjoy: Huh?! No offense love but you're crazy. What if you get nightmares?!

Y/N: Hehe, you look so cute when your scared. It makes me wanna... Wanna..

Killjoy looked at him confused, his eyes constantly changing to his E/C to dark red. She felt a strange aura around him making her scared.

Killjoy: Y-Y/N.. Stop it! It's not funny!

He was twitching, like a doll reborn to haunt someones life. Killjoy felt like he needs some help and so she tried to snap out of his daydream but nothing was happening.

She feels her tears coming, seeing him like this isn't funny. In fact, she didn't come here for this, she just wants to be with the man she liked.

Killjoy: Y/N please.. Stop... Please...

She hugged the young agent and broke down in tears, her last resort was to calm him down and tried to get on his good side by desperately clinging to him.

She heard an amused laughter coming from Y/N, his arms hugging her waist while the laughter continued. Killjoy was confused but realized...


Killjoy: YOU JERK!

She slapped his chest but felt no pain, she wipes her face as pure tears rolled down on her cheeks.

Killjoy: Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! I-I thought there was something wrong with you! DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!

Y/N: Shh. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

She pats her head like a cute father reassuring her crying daughter. She feels way more calmer now and giggled.

Y/N: There's my cute Killjoy.

Killjoy: I hate you...

Y/N: I love you too.

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