Chapter 10- The Scythe of Earth

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Now I could consider this a filler chapter, but it's pretty short so..

Until I fix my program, as I'm trying to balance my school, art, writing and sleep schedule, I may post a bit late or post chapters shorter than usual.

Why does Easter have to come so late his year?! I need some time off so badly..

Yeah, enough of me complaining, let's continue!

"Why are we here again?" Cole asked, pointing at the enormous cave that stood in front of them.

"To get your Scythe. Duh." Nya rolled her eyes. "It looks like there are a few paths we can take. But then again, who knows what kind of hell is waiting for us in there."

"I say we split up. There are four paths. Nya, Lloyd. It's better if you stay outside." Kai continued as the two nodded. "I'm going this way. Zane, you can go in the middle one. Jay, Cole, you go to the side ones." He pointed at each path.

"We're probably going to die." Jay nervously chuckled. "I mean, what could possibly go wrong? Get eaten by a rock dragon? Or maybe drown in quick sand? What about-" He slowly started to freak out -or more like lose his sanity- before Zane -literally- silenced him.

"What the heck is that?" Cole looked over at Jay who was trying to speak though not a single noise came out of his mouth. He then glanced at his arm, noticing a small device on it.

"My father used to prank people he didn't like with this. This device is able to change a person's voice tone, language and even volume. I thought it might be helpful for the situation." Zane sheepishly smiled as the others laughed.

The others eventually went into each path, while Lloyd and Nya stayed outside, chatting.

"Do you think they left us here because we're the youngest?" Lloyd sighed, looking over at Nya.

"Well you know how they are, one day they want to protect you, another day you're the one protecting them." She chuckled, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It may seem like they're being overprotective, but it's for our own good." She continued, letting out a sigh.

"Fine, mom.." Lloyd narrowed his eyes.

"That's my boy." She chuckled, patting her friend's head.


Zane walked further into the long path, as he saw nothing but darkness. Well, at least having a head that is able to glow came pretty useful in this situation. He walked further until he saw a pile of large rocks blocking the way. He tried freezing them although his power wasn't strong enough to completely break them. 'Strange..' He thought, starting to head back towards the exit.

He was almost back at the entrance of the cave system, as the voices of Lloyd and Nya were getting louder and clearer with every step he took. Suddenly, he heard a strange noise. He looked up to see the roof of the cave shake. Before he knew it, sharp rocks started to fall down as one of them barely missed him. He ran as fast as he could, before finally getting out, just in time. He quickly looked back at the path, whose entrance was now blocked by the large boulders.

"Are you okay?!" Lloyd gasped, helping him up.

"No need to worry, it's just a small cut." He quickly reassured his friends, giving them a small smile. Just then, another figure covered in mud and dirt ran into them, returning from one of the other paths. And they looked angry.

"Jay?" Nya raised a brow. "Zane, you can turn the device off now." Zane nodded, removing the small metal device from the brunet's arm. He took a deep breath before finally snapping.


"Well, talk less and you might get a chance next time." Lloyd smirked, as they sat down, waiting for Kai and Cole. "Gee, thanks for the sympathy.." He muttered.


"Okay Kai, come on. The dragon must be somewhere in here." Kai muttered to himself, walking further into the path. He didn't see anything though. A few moments later, he saw a small shiny rock on the ground. He picked it up, before returning back. He saw the others who looked like a mess, covered in dirt, mud and even having a few cuts here and there.

"Hey?" He gave them a concerned look, turning his attention to him.

"Let me guess. Nothing happened to you, huh?" Lloyd smiled.

"Yup. I found this thing though." He opened his fist to see what that shiny rock he found was. As it turned out, it wasn't a rock. It was a scale. A shiny, purple scale. The siblings both gasped.

"You don't think.." Nya looked at her brother. "Possibly.."

"Um, what's exactly happening?" Jay whispered to Zane, who raised his shoulders.

"He can't be here. But we have to keep an eye for him, okay?" Kai ordered as the other nodded.


"Easy there boy.. easy now.. I don't want to hurt you." Cole's voice trembled, trying to confront the dragon that stood in front of him. He seemed like he had calmed down, before he waved his tale around, knocking Cole to the ground. "Where the heck are the others when you need them?!" He stood up, barely dodging the dragon's next attack.

"Yeah Cole, great thinking coming here without a weapon." He whispered to himself. The dragon charged towards him, as he backed away just in time. The creature crashed onto the wall, breaking it into pieces. A small hole opened from the other side, with water pouring into the ground. 'Damn it..' Cole thought. 'I need to find that Scythe.. Quickly.'.

Cole examined the dragon, noticing a small shine come from its back. 'Oh great..' That was the Scythe buried on the dragon's back. He tried to climb up the walls, jumping on top of its back. The dragon's eyes immediately widened, as he started to fly around, crashing onto the walls.

"I'm doing this for your own good, Rocky!" Cole slightly snapped, trying to pull out that darn weapon off the creature's back. He finally managed to pull it out, just before the creature sent him flying straight into the wall, causing him to black out.

"What-what happened?" Cole wondered, waking up just to see the large creature staring at him.

The moment he woke up, the creature ran to him, snuggling its head against Cole's body. The dragon looked different, as it had been tamed by the young man. Cole looked at the Scythe in his hand and smiled. "Love you too, Rocky." The dragon lowered down his wing for him to climb up. It flew out of the cave breaking its roof as he flew back to the others.

The others' reactions were mixed. It was mainly chuckles and cheering, with some face palms here and there. Rocky dropped Cole off before flying away, just like the other two dragons. "Well, at least you got the Scythe." Jay chuckled, raising his shoulders.

"Guess I did.." Cole laughed. "I think it's best we get going now. It's going to be night time soon."

"Agreed." The others sighed as they went on their way.

As I said, chapters are going to be a bit shorter or even delayed for a little while. Sleep is a bit more important than anyhting else so.. Sorry ;-;.

C ya!

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