01. Olympic Coven

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(olympic coven)

Vivienne Beckett had reunited with Carlisle in the year of 1918, where she had witnessed the first of his children to join the coven. It was within one of the many darkest times in the world, that had been plagued with the Spanish influenza.

She and Carlisle had watched many humans lose their lives before them but she kept by her mentor's side aiding in her way possible even if they both knew how futile it was. Then, it came to a mother and son both stricken with the illness had the mother begged the pair on her deathbed.

"You must do everything in your power. What others cannot do, that is what you must do for my Edward" Elizabeth Masen had said through her weaken breathe. Not long after, the mother had passed as Carlisle took her words through his own mind.

Vivienne was the last person he had changed, and he had not done it any time after. As he kept to his role as a 'human' doctor, and saved lives through his knowledge. So, Vivienne had convinced Carlisle to save Edward.

Shortly after her convincing, the pair of them had taken him from the hospital to their shared home to change the human to an immortal.

Once he was changed, Edward being the first in the family had quickly grown close to Carlisle who he looked up to like a father and to Vivienne as a little sister, despite her being much older.

Vivienne had come to witness the second change in the family as well, being that of Esme Anne Platt. The young woman had lost her baby through lung fever and so she sought way of grief their attempted suicide.

She had learned from Carlisle that he had met her many years ago, back in Columbus, Ohio when she broke her leg falling out of a tree. So, Vivienne added that she thought it was fate they met again, which he had thought so as well after thoughtful thinking.

After turning her, it took a while, but the pair of them fell in love and married. Esme had become the matriarch in the Olympic Coven.

Sometime in 1933, as the coven had settled in New York, Carlisle and Vivienne were out doing errands, when they had found Rosalie Hale.

"You know" Vivienne said with a slur, as she looked at the human in front of her. The details so clear to her eyes. She saw the sweat drip down his neck, as the beating of his heart was loud to her ears. She reached over slowly touching his skin, feeling the goosebumps forming on his skin, as she felt the need to bring more of the fear that was reeking from the human.

She could pick out all the imperfections on the human, to the slight unaligned jaw, to the skin that bore scars. The smell, oh—the sweet alluring smell that filled her nostrils—blood. That made her envious, seeing the being in front of her she once was, carelessly treat a life like it was a toy.

Her prey—because of his foolishness to mess with a helpless woman, who just wanted nothing more to return home after a long night.

The floor had already been littered by the other men that had defiled the poor innocent human woman. It made her skin boil, but with enough self-control she did not use her ability since she had yet to fully control how much damage it can do.

"Vivienne, dear if you must feed, I would much appreciate if you take him away before I change her" Vivienne pulled her eyes away from her prey looking to her old friend, one that most would be mistaken as a model. His medium-toned body that had been hidden by the dress robes that seemed like his own personal armor. He had the gentlest eyes and by nature he was an angelic man, the complete opposite of her.

Vivienne looked down to the poor human who was about to join the same fate as her and her dear friend, but she knew that she deserved it. She deserved a second chance that had been stolen by the drunken corrupted men.

She nodded grabbing the neck of the sullied man looking one last time," Carlisle, I'll return once this man had come to be what he earned" The blonde male looked at his old friend, he had not accepted her terms of murdering the men, but he did not also have the need to stop her.

Vivienne had not been able to catch the leading man who had ruined the woman, so she sufficed with the ones she could find, she knew that at a time, the woman would seek revenge on her own after changing, as it was her own rightful place.

Not long after, the next addition was Emmet McCarty, whom Rosalie had carried over 20 miles to their home for Carlisle to save him. The human had been mauled by a bear, and Rosalie luckily had stumbled upon him at the right time.

He was the last addition that was created by Carlisle, but the coven had grown years later by Mary Alice Brandon and Jasper Whitlock.

Jasper had a strikingly similar appearance to Rosalie carrying her surname, to allow the cover of them as twins, whenever they enrolled in schools.

Vivienne had eventually decided for herself to leave the coven in 1980. She knew it wouldn't work well since she was not a vegetarian like them, and that it was going to be hard for Jasper since he was still trying to control his thirst for humans.

She'd have to stay away a few days after feeding before returning home but in the end, it was still tough for him, even if he told her he could manage

"You don't have to leave Vivi" Rosalie held her hands in her own, as she looked at her.

"Rose it won't be forever, I promise you" Vivienne said softly as she looked at the blonde. The one she had grown the closest in the Coven. It was only natural for them to be the closest in a sense of their dark human fates.

"You won't go into solitude, right? You won't just vanish off the grid and never contact us, again right?" Rosalie stated making Vivienne chuckle," Solitude? No way—Never!"

The blonde smiled at her younger sister, again—despite being older, it was the natural role since she was stuck in the age of fifteen.

"Vivi, no matter how much you think that, you'll always be the baby in the family" The females turned to Edward who was leaning on doorframe

"I told you not to go inside my head Edward!" Vivienne whined but was mainly embarrassed because he called her the baby of the family. She then thought of Jasper being more of the baby since he was the youngest in the immortals.

"Jasper would agree to disagree" Edward smirked making her roll her eyes. Then on cue the rest of the family arrived for her departure.

"I don't exactly fit the baby category in this family Vivi" Jasper joked making her huff," Then Alice?" She said looking at his mate as she chuckled," Nope, still you"

"Always?" Vivienne cried as they all shared looks and grinned," Always" they all said in sync. She snickered then looked at them all," If you guys need anything, make sure to seek out for me okay?" She stated looking at each of them.

Emmett walked over to her first pulling her in a tight hug," We'll miss you squirt!" She squirmed in his tight hug which was joined in with Rosalie and Alice making it now impossible for her to get out of the embrace.

The Cullens were her family, but she was never going to feel complete without her mate. Throughout the years, she could have gone back for him, but with the anger she had on Amun made her fear the worst. So, she kept away for his safety, despite the longing of wanting to be with him.

Vivienne was venomous and Benjamin was innocuous, she was the dark and he was the light. She was the poison and he was the cure.

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