Chapter 9- The (n)iciest friend

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I'm sorry.. I'm addicted to puns. It's slowly becoming an illness. But I enjoy it so much.. XD

Yeah, at least the whole team is finally getting together! I hope I do well with Zane!

Third POV

"Holy Underworld, they're everywhere!" (I was so tempted to put holy Jaya instead XD) Lloyd looked back at the entrance, to see the place filled with policemen. They were running as fast as they could to get out of the crime scene, not only to avoid the police, but the Sons of Garmadon as well. They could be following them right now without them even realizing.

"We know, but I think escaping from them is a bigger priority right now!" Cole said, leading the others behind a nearby building.

"Well, what do you care about?! You're not the one who's going to prison!" Kai snapped.

"I'm doing this for you two, you know!" He glared at the siblings who gave each other a confused glance. "A mysterious lady has been working the police and it is said that everyone who goes there always ends up admitting their crimes! I don't even want to know what cruel things she does to them. She probably brainwashes them, or tricks them into admitting their crimes. Either way, she is a tough nut for her age."

"Uh-huh.. Well then, let's get out of here!" Nya pointed at the police coming towards their hiding spot.

"We can hide in my house for now, just be quick!" They all ran, Cole leading the way towards the small apartment he lived in. They luckily got away just in time, before the men could point their flashlights towards them. Even though they heard the noise of them leaving, they didn't think much of it and didn't bother to investigate.

They managed to make it to the city center, with just enough time to get back to Cole's apartment. They decided staying there for the night was the best choice for now, as they could leave in the morning in search of the other weapons.

They rushed to get inside, locking the door behind them, finally taking some deep breaths. "Do-we have to b-e chased every- day?" Jay said between breaths, as they all finally sat down.

"Relax, we'll just get out of the city, grab the weapons and then go back to my uncle, I guess." Lloyd raised his shoulders.

"I guess we'll go change and stay here for the night." Kai sighed, going back to the small bedroom down the hall.

"You might want to go with him." Nya pointed towards him. "He hasn't slept somewhere comfortable in years, so I don't think waking him up would be easy if he falls asleep. He isn't the lightest sleeper."

"I can still hear you!" Her brother shouted from the other room, making her narrow her eyes.

"Well, I've got some video games, I think that's enough for us to survive the night." Cole smirked, pulling out a drawer full of video games. It had the classics, like Ninja Kart, Fist Fight, Super Ninja Siblings, Legend of Jaya: A Reverse in Time, etc.

"Or.. We could get a healthy sleep schedule?" Lloyd sheepishly smiled, nudging Cole's shoulder.

"Are we sure this kid's gone through puberty?" Cole worriedly whispered at the others, who held back a laugh.

After they all got changed into their sleepwear, some of them decided to stay awake, while others just didn't want to deal with it and decided to sleep, whether it was on the couch, bed or floor.

"I missed playing video games with you so much, Soprano buddy." Cole teased.

"Yeah.. A lot of things have changed. It's really a shame we lost touch so many years ago.." Jay sighed as he gave his best friend a slight smile.

"Yeah.. You met a boy that made us discover we are destined to save the world, you fell in love~ and can pretty much control lightning."

"Yes, maybe and yes." Jay chuckled, making finger guns at his best friend.
He sighed at the second statement, looking back at the ravenette, who was peacefully sleeping on one of the couches, next to the others. 'Maybe Cole is right.. But then again, the other person has to actually like you back..'

"Earth to Jay? I said it's about time we go to sleep as well." Cole waved over his face to make him snap out of it. Jay just nodded as they decided to sleep on the floor. There was an awkward silence, as they were both deep in thought. For different reasons, but just as important to the two of them.
They eventually closed their eyes, falling into a deep sleep.


"It's s-so c-cold.." Lloyd stuttered a bit, hugging his body. The next morning had come and with not many people or policemen around, they had managed to get out of the city quite easily. Well, very easily. They were now trying to get to the other side of a steep mountain and it wasn't easy. Yeah, climbing it was pretty tiring, but even getting to the top and crossing the path to the other side was harder.

"I k-know. But we'll get t-there s-soon, okay?" Cole reassured him.

They walked a bit further, before noticing a strange figure in the distance. They were collecting tree logs and chopping them up with a small axe. What surprised them though, was their apparel. They was just wearing a white shirt with white pants and shoes. But he didn't even seem to feel cold in the slightest.

"Um.. Who's t-that guy?" Kai pointed at the stranger. "Hey! Excuse me?" He walked towards the boy, trying to get his attention. He finally walked up to him, making him turn around. He had icy blue eyes, that felt like they were almost glowing, along with pale blond hair. He looked at Kai and smiled, giving him a small wave.

"Hello friend! I am Zane. I am built to protect those who cannot protect themselves." He introduced himself, leaving the others confused.

"Um, built?" Cole whispered to the others, though he was loud enough for Zane to hear him. "Yes, I was indeed built by my father. Even though you all seem to be in horrible condition. Follow me, please." The others looked at each other. Well, they were indeed pretty unprepared and almost freezing to death, so they wouldn't mind some warmth.

They nodded and followed him for a little while, until they finally arrived in a small cabin. He led them inside, where the place had a rather nice atmosphere. Apart from it being a bit messy, with metal parts and bolts scattered everywhere, the place was well lit and warm. A man soon came out of the next room, slightly gasping seeing the team.

"Zane? Who are these people?" He asked him, pointing at the others.
"I sadly do not recognize them, but I found them in the woods. They look like they need help." He informed him as his what they assumed father nodded.

"Ahem. Excuse my manners. I'm Dr. Julien. You may stay here for as long as you'd like. We always accept guests." He smiled, as he started showing them around the house.

"And this is my workshop. It's where I created lots of things I'm proud of, my best one being my own son, Zane." He slightly chuckled, as the others looked at them room in awe. Julien then noticed that Jay looked like he was fanboying inside. Which he was..

"A fan of technology, I assume?" He put a hand over his shoulder, making him jump. "Oh um, yes, of course! You created a living robot with emotions and you're not showing it to the world? How?!" He excitedly said.

"It's for his own safety. I used to work in a lighthouse, but, people soon found it and it wasn't easy keeping my inventions hidden. I just want him to be safe. I'll die someday and I want him to be prepared." He sighed, lowering his head. Jay quickly went to apologize, before the man's lips curbed into a smile. "You can use the workshop anytime you like."

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly. Zane and Dr. Julien were two caring people. Although Zane's a robot he was like any other person, just a more mature one. Being around him felt normal, as they completely ignored that small detail about him. He was a great guy, but he could fight as well, as Julien programmed him to know many stuff. He was amazing at cooking, fighting and especially chess. He was unbeatable.

"I hope you're enjoying your stay here." Dr. Julien smiled, serving them dinner. "You're being too kind to us. We'll have to leave tonight anyways." Nya thanked him.

"It's a shame that you're leaving so soon. I really enjoyed your company." Lloyd could see the sadness in Zane's voice. They were the only company close to his age he ever had, after all.

"We can go for a walk after dinner, if you want." Lloyd smiled. "I'd like that." He smiled back.

After they said their goodbyes with Dr.Julien, they went on their way, though Zane was going to have to go back at some point. They walked through the snow for about 20 minutes, before finally stopping.

"Okay, how about we take you home now Zane? We've got to get going anyways."

"Uh, Zane?" Kai looked at him concerned, as he hadn't stopped walking.

"What happened to him? Did something with his programming go wrong or something?" Nya said as the others followed him, even further into the dead forest.

"It can't be that. Zane! Hello?" They then noticed that he was heading towards a small ravine. And he didn't seem like stopping.

"Do you see it as well?" A falcon was just flying by, leaving them confused. Though as they were looking up at the sky they didn't realize how close to the edge of the ravine they all were.

"What does a falcon have to do with- Woah!" Cole almost fell, as the others managed to bring him up.

Zane had suddenly stopped, as he started to climb down towards the bottom of the ravine. "What are you doing?! Zane!" Kai shouted, as they tried to climb down with him. After almost falling a couple of times, they finally made it to the bottom, which was slippery by itself.

The blond continued walking while the others curiously followed him. He entered one of the many caves inside the ravine, each one having walls and floors of ice. Keeping your balance was pretty hard, but they eventually got used to it.

After a few minutes, he walked to a path which led to a huge opening in the middle of these caves. In the middle of it was a high rock. On top of it stood a pair of silver shurikens, which looked as sharp as ice. Well, what was guarding them was much more dangerous. A dragon similar to the previous one, though his energy- like skin was made of ice and snow. It's blue eyes were glowing as they gazed around the area.

"W-wait. Dragons exist?!" Cole gulped as he pulled Zane behind a huge pile of snow, where the others were hiding. "Y-you sure didn't lie!"

"This is isn't possible! The map doesn't say anything about the Shurikens being here!" Lloyd trembled.

"Wait. The dragon becomes tamed if the rightful master of ice grabs the Shurikens." Jay thought for a bit. "Yeah, we're screwed.." He slightly panicked.

"Well, we can't leave without it noticing us, especially with a broken robot in our hands." Nya sighed, pulling some weapons out of Kai's backpack.

"Here. We'll need them if we want to at least weaken it. You just use your powers." She handed them out to everyone except Jay.

"Wait. Where's Zane?!" Kai panicked, as they all looked over at Zane who just got the dragon's attention.

"He's going to kill himself! Come on! Let's protect him!" Lloyd commanded as they jumped into battle.

"Hey! Over here!" Lloyd shouted, shifting the dragon's attention to him. It lifted its wings and rose up, as the space was high enough to allow it to fly.

Nya went to attack it from behind, by throwing some daggers at it, though it missed. The dragon turned towards her, ready to shoot a beam of ice at her.

"I could really use some help right now!" She glanced at Cole, who was still hiding from the creature. "Okay, you can do this Cole.." He reassured himself.

The dragon attacked Nya, who barely managed avoid it. Jay and Cole eventually came into the scene, as they tried to help her take it down.

"Zane! Wake up already!" Kai and Lloyd tried to hold him back, but it seemed like it was going towards the Shurikens. He got too strong for them, as the two boys fell down, allowing him to continue. The dragons attention suddenly turned to him and he looked angry.

"I'm not losing another one." Kai growled as he pulled the creature's tale, only for it to fly up higher leaving him hanging onto it.

"Kai!" Nya gasped. Zane was getting closer to the weapon, just like the dragon. The rest tried to hold it back, long enough for Zane to get out of there.

"No, no, Zane!" Cole shouted as Zane grabbed the Shurikens. But the opposite results occurred. The dragon calmed down, as it lied down on the cold icy ground.

"Wait.. That means Zane's the Master of Ice!" They all ran over to him. "Are you okay buddy?" They stood over his unconscious body, waiting for a response.

"I-I think so.." He weakly got up. "W-what happened?" He enquired.

"Well, you're the Master of Ice!" Jay excitedly glances at his hand, who had ice particles and snowflakes coming out of it.

"I-I do not quite understand-" He was cut off by a loud sound. The now tamed dragon had already flown off to the distance, as they were barely able to see his tamed form, although it was similar to Wisp.

"Do they always do that?" Cole questioned. "Yep." Lloyd chuckled.

"Shard.." Zane chuckled, smiling at the newly tamed creature.

"We'd better go home.. You can out the Shurikens in here along with the Nunchuks." Kai opened his backpack, putting the Zane's Shurikens in.


"I knew this was going to happen someday." Dr. Julien chuckled as his eyes started to get puffier. "I'm sorry you'll have to go. But it's for the best."

"Father.." Zane pulled him into a tight hug. "It's okay.. Stay strong, okay? That's why I built you, after all.."

"To protect those who can't protect themselves.."

"We are sorry this has to happen.." Lloyd sighed, placing a hand on Dr. Julien's shoulder.

"It needed to happen. These may be my final days. It's better if he's not here. Just, take care of him, okay?" He slightly whispered.

"We will." He gave him a reassuring smile, before leaving along with the others.

"It had to happen, didn't it?" Zane glanced at his hand and sighed.

"Yes.. We may not have the Scythe of Earth. And although we have the Shurikens, having you is the best thing of all." Jay sheepishly smiled at him.

"Thank you for your kindness." Zane grinned. "Are we going to find the Scythe of Earth now?"

"Of course. We need to get the weapons, to combine them into that sword and defeat Garmadon." Nya said to him.

They kept walking for so long, until they finally reached the other side of the mountain. Now all they had to do was find that cave. Easy, right? Well, when someone is following you, things are never easy.

I posted a bit late this week! But at least I posted! And yes, I changed the location again!

Who is this stalker? Will he appear again? Will I stop asking rhetorical questions?

C ya!

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