Chapter 30- The End(?)

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You heard that right people! This is the final chapter! I am also releasing this on my first anniversary here on Wattpad which was totally not planned ;).

Also, this is like 4000 words, so grab some snacks!

So let's begin!

Third POV

"What? Who are you?" Cole asked the woman, only getting a frown in response.

A long silence followed, but not an awkward one. Cole would occasionally give the woman small glances, noticing even more details about her and the room they were in. Seeing the broken glasses on the floor to the scratches and bruises on the woman, it took Cole a while before he gathered the courage to speak up again.

"Are there any other people held prisoners here?" She didn't respond once again. Cole sighed. "Look, you have to tell me. I know you're scared, but the others and Lloyd will come and save you-"

"Lloyd?" She interrupted Cole, a gasp escaping her mouth.

"You know him?"

"He-he's my son... But I doubt we're talking about the same person." She sighed.

"I think we are. Because he is Garmadon's son."

Her eyes widened in shock. Before she could respond, the door opened, revealing Ultra Violet and Mr. E. "Take her." Ultra Violet said to him. Mr. E followed her orders, untying her. She tried to fight back, shouting to Cole to help her, even though they both knew he couldn't. Soon enough, he had taken her to another room, leaving Cole and Ultra Violet alone.

"Where are you taking her?" Cole asked her, a hint of anger in his voice.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She stuck her tongue out in response. Cole repeated his question once again, which was enough to convince her to speak.

"Garmadon would like her to attend the event. Care to come?" She said in a more ironic tone.

Cole, of course, knew what kind of event he was talking about. The creation of the Realm Crystal. She looked back up at her and saw she was getting more annoyed by the second.

"It would be my pleasure." He smirked. Ultra Violet rolled her eyes, cutting off the chains that tied him to the wall. She was sure to keep his handcuffs on, of course.

Cole stood up and rubbed his temples, watching as Ultra Violet faced the door, shouting at a couple of Sons of Garmadon members who were running down the hall. That was his chance.

"Are you coming or what-" Cole suddenly grabbed her neck, catching it into the handcuffs' chain. She tried to escape their grip, only to be violently tossed into the wall.

"Sorry sweetheart, but you just gave me my jail free card and I'm not wasting it." Cole smirked, running down the hall as fast as he could.

The two guys from before entered the room in panic, seeing Ultra Violet struggling to get up. "Get him you idiots!" She screamed at them.

Cole ran further down, knocking guards off to the wall with his powers. He ran and ran until he found an open window. Seeing all the guards running after him, he had no choice but to jump.

The fall was long, but he managed to grab onto a branch, which helped him land more safely. He looked around, scanning his surroundings. Judging by the dead environment and cold atmosphere, he knew exactly where he was. The Dark Island.


"Are you sure about this Lloyd? We can't just go to their base without knowing!" Jay shouted through the wind.

Lloyd gestured Rocky to fly faster. He seemingly obeyed quickly, despite another person riding him. "Okay, does everyone remember the plan?" He said, completely ignoring Jay's question.

"You and I will go fight off Garmadon, while Kai, Nya and Jay go and free Cole." Zane stated.

"Thank you, Zane." Lloyd said, but couldn't help but glare back at Jay in annoyance. "We'll take out the guards on the outside. We can disguise ourselves there." He finished.

The rest of the ride was silent, not that they had the time or energy to speak anyways. Once they noticed the island in the distance, they immediately landed on the edge of the island, not getting anywhere near the tall tower that seemed to be Garmadon's base. They left their dragons on the shore, careful for no one to find out about them.

"Okay, you remember the plan?" Lloyd said. They all nodded leaving away to their paths.


"Okay, so we go and find Cole, then what?" Kai wondered to himself.

"We go and get Lloyd, of course." Jay added.

They continued walking. Jay and Nya looked at Kai walking in front of them, who was holding fire on his hand to light up the way. They gave each other a quick glance, as if they could read each other's thoughts.

"Um, Kai?" Nya said.

"What is it?" He asked, turning around to face the two. He rose a brow at the sight of the two holding hands, waiting for them to say something.

"So, we have something to tell you..." Jay started. "And- watch out!" He pointed behind Kai. He turned around, seeing a figure bursting out of a random bush.

"Guys?! What are you doing here?!" Cole exclaimed. While he wasn't hurt, he sure looked exhausted, as his gi was covered in dirt and mud.

"We came to rescue you, that's what we're doing! How did you escape?!" Nya shot back.

"I have my ways." He smirked. "But we've got to go! The ceremony is about to begin!"He dragged them along until they all started to run.

"What do you mean the ceremony? Is Garmadon getting married?" Jay joked.

Cole glared at him. "No, but Ninjago is! With death!" Jay fell silent after that.


Zane and Lloyd dragged the unconscious bodies of the guard to the side so that no one notices them. Lloyd had already stolen his jacket and gloves, covering his mouth with his face mask.

He smiled at himself as he began to enter the building, but stopped once he saw Zane. "Wait, how are you going to come?" He asked him.

Zane chuckled. "Oh, that's easy." He literally opened his arm, pressing a few buttons on his wiring. His appearance changed all of a sudden, becoming almost identical to the one of the unconscious guard.

Lloyd raised a brow, but couldn't help but smirk. "You sneaky robot." He nudged his shoulder.

"What can I say? I just have it in me." He shrugged his shoulders. Lloyd, even though he didn't want to admit it, flinched at Zane's voice, as it had changed into a raspier and tougher one along with his look.

"Shall we go inside, partner in crime?" Lloyd said, bowing to him.

Zane nodded instead of playing into the joke, making Lloyd giggle even more. They ran inside, going up the stairs as quickly as possible.

Seeing a few more guards running down the hall, they started walking slower as not to draw suspicion to them. Either way, they still stopped to question them.

One of them squinted their eyes looking at the two, making them more nervous by the second. He moved closer and closer to them. Lloyd gulped, yet Zane seemed unphased.

"What are you doing standing here?! Can't you see the prisoner has escaped!?" He shouted at them.

Lloyd stumbled upon his words, not being able to respond. Zane, noticing this, spoke up for him instead. "Excuse him, he has trouble speaking. What he's trying to say is that we're needed for the ritual." He said in a deadpan tone.

The man looked at them even more suspiciously, but made them both flinch the moment he spoke. "You better hurry up then. The Quiet One doesn't like to wait." He leaned to Lloyd's ear, whispering. "Seriously, she's gone crazy.." He ran off with the rest.

Zane and Lloyd continued to run right after they saw him turn the corner. They finally saw a glass elevator at the very end of the hall, which meant they didn't have to climb up the stairs. They guessed Garmadon would be on the very top floor, so they hurried to get in.

The elevator door opened. But it wasn't empty. Harumi herself was standing there, her arms folded. It was relieving to hear that the ceremony hadn't started yet, but only seeing her gave them chills. They got inside and watched nervously as the door closed. They were all silent. Everything seemed to slow down.

"Nice disguises." Harumi blurted out.

Lloyd flinched, turning around to face her. "Look, Rumi. I don't know what he told you, but it's not true." He tried to convince her, but it was no use.

"It's your fault everything happened to us. I didn't ask for this."

Lloyd and Zane took off their disguises. "Then you can change! I'm sure we can figure something out-"

"Lloyd, you don't understand." She said, a bit more angrily. Even though Lloyd didn't notice, Zane could feel her grabbing something from her back. Something sharp. "But... I'll try." Her voice softened, as she offered her hand.

For the first time in a long while, Lloyd felt happiness. He went to grab her hand. Before Harumi could make the move and press the knife against his throat, Zane pushed her. He pushed her hard. Hard enough for the glass wall behind her to break. Hard enough for her to fall off.

Lloyd almost cried hearing her screams as she fell. They were screams of anger- almost psychotic ones. "What- what did you do?!" He shouted at Zane.

"I had to. She had a knife." Zane placed a hand on Lloyd's shoulder. "I'm sorry, brother."

"No, it's okay... She wasn't going to change anyway." Lloyd sighed. "Do you think she's..?"

"I don't know..."

The elevator stopped. The door opened. Their disguises weren't on. Everyone could see them clearly.

Entering the room, the ritual had already started. The Realm Crystal was standing right there. The portal hadn't opened, the room wasn't well lit. But he could recognize four familiar faces in one of the cages. His friends. On the other cage was another woman he didn't recognize. Or so he thought.

He looked at the dark, tall figure in front of him. It didn't take long for it to turn around, revealing Garmadon himself. It was hard for Lloyd to maintain eye contact with him. He looked even more terrifying than he remembered.

"I knew you'd come back." His low, distorted voice said.

Lloyd gathered enough courage to speak up. "Let my friends go." He said, putting a hand up to stop Zane from attacking.

"Fine. I release your friends." He said, his mouth slowly forming into a smirk. "But your mother stays here."

Everyone except Cole and Garmadon gasped. Lloyd almost froze. He looked at the woman in the other cage, who only frowned, avoiding eye contact with her son.

"The only one that will be staying here is you." Lloyd said in a cold tone.

Garmadon snarled. "Oh really?" His smirk only grew.

Lloyd and Zane watched as figures crawled from the shadows, all of them members of the Sons Of Garmadon. With Ultra Violet, Mr. E and Killow leading them, this wasn't going to be an easy battle. It didn't take long for them to notice that the masks were gone. They were probably used for the ritual, although there was no sign of them.

"I will distract them. Go free the others and stop the ritual at all costs." Zane whispered to Lloyd. Before he could respond, Zane had already jumped into battle.

Lloyd tried to fight Garmadon, avoiding a few of his punches. He was pushed back multiple times as the portal continued to widen and widen.

Lloyd ran up to him before he could finish, only to be grabbed by the neck. Just like a few months ago. He felt the pain all over again.

"I told you I'd win." He said. Lloyd had just enough energy to glance back at the portal. He could see hands coming out of it. The real Oni were escaping.

Lloyd was starting to feel dizzy. He was slowly running out of breath. He could hear the faint screams of his friends calling out to him.

Then it all stopped.

"Get away from our brother!" Kai shouted, punching Garmadon in the back, causing him to let go of Lloyd. Lloyd tried to get back up, seeing both cages were broken. Somehow, the others were free.

"Are you okay?" Nya ran up to him, helping him get back to his feet.

"The portal!" Was all he said, pointing to some of the Oni trying to escape. Along with them came a heavy purple mist, which they tried to avoid.

Nya nodded. "Get out of here." She ordered.

"What- no!" Lloyd cried.

"Take your mother and get her out of here!" She said before leaving to help Jay defend himself against the escaping Oni.

"They're getting closer!" Jay yelled as he shot lightning at one of them. With them having to defend themselves against both the Sons of Garmadon and the Oni, they had to split up. Cole and Zane fought against the Sons of Garmadon while the rest tried to keep the Oni back. Then they realized.

"Guys, where's Garmadon..?" Cole asked.


Lloyd had no choice. He ran to the cage and grabbed his mother's hand, not even letting her react. He took her out of the room as they hid in one of the cages. They were silent.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"It's not your fault."

"Yes, it is. Look, I-" They were both interrupted by a loud yell.

"Lloyd!" They both gulped once they recognized the voice.

"Stay here. I'll go." Lloyd said to her, once again leaving her behind before she could say another word.

Lloyd ran towards the end of the hall, turning around the corner. There he saw Garmadon himself, clutching all of his four black hands into fists. And he looked angry.

"First you disobey to me, then you almost take my daughter's life. Yet another excuse for me to end you."

"Harumi was never your daughter. You ruined her sanity, you killed her parents!" Lloyd shouted back, gritting his teeth.

"Turning into an Oni is not death. It's freedom." Garmadon snarled. "Where were you for her? You were a coward."

"You left me to drown!" He choked back tears.

"Yet you still survived."

Garmadon went to attack him as Lloyd quickly avoided his punch. Lloyd took out his sword and tried to attack him from behind, but his reflexes were too fast. Garmadon managed to grab him many times, slamming him against the wall. With a bruised eye and a bleeding nose, Lloyd still managed to land a few punches. But even that didn't deal much damage.

Garmadon smirked as he had Lloyd cornered up against the wall, just like before. The grip on his neck was getting tighter and tighter.

"Who's going to save you now? Your friends?" Garmadon laughed.

Lloyd's eyes widened when he looked behind him. Garmadon, noticing this, turned his head to see for himself. There stood Misako, holding what seemed to be one of the cell's metal bars in her arms.

"I am." She said in a cold yet confident tone. Misako nodded at Lloyd, who gave her a confused look.

Garmadon put Lloyd down as he fell to the ground, breathing heavily. "Oh really? What makes you think you of all people can defeat me?" He smirked, moving closer to her, step by step.

Lloyd got up, sneaking up behind him. "I can't." Misako continued. "I just needed to give him enough time. Now Lloyd!"

Lloyd suddenly punched Garmadon in the back, but it wasn't just a regular punch. He was thrown all the way to the end of the hall and slammed against the wall. Lloyd looked down at his hand in fear, seeing green looking sparks coming out of it.

He gasped. "I-I can do that?!"

"I knew you always had it in you." Misako smiled. "Now let's go help your friends."


"We can't keep on for much longer!" Zane yelled at the others, trying to block off the Oni coming in. With the Sons of Garmadon defeated, all that was left were them. And it wasn't an easy task keeping them away so far.

"Just hold on for a bit! Lloyd will come!" Cole responded, trying to get close to the Realm Crystal in order to break it, only for him to be constantly pushed back by the wind. "Almost... got it..." He reached for the Realm Crystal, only to be pushed back once again and tossed into the wall.

"I'm here!" Lloyd ran into the room with Misako.

Everybody turned to look at him. His eyes and hands were glowing green, making them all gasp.

"What happened to you?!" Jay said, blocking off one of the Oni that attempted to grab him.

"I guess I didn't need the sword after all." He smiled, looking down at his hands.

"Ahem, I need some help here!" Cole pointed to the Realm Crystal, which was still radiating energy stronger than ever.

"Oh, right..." Lloyd smiled. "The question is, how do I do this..?" He wondered to himself.

"Just do it already!" Kai snapped, as the Oni were ready to burst out of the portal.

Lloyd, without a second thought, threw a ball of energy on the Crystal immediately breaking it. And with breaking it, the portal broke as well. All the Oni were gone. Everything was quiet. They had won.

"How did you do that?" Nya said, letting out a sigh of relief.

"I don't know.." Lloyd chuckled. His expression slowly turned into one of panic when he looked up.

"I think we should run..." Zane said, looking at the ceiling as well. The whole building was about to collapse.

"Go, go, go!" Kai pushed them towards the exit.

They all ran down the stairs as fast as they could. With the ceiling and floor collapsing with every step they took, it was challenging to get to the bottom. With everyone now outside, they shielded themselves from the falling pieces of concrete from the tower.

"Wait. Did we..." Kai started, his grin growing by the second. "We did it!" He threw his arms in the air.

Everyone hugged Lloyd, a bit too tightly, as he started to lose oxygen. He pulled away from the hug, this time running to hug his mother.

"I missed you so much.." He hugged her tightly but was confused as to why she didn't hug back.

He pulled away, noticing everyone looked at the collapsing building. He turned around as well. He noticed a grey-haired man crawling out of the remains. He immediately recognized him.

"Dad!" He exclaimed, helping him get back up.

"I'm so sorry... That snake... I-"

"You shouldn't be sorry." Misako chimed in. "I'm just glad you're back." She hugged him.

Lloyd smiled, but his face slowly faded into a frown. "Wait, Harumi- Is she-?" He sighed.

Zane came in and put a hand on his shoulder. "You never know." He reassured him.

"I guess you don't." Lloyd smiled a little, looking up at the sky.


"Today is a very special day for Ninjago." The mayor announced. "After many months of unexpected attacks, we finally won." He smiled. The crowd cheered. "But we can't possibly take the credit for that. It was all thanks to these six heroes." He let the others step up on the podium.

They all stood there with smiles on their faces. "So.. we haven't prepared at all." Lloyd started, rubbing the back of his neck. The crowd laughed.

"But, we wanted to thank you all. I hope we can help protect Ninjago in the future. We will never quit!" He cheered. There was a long silence afterward. "You can take it from here, mayor." He awkwardly pushed the others from the stage. The crowd, including the mayor, laughed once again.

They were now hiding behind the stage, all laughing at Lloyd's speech. They saw a person come up to them. It was Wu and Skylor.

"Well done, ninja." Wu smiled.

"Thanks uncle." Lloyd hugged him. "We did it. Now we'll finally get to relax a bit..." Lloyd laughed.

Wu's smile slowly faded. "Well, I wouldn't exactly say that. You'll need to do some extra training now that you're the protectors of the city. Starting from now."

Everyone gave each other awkward looks, before turning back to Wu.

"I'll have to go back to my father and Seliel, so I can't make it right now." Cole smiled, shrugging his shoulders. Not even a minute passed before he was gone.

"Cyrus Borg wants me to show his new female Nindroid prototype. I can't break the promise." Zane joined in on Cole's excuses, getting up as well.

"And I will need to introduce Jay and his parents to my parents." Nya said, grabbing Jay's hand and dragging him along with them.

"Wait, what-!" Jay exclaimed, a nervous blush covering his face. They were soon gone as well, but not before Jay whispered a desperate 'save me' to Kai's ear.

Kai couldn't help but laugh, not only for the situation but because his theory of them being together was confirmed. "Kai soon looked at Skylor, who was smirking.

"I think that Kai and I have some unfinished business to deal with." She winked. Kai couldn't help but smirk back, as they both left in a rush, leaving Lloyd and Wu alone.

"Uhm, I have to go to my parents-" Lloyd ran off before he could even finish his sentence.

Wu sighed. He soon followed behind Lloyd. He saw his brother again, even his sister in law. It was awkward after all that happened. All of them knew it wasn't over. All of them knew there were more dangers to come. But they also knew they shouldn't waste their happy time.

Because in the end, they knew that there was more evil to come. But they were going to fight it. They were going to defeat it. Because they all knew...

Ninja never quit.

The End

So this was a cheesy ending. But I hope you enjoyed this book. It took a lot of time to finish, but it was worth it in the end.

If you want to see some extra content, read the next bonus chapter I added :).

C ya!

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