Chapter 17- Finding Out

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Changed some locations again :P


Third POV

Night time had fallen by now. Everyone was sleeping.

"Nya? Do you hear me?" She heard a familiar voice call out to her.

He would have expected her to at least gasp, but she just sat up and groaned, rubbing her forehead.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm up.." She sat up, trying to lazily fix her bedhead.

"Did you seriously sleep in your armor?" Kai face palmed, pulling up his gi's mask.

"Let's just go.. We have to hurry before they wake up." She said, opening her bedroom's window. "After you."

They both got out and tried to sneak their way towards the stables. To their surprise, all the dragons were wide awake. They tried to approach each one of them but they wouldn't listen.

"Ugh, what do we do now?" Nya groaned.

"Come on, we'll find another way." Kai dragged her over as they exited the monastery. "We'll have to go to the junkyard to look for any soldiers.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at Jamanakai. Everyone was sleeping, of course. They looked around for something to use in order to make their way towards the junkyard. But they had to be quiet. People recognized them there.

They were about to give up, when they went by one of the houses. Well, it looked more like a newly opened shop, to be honest. In front of it was a helicopter like vehicle. It looked fast enough to get them there in time, so they were left with no other choice.

"Do you even know how to drive that?" Nya said, whispering at her brother.

"Come on, how hard can it be?" He said, pressing one of the buttons. They immediately launched up in the air. They luckily kept their balance and managed to stay on the vehicle, barely falling off.

"Know how to drive that, huh?" She glared at him. After a few minutes, they managed to do the basics, like move in different directions and such.

"Don't press any other button okay?" Kai demanded. "We will arrive there in no time." He started to speed up the vehicle, going full speed.

About half way through, they stumbled across a forest. They recognized it as the same forest they had stayed in when they first joined Lloyd and Jay. The trees were extremely tall, they couldn't get past them.

"We'll.. just have to go through them, I guess." He tried to slow it down, while making a sharp turn. They both tripped over and accidentally pressed one of the buttons. The vehicle suddenly stopped. 'Oh no.'

They screamed as they fell through the vines and branches of the enormous trees. Boy, were they lucky the inside was shielded by a window, or else they would be dead meat by now.

They landed on the ground, barely making it alive. They opened whatever was left of the vehicle's window as they got out. In front of them stood a large temple, which was in the center of a lake filled with hot boiling water. They looked at the building in confusion, as they tried to get up.

"What is this..? How did we not see this before?" Nya stared at it in awe, before being pulled back by Kai.

"Shh.. It's one of these soldiers.." They both silently watched as two of them went past them. They looked like they were heading towards the temple, as they were carrying metal pieces. A bridge appeared, letting them head inside.

"This is our chance!" They both ran quickly towards them, pushing them into the lake. They rushed to get in, hiding in a corner. They luckily couldn't see any guards around, so they should be safe for now. They both felt someone creep up behind them. They knew someone had followed them. But they pretended not to notice. They peeked around the corner to see what all of this mess was about.

They loudly gasped, but managed to hide quickly before anyone could notice them. All the soldiers had gathered in the center. Most of them were helping build a metal machine that stood behind in another room. One of them stood in the center next to a blue and red two headed dragon, which was chained to the wall. It was pouting and trying to escape. They went to spy on them once again after hearing someone yelling.

"Idiotsss! We are never going to get thiss thing done with you messssing around!" The voice belonged to a female who didn't wear a helmet, unlike the rest. She yelled at three of the soldiers. They all backed off like a scared animal. Weird.

Another two came in, holding two people, who looked furious, yet they didn't resist the soldiers' grasp. One soldier made some weird expressions and hissing noises, though the female seemed to understand. I guess Jay's predictions were true, they couldn't speak. It was like they were being controlled by her.

"Jusst put them here!" She hissed and pointed over to a large cage. "We'll get rid of them later." A smirk formed her lips as the soldiers hissed back and locked them in.

"Come on, we've got to-!" Nya gasped when one of the soldiers covered her mouth. Another one grabbed Kai as well, dragging them both towards her.

"Ah, what do we have here?" She walked closer towards them. The siblings were desperately trying to get out of the soldiers' grip, with no result.

Kai tried to search his pockets to find something useful. 'Bingo.'

"Nya! Get the others!" He yelled, throwing a dagger at one of the soldiers, causing him to lose his grip over Nya.

She ran towards the exit, before one of them caught up to her, picking her up.

"Let me go you vermillion snake!" She tried to hit him as hard as she could. He wasn't affected and just put her back down next to Kai.

"Ah, smart girl. You guesssed our name. Then you're going to have no problem guessing mine. Makia." She sarcastically bowed, getting closer and closer to them.

"I wonder what I'll do with you.." She smirked, pulling out a long sword.

"Let them go this instant!" One of the two people in the cage demanded.

"Oh? And who is going to ssstop uss?" She gave an almost psychotic look at them.

"Their parents are." They both tried to stand up. Fire came out of the man's hands, while water was coming out of the woman's. They looked weak.

The siblings loudly gasped. "Oh, so you're related huh?" Makia laughed. "Take her to the machine." She pointed at Nya, as the vermillion obeyed.

"Thisss is going to be interessting."

I know, short chapter. Let's just say that in one or two chapters you're going to be pissed of by the new 'addition' to the team.

Also, yes, I did the s. I like to think that Pythor has less s in his speech because he's been around humans more :).

As always,

C ya!

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