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"Vegas, why did you choose this restaurant?" Pete asked in a low voice to Vegas who was leisurely choosing a dish from menu.

"Do you not like it here? You enjoy spicy food right? If you don't like this restaurant we can pick another."

Vegas was about to stand up but Pete pulled him back to to his seat. 

"But you can't eat spicy food."

With a quick glance at the menu, Pete knew that this place specialised in spicy dishes. Last time Vegas tasted some spicy food, he choked and froze. What was the point of pretending to be so cool with it now?

He took the menu from Vegas, then carefully asked a waiter for non-spicy dishes, then he also ordered a few more spicy dishes for himself.

"You're supposed to take care of yourself. How old are you? You are not a child anymore." 

At first, Pete was wary that Vegas would snap when he interfered with his life. However, after a few 'incidental nagging', Pete realised that Vegas didn't seem to care much. Furthermore, Pete couldn't stand that irresponsible way of living of Vegas. His stomach was weak, he slept late, his mood darkened. The longer he stayed with him, the more he discovered that Vegas had many bad habits. 

Pete never wanted to be a nag, but whenever this man ate spicy food, his stomach would ache and he wouldn't be able to sleep. He then would experience serious headache the next day due to lack of sleep, and became angry with everyone. 

Oh! Did I become a nanny?

Pete spoke for a while but eventually stopped because he was thirsty. Realizing he had been talking non-stop, he looked up to find Vegas smiling and staring at him with his head rest on his hand.

Staring at me again?

"Are you listening to me?"

How many times did he stare at Pete like that? He didn't utter a word, just kept looking like that. Did Pete get diamonds on his face or what?

"Fierce wife."

Vegas murmured and giggled to himself, satisfied because he could annoy Pete. Even though Pete couldn't hear what Vegas said, he could tell that Vegas was attempting to tease him.

"Ugh will you stop?"

Vegas's mood was cheered up when he saw him scowl. He shouldn't make him angry anymore.

Pete was so cute.

The food was served and each of them dug in their own plates. The atmosphere gradually got much peaceful and cozy.

The taste was similar to Pete's liking, hence he ate more than normal. His mood was also uplifted and it made Vegas unconsciously laugh along.

Despite his big appetite, Pete still paid attention to the laughing person in front of him. In the past, khun noo Tankhun alwasy told him that Vegas was a cold-blooded wolf who appeared to be amiable on the outside but no one could predict his mind. That was how Pete also felt. But for the last few days, when he spent more time with him, he could witness Vegas being such a child, laughing and chatty much, eager to accompany Pete to discover the island all day. Pete felt that this was indeed the real him. 

It was not too bad. He was quite cute with a pinch of innocence. 

Only then did Pete realize, maybe Vegas was not as scary as many had claimed.

Pete wanted to wander around the mall once more after his meal before heading home. 

"Wait a minute, I'm going to the bathroom." He didn't want to cope with his bladder need in the middle of the long journey to their inn.

"Okay." Vegas carried their bags, looked for a seat and waited for Pete.

Pete ran to the bathroom and tried to finish his business quickly. He then went to wash his hands. 'Ah, I really drank too much water earlier.'

Pete was about to get out of there when he abruptly heard a faint groan coming from a bathroom. 'What is this, these people can't keep it in the pants during the days.'

Pete clicked his tongue while thinking that these people were too bold to not be afraid of being heard. However, he knew he was in no place to judge their personal matter, it was best to avoid the embarrassment and get out of there. 

"Help! Help me- ahhh"

"Shut up!"

Just before Pete left, he was alertly aware of a small voice coming from inside the cubicle. He halted his steps and ducked into a corner to examine this situation. Strangely, he could pick up strong Alpha pheromone incense circulating in the air. It was so dominant like it was trying to suppress Omega. 

Pete felt a chill in his spine because he recognized the threat from that pheromone. Not long after, as expected, the door opened and 3 Alphas were dragging a defenseless Omega out. The small juvenile Omega's head was forcibly yanked back by an Alpha. He could only painfully bited his lip.

"Let me go, please. I will call my parents to bring you the ransom, please let me go."

"It's not that easy, kid. Look at you just freshly turned into an Omega, This type is being sought after and you can be sold with higher price."

What the hell? They were abducting people in broad daylight, and in a big mall? That was too stupid a plan.

Oi, this could be troublesome. 

Pete looked at the kid about the same age as Porschay - his bestfriend's brother. He couldn't think much. He pulled out a knife he always kept with him and moved forward to kick the nearest guy.

They didn't carry a gun, maybe they were just a bunch of thugs trying to be a gangster. Unexpectedly being ambushed, the other two retreated to the corner in panic after one of them was kicked to the floor. 

"Who the fuck are you?"

"I am your grandfather" - I said. 

Pete said no more after his short introduction and began kicking the bastard who was grabbing the juvenile's head, causing him to let go of the boy. Pete moved swiftly and skillfully slam the last bastard's head against the wall. He got them down in just a minute. 

Even though Pete carried a knife, he didn't want to use it unless for life or death matter. Because it was no use causing unnecessary trouble in this stranded island.

Seemed like they were determined to capture the juvenile. One of the guys got up and charged forward Pete. He carelessly got hit by him while looking out for the boy. He lost his balance but still tried to draw the younger Omega to him, making sure that these violent jerks wouldn't take advantage of him. 

"Damn it, don't be a nosy ass."

The remaining two also managed to stand up despite having bruises all over their faces. 

Pete covered his nose. These bastards' pheromone smell weird, it made people dizzy. No wonder the poor boy couldn't fight back.

"Run outside and call the police or security now, kid."

He spoke in a low voice to the boy and he nodded. Pete grabbed the chace to push him out by charging forward to keep fighting with those thugs.

"Seek for help!"  The other Omega nodded vigorously then ran out with all his might.

Now that the 'hostage' has escaped, Pete could fight better without worrying. He gathered his composure one more and prepared to fight them. He knew he couldn't flee because these bulky guys can block and catch him in no time.

No matter how bulky they were, it was a shame if the Main Family bodyguard was defeated by those thugs. 

Indeed, as soon as they noticed their prey fleeing, they faces turned dark and they rushed towards Pete immediately. Pete had the upper hand before because they were caught off-guard, but it was more challenging as time passed because he got weaker by inhaling their incense. His bodytype was not an advantage for him in this 1 vs 3 fight, all Pete could do was trying to buy time and wait for the kid to call for help.

Pete instantly seized one guy's head and struck the other man in the chest forcefully, causing him to hit the sink and spit blood. He pulled out his knife. 

"Come closer and this knife will gladly find its way to your body."

They paused in silence when they realized Pete was carrying a weapon. 

"Let's go, he has a knife." One guy broke the silence. He seemed scared and tug at the biggest guy's hand.

"Can't you smell it? He's an Omega. Replace that kid with this bitch."


"Even if we don't die now, we will still be killed by Boss if we can't bring back an Omega."  He did not think twice to sprint forward again, as if he was desperate to take Pete down. 

Pete's pulse jumped as he listened to what they had said. More and more people could find out he was an Omega, what on Earth is this?

That was a tiring endless fight. Everytime Pete pushed one out, or got one down, another one kept coming at him. Pete got hit by them a few times too, he didn't anticipate that his stamina would run out rapidly. He knew he couldn't hold on for long.

One guy ran up to Pete from behind and grip Pete's neck tightly. He wouldn't let go no matter how many stabs Pete sent his way. The other two took this chance to send a few blows to Pete, slam his hands at the wall and make him drop his knife. 


Pete attempted to wrestle out a few times be was unsuccessful since that bastard held him tight and probably trying to suffocate him. Pete gradually felt stars in his eyes, limbs weakened, and his head lighted. 

Because of your nosy ass to worry about unrelated matter that you ended up here Pete. Serve you right Pete!

He could hear quick rush of footsteps outside the door, and someone calling his name.

It was Vegas's voice!


Pete looked up with his hooded eyes only to see Vegas's silhouette. His hands clenched into fists and his whole body was trembling. 

"Vegas..." He weakly said his name. His windpipe barely worked he couldn't utter a word. 

Pete sensed the men took a step back. Looked like they were scared. 

As Vegas slowly walked towards them, Pete could not clearly see Vegas's face and the threatening aura of him. 

It was intimidating. 

Vegas had a smile on his face, but anyone could see how icy his eyes were. Even thought Pete knew that this was Vegas, he couldn't help but swallow hard.

So this was the Vegas that Khun Tankhun and Khun Kinn had mentioned. 

The devilish Vegas.

The expression on his face became madder and madder with each stride he took. There was no sign of the cheerful and carefree person Pete saw in the past few days, only rage and gloom remained. He carefully removed the bracelet bought with Pete and put it in his pocket. 

The Alphas gang were shaking. One of them took the chance to hit aimlessly at Vegas, as if to quickly get rid of him and run away. Just was he was about to punch Vegas, he was swiftly whisked away. The only sounds in that room at that point was the the sounds of bones being broken and screams. 

Pete guessed that the man's hand bones were shattered.

The other two saw their friend lying on the floor groaning with pale faces. They released Pete with the intention of escaping.

"Haha" Vegas laughed, but it only sent chills to them. 

He wouldn't let anyone leave this place unpunished. 

Vegas grabbed them with both hands in a snap. One hand held one person's neck and the other hand continued to bang the latter's head against the wall. 

"How dare you? HOW DARE YOU?"

Every word spoken was accompanied by a loud head banging against the wall. It was as if the guy didn't answer, Vegas would keep punching his head.

"Damn it! Say it. Why don't you talk now? Huh? How dare you?"

He wanted to spend the rest of his life protecting the person he believed to be his only source of light, and look what they did to him. He was hurt. How dare they? Fuck them.

Vegas continued to slam their heads against the walls while repeating the same question in rage. 

All he got was grunts and pain-writhing. The blood from their heads gradually stained the wall and dripped down Vegas's hands.

After struggling to breathe for a while, Pete could stand up and walk towards Vegas to grab his sleeve.

"Don't...[cough]... don't kill anyone here; we'll be in trouble."

Vegas still didn't stop his wrath. Only by standing close did Pete realize the emptiness in Vegas's eyes.

"Vegas? It's Pete. Can you hear me? Vegas!"

Pete rubbed his back in circle, called his name over and over in an effort to get his attention to him.


Vegas slowed down his movement before releasing the two thugs. He turned to Pete. Pete noticed his response and immediately reacted:

"Yes, it's me, it's Pete."

"Wait a minute. My hands are dirty."

Vegas walked to the sink and washed his blood-stained hands, then he turned to him again.

Pete approached Vegas after noticing that he had only cleansed his hands and not the blood on his face. Pete instantly started his little laugh as he took his almost menacing face in his hands:

"You forgot to wash your face."

He wiped the spurt of blood on Vegas's face and washed his own hands afterwards. 

"Pete, are you smiling at me?"

Vegas kept looking at the smile on Pete's lips, not bother to conceal his smitten feelings. 

After so many days, Pete finally smiled brightly at him.

There are people with such beautiful smile like this in the world?

Pete observed the sadness and fury slowly leaving Vegas's eyes, and another soft emotion took their place. 

This was the Vegas he knew since they arrived on this island.

Pete grinned even wider and squish Vegas's face between his hands. "Yes, I am smiling with you. I'll smile to you more if you piggyback me back."

He didn't feel the pain earlier because he was breathless, but now it seemed like his leg was injured. 


Vegas squatted down low for him to clamber up, then they both left this bloody filthy place.

Leaning on Vegas's back, Pete felt at ease. This person appeared to be willing to fulfill all of his requests and give it his all. No one would have pampered him to this extent except for his grandparents. 

Although he trusted a lot of people, family and friends, he has not entirely relied on any individual.

He was deeply moved when Vegas showed up to rescue him. He was truly ready to be taken away or killed, but he was not expecting to see Vegas. 

Feelings were a strange thing. It was like a faucet. When it was closed, not even a drop was leaked. But when you turn it, it would surge like high tide. 

Like how they were affecting his heart now. 

Okay, let's consider giving yourself a chance Pete.

Although there were many things about him that Pete didn't know, Pete was confident that he would not hurt him. And that was enough.

The cops showed up as soon as the two had left. While still in disbelief, they took 3 of them onto an ambulance and drove straight to the hospital before bringing them to the police station for statements. 

Vegas and Pete didn't know that someone was watching their every move closely.

End #7

Translator note: You can visit Light11071303's original story and vote up there as well :)

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