Chapter 28- In a Heartbeat

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So this is the final chapter of the Jaya subplot! Grab some snacks and buckle up!

I forgot I had this chapter ready so have it at 2AM XD.

Onto the story!

Third POV

"Ugh, stupid mud.." Nya complained as she brushed the dirt off her clothes. "Couldn't she pick something more practical?" She hissed at her clothes.

Arriving at Stiix, she walked around the town. Only construction workers walked around town, unlike what it was like a few months ago. It used to be a small city, perfect for training. But now, it's just criminals that will trade you anything.

"Uh, miss? You okay there?" One of the workers shouted over to her. She gave them a simple thumbs up and continued her way. They looked busy so she would just ask another person.

She finally found a group of people talking just a few meters ahead of her.

"Um, hey! Excuse me!" She waved her hands, earning their attention. "Do you know what the fastest way to Jamanakai is?" She asked them.

All of them seemed annoyed. "Don't know." One of them answered.

"I'm sure there's some way-"

"I said scram!" He snapped. Nya started to walk away. "And put some proper clothes on while you're at it!" They mocked.

Nya stopped dead in her track. She turned back to them holding her arm up. Soon enough a mass of water picked one of them up, throwing him into the sea.

"You- you're crazy! Get away from us you freak!" The female one said, running away with the rest of the crew.

Nya sighed, as she continued walking. She really missed the others. And it was boring without them as well. She missed Cole and Kai fighting, with Zane and Lloyd trying to calm them down. There would be an awkward silence afterwards, which Jay would normally break with a joke.

Thinking about it, his jokes weren't that bad. Sometimes she laughed, even if he told them in the worst situation possible. Sure, he could be clingy sometimes, but not clingy enough for him to become annoyed.

"Come on, Nya. Get it together. You wouldn't want the others to sea you like this." She giggled once she realized she had made a pun. "I guess they do cheer people up." She smiled.

She panicked once she came back to reality, and started running towards the distance. She would have to make it towards Jamanakai. Maybe she could steal a horse to get there faster, just like the good old days. She would return it, of course. Their parents didn't clear their name for nothing.

But it didn't matter. She just had to make it before it was too late.


"Come on, we don't want to be late now, do we?" 'Nya' folded her arms, ordering for the others to mount their dragons.

Not soon after, Kai, Cole and Zane joined.

"Sensei wants to speak with you." Kai said, a cold tone on his voice. "Be quick. 'We don't want to be late'." He impersonated her voice.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes, heading towards the training area.

"Are you ever going to stop being mad at her?" Zane enquired behind him.

"Not until she fixes her attitude." He growled. "This whole mission has affected her. She was always ambitious, but this.. This is not her."

Zane placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's going to be okay. I'm sure she'll change soon."

"Zane's right." Cole joined in on the conversation. "Maybe she's still upset about Lloyd."

"You're probably right." Kai sighed. "Maybe this is just a phase. I just hope she's okay."


"What did you want to talk about?" She said, sitting beside Wu.

To her surprise, Wu stood up, a furious look on his face. "Do you think I'm a fool?" He said.

"What do you mean?"

Wu sighed, picking up his stick. "It doesn't take many braincells to figure out who you really are. Or aren't."

Delara smirked, not bothering to keep up her act. "Your students clearly need to get their IQ checked then." She said, grabbing one of the swords that lied on the ground.

"Where is Nya?" Wu snapped, taking out his stick, ready to attack her.

"I guess we'll find out once I open that portal. Why don't you join her?"

Wu attacked her, barely avoiding her hits. She managed to injure him a bit, making it easier for her to grab his stick.

He looked around, but she was nowhere to be found. He was defensless, waiting for her next attack. He felt a slight tap on his shoulder. Before he could even turn around to face her, she knocked him off. Just like Nya.

"And you're supposed to be the First Spinjitsu Master's son? I can see why your brother didn't want anything to do with you." She dragged his body towards his room.

"Dang, you're heavy for an old man." She complained, tossing him on the floor of his bedroom. "Now, for our mission." She smirked.


Nya was just a few kilometers away from Jamanakai. She stopped to catch her breath, sitting on he ground.

That was until she felt a large shadow move past her. Lots of them, actually. Looking up at the sky, she froze. She saw dragons. One of them she recognized as hers. That meant that they were on their way to their mission, and possible death.

She tried to call for them, with no result. They were too high up to hear her, after all. She could see Jamanakai in the distance, with the Monastery barely showing on her sight of vision.

She started running again, faster than she did before. Maybe Sensei was still there. Maybe she could stop by Ronin and borrow Rex. She would do that, if it wasn't destroyed. Her and Jay completely forgot to repair it. It didn't matter, really. She just had to find a way to save them.


"Stupid Nya. Stupid dates.. Stupid everything, really." Jay said to himself.
"Ugh!" He buried his face in his pillow, soon feeling the pain in his right eye again. "Stupid eye!" He snapped, throwing the pillow across the room.

How could she do this to him? Sure, she had every right to say no, and he certainly didn't want to be labeled as selfish, but why was she so harsh? And why bruise his eye?

She was different these days. He could tell something was going on with her. Maybe the cold she was talking about. But still. She wasn't the same.

Thinking about it, he came to the conclusion that he didn't have a chance in the first place. He knew she was way out of his league. But even with that in mind, he really thought they had something special.

"Sensei! Sensei Wu! Are you here?!" A voice interrupted his thought. A panicked one, in fact. It didn't take him long enough to recognize the voice as Nya's. But not her other voice. Nya's actual sweet, tender voice.

Just a few moments later, she came into the room, a panicked look on her face.

"Thank goodness! Where are the others?!" She said.

"What do you mean, you left with them an hour ago!"

"Just come with me!" She pulled his arm and dragged him to come with her.

"But my eye-" He said, as he reached for the dropped pack of ice.

"Just wear this!" She took her eye patch off and put it on him.

Nya had to think quick. Then it struck her. Wisp. If Jay was here, then that means that she is here as well.

They both sprinted towards the stables, as Nya took Wisp out of her cage, not even putting a saddle on her.

"Get on!" She cried, as she sat behind him, hugging him tightly so they both won't fall. Even though he was mad at her, he couldn't help but blush a bit.

"Go wherever the others went!" She said to Jay though it looked like she instructed Wisp. Either way, Wisp flew as fast as she could towards their location.

Nya noticed Jay was more silent than usual. He would have asked a million questions by now. "You okay?" She shouted threw the wind. He didn't respond though, lowering his head.

"Okay then.." She sighed.


"What have you done to my sister?!" Kai snapped, trying to get out of the chain's grip. They were all chained around one large rock around that cave 'Nya' brought them in. "Ugh, why can't I get out?!" He struggled.

"Vengestone. I thought you might like it." She winked at them. "It usually only prevents your powers, but I've done a little upgrade."

She climbed towards the very top of the rock. "Instead, it will transfer all your powers here." She tapped on the broken shards of the Realm Crystal.

"And then what?" Zane asked.

"Do you really want to know?" She placed her hands on her hips, smirking.

"I do, actually." He answered.

"Forget about it." Delara rolled her eyes.


I can't believe she would do this.." Nya sighed, looking from the cave's broken ceiling. "Okay, so we go out there and free the others, got it?" She turned to Jay.

He didn't respond again. "What's wrong?" Nya said, a concerned look on her face. He still didn't bother to speak to her.

Nya frowned, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Look, I don't know what she did to you, but I just want you to know, that, was not me. I would never do this to you, whatever it was." Her voice trembled a bit in the end. For the first time ever, she seemed scared.

"I.." Jay started. "I'm sorry. I'm just being a total jerk to you for no reason. But I feel so stupid for not recognizing you. Because I really, really like you, and not being able to tell you apart from an old pirate lady, it just seems.. Wrong."

Nya smiled. She was about to say something, when she heard something. The sound of a loud explosion.

She looked back at the others. They were screaming in pain. The portal had opened, quickly shifting through each and every realm.

"Let's go free the others, we've got to stop her!" She cried, immediately jumping down. Jay sighed, following behind her.

"Look who found her way home. Oh, and you picked up Prince Charming on the way as well, I see." Delara smirked.

"Nya?! You're okay! I'm so sorry-" Kai was cut off by his sister.

"This is not the right time!" She said, blocking off one of Delara's attacks. "Jay, go free them!"

Jay followed her orders, quickly ripping the chains in half with his lightning.

"Thanks buddy." Cole hugged him.

"Why you-!" Delara snapped, grabbing Nya's arm and turning it towards the guys' direction. This caused Nya to shoot water, not at her, but at the others. At Jay.

"No!" She cried, kicking Delara away.

"I'm on it." Zane nodded, running to the blue ninja's aid.

With the others freed, the portal stopped in only one realm. The Departed Realm.

The portal began to suck its surroundings in, along with Delara herself. She was gripping onto Nya's hand.

"Do you really want to do this? Wouldn't you like to rule over a realm?" Delara said.

Nya, without a warning, let go of her. No words spoken.

Everything suddenly became silent. Only the faint glow of the portal lit up the cave. Cole soon approached Nya, looking down to her.

"Are you ready?" She said. Cole shook a bit, then nodded.

He took a step into the portal.

Before he could take another, he felt someone grab his leg. Delara. Nya tried to pull him out, Kai soon joining in to help her.

"I will not go down like this." Delara hissed, puting like crazy.

Cole noticed his veins. They were turning a ghostly green. He was becoming a ghost.

Nya sprayed water on her, as she watched her melt away into the other realm. They pulled Cole out just in time, destroying the Realm Crystal's remains once and for all.

"Why did you do this?" Cole asked.

"It was too risky." Kai answered. "We couldn't lose you. Especially not to her."

"Thanks buddy."

"No problem."

Nya immediately ran up to Jay and Zane. "Is he going to be okay?" She worriedly asked him.

"We need to get him to the Monastery. He took a hard hit." Zane answered, a sad look on his face.

"What have I done..?" She covered her mouth with her hands, as a single tear rolled down her face.


The ninja all sat at the table. Nya was silent ever since that day a week ago.

Suddenly, Zane came into the room. "He's awake." He said, the biggest grin on his face.

Nya jolted up from her seat. And sprinted towards his room, dragging the others with her.

And there he was indeed, wide awake, sitting on his bed.

Without second thought, she ran up to him and gave him a tight hug.

"You're okay! I'm so sorry, I didn't know I could hit that hard and-"

"Nya, don't suffocate him. We should be careful." Zane stated, shooting her a strict glare.

She let go of him, still smiling.

"What happened?" Jay said, rubbing his forehead. "And what happened to your eye?" He pointed to Kai. His previously bandaged eye was now healed, leaving a large scar across his face.

"You've been unconscious for a week now. And guess who stayed with you during that time.." Kai smirked, making obvious gestures towards Nya.

"Did not!" Nya blushed.

"Yes you did!"

"Did not!"

"Ignore these two.." Cole sighed, while the siblings continued to fight in the background. "Do you remember anything? With Delara and all?"

Jay shook his head, confused.

Nya ignored Kai, turning to Jay. "You don't remember what happened..?" He shook his head again. "Oh.." She sighed.

"Well then I think Nya should be the one to tell you." Zane said. "We should leave you two alone." He gestured for the others to leave, leaving them just as he said, alone.


"Wow.." Jay chuckled, looking at the ground. "So let me get this straight; In the span of a few days, I got rejected two times, almost died by you, and Cole gave up on being a ghost?"

"Basically. I think Zane has some footage stored in his memory, if you want to see some of it."

"Thanks." He said. They sat there awkwardly in silence afterwards for a good minute or so.

"So.. About the confession." Nya scooted closer to him. "Why don't you try again?" She shyly smiled.


"Third time's a charm, after all." She added.

"Okay then.. Here it goes.." He nervously laughed. "So.. I think you're really pretty, smart and awesome.." He blushed.

"And I think that you are cute, funny and intelligent." Nya giggled.

"So, um, would you like to.. Go out sometime..?" His voice cracked a bit at the end, making him embarrassed.

"I'd love to." She pecked his cheek. "See? It wasn't that hard now was it?"

"Where do you want to go?" He asked.

"Well, we still have to fix Rex." She reminded him. "And I know a nice restaurant near Jamanakai. How about tomorrow morning?" She suggested.

"It's a date then." He said.

"It is." She rested her head on his shoulder as they sat there in silence, enjoying their moment. It may not have been a perfect ending for them, but it was a happy one. And that's all that mattered to them.


C ya!

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