Chapter 27- Undercover Heartbreaks

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Hey~! So, this is where the real action starts, as I like to say. The finale of this subplot will finish in the next chapter! And boy, have I prepared some extra fluff for y'all!

Also, some angst in this chapter. Because I love you :).

Anyways, onto the story!

Third POV

Nya slowly opened her eyes, her vision still feeling blurry and dim. She sat up, rubbing her forehead. 'What in the Underworld happened?' She muttered to herself.

She suddenly heard a loud creak. It didn't take her long to realize that it was the sound of the wooden door opening.

"Delara? Are you in here?" That familiar voice echoed in her ears, recognizing the unique accent and tone of it.

She flinched. She remembered. She remembered what had happened, what she was doing here.

"Nadakhan!" She yelled. The lights opened, slightly flickering before lighting up the room.

"Nya?" The djin approached her, recognizing her voice. "What- what are you doing here?" He questioned, obvious confusion in his voice.

"What do you mean what am I doing here?" She stood up, slightly dizzy.

"You left with your friends a few hours ago. It was an emergency from your teacher, as you said." He stated. "And what are you exactly wearing?"

Nya looked down at her clothes, blushing a bit from embarrassment. The clothes she was wearing weren't hers. Instead, the rather revealing clothes belonged to another female pirate.

Realizing what had happened, she hugged her body, chills running down her spine. "Look." She gulped, as she turned to face Nadakhan. "The one who left wasn't me. And I need to stop her."

"You mean-"

"Yes, Delara." Nya sighed. Nadakhan, who was about to question the obvious, got interrupted by her. "She said something about fixing the Realm Crystal. Something about your realm."

She tried to recall the events from before, only to be met with blurry images and muffled sounds on her head. The only thing she remembered was that.

"Why would she do this..?" Nadakhan sighed.

Nya placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know this is tough for you, but I need you to tell me everything you know."

Nadakhan looked at Nya, giving her a reassuring smile. "I'm afraid that she might use your friends' powers to repair the Crystal. But even that can't hold it for long." He said, making Nya's eyes widen in shock. "I made a promise before our marriage, that we were going to rule over Djinjago one day. After there was no way back, I was hoping she would have forgotten about it after so many years. I guess she hasn't." He lowered his head, looking at the floor.

"I'll make sure she gets her lesson." Nya muttered, venom in her voice.

"No, please. Just try not to bring any harm to her." He pleaded.

Nya did feel sorry for him, but she couldn't go unpunished. It was too early for that to be bothering her now though. "Can I at least help you? Grant some wishes?"

"No, it's fine. You remember what happened the last time you granted wishes. I can do this." She said, giving him a reassuring smile.

He let out a sigh of disappointment at first but soon came around, returning the smile. He went towards one of the room's drawers, taking out an eyepatch.

"You might need this." Said he, putting it on the water ninja's hand.

Nya, confused, placed a hand over her eye, feeling a tiny sting from the scratches she had gained.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." She said, waving her hand dismissively.

"No, take it. It's the least I can do."

Nya nodded, putting it over her right eye. Even though it didn't hurt that much, it certainly did help her.

"Well, I'm pretty sure she took Reef. Mind helping me out on this one?" A smirked formed her lips.

"Anything for my adopted troublemaker." Nadakhan laughed. "We have some spare boats near the sore. You'll get to Stiix in no time." He said. "You sure you can make it out there?"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. It'll only take me a day or two to get back to the Monastery. It should be just enough time for the others to notice. At least I hope so.." She sighed, before pulling the pirate into a tight hug.

"Give the others a hug for me." She said.

"I will." He grinned, pulling away. "Now go save your friends. They need you."


"So what name do you think suits us the best? Nyjay or Jaya?" Jay dreamingly sighed, brushing his dragon's back. Wisp rolled her eyes and sighed. Even she had got tired of her owner's constant blabbering.

"Jaya, at least you can pronounce it." A voice beamed behind him, making Jay jump.

He turned around to see none other than Kai raising his brows, a bored look on his face.

"Oh! Kai! Didn't expect to see you here!" Jay nervously said, a bit louder than he wanted to.

"Jay, we live here."

An awkward silence followed before Jay broke it. "So.. How much of this did you hear?"

"Enough for me to feel sorry for you." Kai sighed. "I also learned more details about my sister's eyes than I knew I needed."

Jay felt his face heat up. He placed the brush aside, discreetly power walking outside the stables. Kai grabbed his shoulder, stopping him dead in his track.

"If you're going to ask her, ask her now."

"Wait- You're fine with it?! And isn't this a bit.. Sudden?!" Jay exclaimed, his eyes widening.

"As long as you don't get past the first base, yes." Kai's tone changed to an overprotective one. "Well, it's about time you asked her anyways. And don't worry about our parents. I'll make them approve."

"Now go get her. And be smooth, okay? No stuttering on my watch."

"W-Will do!" Jay stuttered, as he started running towards the inside.

"What did I just say?" Kai yelled loud enough for him to hear.

"Sorry!" He ran even faster.

Once he arrived at the entrance, he stopped, seeing some bushes near the outside area. He smiled, walking towards them. He picked a small red rose from one of them, holding it close to him.

Entering the Monastery, he made sure nobody else saw him. He didn't want his only chance to be ruined, after all. Sneaking past the training area, he managed to make his way towards the bedrooms.

Standing in front of the water ninja's door, he was still unsure of his decision. With his hands slightly trembling, it took a lot of courage to even knock on the door. And when the voice from the other side spoke, he almost froze.

"What is it?" It was difficult for him to get used to 'Nya's' voice, as he almost mistook her for somebody else. Her voice was a bit off though, its tone being more annoyed and bitter than usual.

"Um, Nya? Are you in there?" He questioned, immediately facepalming afterward.

The door opened, showing the water ninja still dressed in her gi. "No, I obviously got replaced by a doppelganger." She rolled her eyes, only making Jay more nervous. "What do you want?"

"W-well, I was wondering.." He bit his lip, offering the rose to her. "I was wondering if you'd like to, um, to go on a date..?" He hesitated to finish the sentence, hiding his red face.

To his disappointment, the bothered look on her face still remained. Then, she said something that made his heart break. "No." She said.

She looked up at her, his eyes widening. "W-what?"

"I said no, okay? Calm down, it wasn't that harsh." She rolled her eyes.

Jay gulped, trying to hold back tears. "O-oh, yeah... I-I understand." He said, looking down at his feet.

"Come on, don't be such a crybaby about it." 'Nya' teased.

Jay wiped his eyes, trying his hardest not to let tears stream down his face. Panicked, he ran away, dropping the flower on his way.

"Now that's something she never told me about.." Delara smirked. "Killing two birds with one stone it is then."

She exited Nya's room, but not before taking the broken pieces of the Realm Crystal with her, as she had previously stored them in a small box.

Heading towards the training area, she noticed that the blue ninja was missing. Sensei Wu was also not around, only making her more suspicious.

"Hey guys." She said, making the others turn towards her. "Where's Sensei?"

"He is sleeping at the moment. It was a tiring day for him, after all." Zane stated, an innocent smile on his face. "What do you need him for?"

"Oh, nothing. Just wanted to let you know the news."

"What news?" Cole wondered, entering the conversation.

"This news." She smirked, opening the box. The others looked at her confused, as if she was crazy.

"I got Delara to give me the pieces of the Realm Crystal. And instructions to repair it."

"That's great N!" Kai beamed in and hugged her. "We can finally follow the plan!"

Delara gently pushed him aside, a hint of disgust on her face. "Yeah.."

"I'm going to have to get used to being a ghost, huh?" Cole sighed, but still maintained a smile on his face.

"And we'll be right there to support you, my friend!" Zane added, earning a hug from Cole.

Right at that moment, another person walked into the court. It was Jay, still looking at the ground.

"Woah, what happened to you?" Cole said. The blue ninja's eyes were red from crying and his hair was a mess. But he didn't seem to pay attention to them. "Earth to Jay! Are you there?"

"Hm? Yeah, I'm fine.." He said, snapping back to reality.

"Are you sure you're fine? You don't seem to be-"

"I said I'm fine! Let's just train already." He snapped, interrupting Zane.

"Alright then. Let's begin.." Zane sighed, looking back at the others.

The rest nodded, as they began to form pairs. They agreed that sparring would with their powers would be the best choice, but changed their mind once 'Nya' convinced them otherwise. "We shouldn't be dependant on our powers" she said.

The pairings were set, and much to Jay's demise, he had been paired with 'Nya'. To make matters even worse, she suggested they should go first. They stood in front of each other, taking their positions.

"Ready?" She smirked. Jay remained silent, facing her. Then he noticed something.

Her chocolate brown eyes. They seemed different. They weren't the natural color he always loved. They weren't real. Both literally and metaphorically. Something was wrong here-

"Heads up!" She exclaimed. Jay wasn't quick enough to react, making her fist collide with his face in a matter of seconds. He fell to the ground, squinting his eyes from the pain.

He looked up at her, and not a moment later she threw another punch at him. And another. And another. Up until the point were he was cornered to the wall.

"Come on, is this all you've got?" She said, a tone of rage taking over her voice.

"Alright, that's enough!" She felt someone grab her arms, noticing Kai and Cole pulling her away from him.

Zane rushed to Jay's aid, noticing his face full of scratches. It was so bad that he couldn't help but notice her bruising his right eye.

"How will he learn to fight if he doesn't know what pain means?!" She said, soon managing to get out of the guys' tight grip.

"What the heck's gotten into you?!" Kai snapped.

"Ambition, that's what! If you want to complete our stupid plan, then you better follow me." She yelled back. "I'll be going whether you come or not. It's either him or Ninjago." She stormed out of the area, heading towards the bedrooms.

"I'll go have a talk with her. You take care of Jay." Kai growled.


"Hey." Cole said, leaning against the door.

He had entered Jay's room with Zane, a look of concern on his face.

"Hey.." Jay sighed.

"We brought you some ice. For the eye." Zane pointed at his right eye, showing Jay the ice in his hand.

Jay grabbed it, placing it above his injured eye. A silence followed.

"Kai told us about earlier. She rejected you, didn't she?" Cole sighed, him and Zane placing a hand on Jay's shoulder.

Jay jolted up from his bed. "You know what? Screw this. You guys can go alone." He snapped, his tone turning more serious.

"You can't stay like this forever." Zane advised him.

"I didn't think she was that heartless. I get if she wanted to reject me, but why so coldly?" He buried his head in his hands, bursting down to tears.

"Come on, buddy. There's plenty of fish in the sea." Cole tried to cheer him up.

"But she is the sea! She keeps all those other fish alive.. What am I going to do without her?"

"Okay, now you're being a little dramatic." Cole said.

"I think you should rest for now. I suggest you don't come with us after your injuries. It may take a few days for your eye to heal." Zane said. Jay nodded, laying back down.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to tell us, okay?" Zane continued, a hint of worry in his voice.

Jay gave them a simple thumbs up. They both left, leaving Jay alone with his thoughts.

So yeah! What did you think of this? Did I hit the angst feels or not?

In the next one there'll be lots of fluff :3.

C ya!

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