02. Vivienne Beckett

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(vivenne beckett)

Isabella Cullen had looked guiltily at the young wolf she had thrown across the yard after having a rough spat with her best friend Jacob Black. The alpha werewolf had imprinted on her daughter which caused rage and maternal protectiveness to be present on her mind.

Seth had been in the way of the dispute, which was one-sided in Jacob's perspective.

"I'm so sorry, Seth. I should have been closer" Edward had been still apologizing to the young wolf, despite it not being him having harmed the young wolf, he still felt the need to apologize on the behalf of his wife.

Bella had been guilt-ridden to a sense of nearly ripping the head off of her own best friend, but nothing Jacob intently had done could have mitigated her reckless behavior.

"Seth, I—"

"Don't worry about it, Bella, I'm totally fine," Seth said at the same time that Edward said, "Bella, love, no one is judging you. You're doing so well."

Jacob narrowed his eyes to the married couple as he was in sight of hearing before going to find Rose who most likely had Renesmee. He was still slightly bitter mainly to Edward at the amusement that was on his face knowing he purposely didn't stop Bella because he shared the same thoughts of not agreeing with him imprinting on their child.

Although, what could they do on something that was impossible to control? The immortals had the same pull on them when they found their mates, so in the end, it was another similar trait that the natural enemies had in common.

"Don't freak, Bella," Seth said, patting Bella's knee with his good hand," I'll be back to normal in half an hour" He reassured her.

"I mean, at least you didn't bite me or anything. That would've sucked" Which he had spoken quickly after nearly speaking of the still tense subject of their daughter and Jacob.

While Carlisle had continued to treat the young Quileute, his mind was full of his old friend, and adoptive daughter Vivienne Beckett. It had been years since the departure, and if she found out about the newest addition in the family, she would be the one babying Renesmee the most besides Rosalie.

Edward had looked at his adoptive father and chuckled lightly reading his mind," Vivienne would definitely do that" He said unconsciously, completely forgetting about his wife and young wolf in the room.

It was a habit Edward had only on Carlisle, since the beginning when he first joined the Coven, he often would answer questions that had not been asked. Soon, Vivienne and Carlisle had come to learn he had telepathic abilities.

Bella looked at her husband and furrowed her brows," Who is Vivienne?"

Edward paused in realization, over the years since they have met Bella, the family had not spoken about the oldest member after Carlisle in the Coven. Mainly because everyone in the family would get emotional about her no longer being around.

She had kept her word of keeping in contact for the first couple of years, but soon that all stopped which worried the family greatly, and at the time when they left Forks, they had searched for her but failed any attempts on finding her at all.

"Vivienne Beckett is the oldest member of the family" Carlisle spoke up looking at his daughter in law. Seth who was now finished being treated was laying on the cot just listening to the blonde immortal reveal about a member that was never addressed about.

"She was the baby of the family" Edward chuckled making Carlisle shake this head smiling," She absolutely hated being called that, since she is the oldest of your brothers and sisters"

"What happened to her?" Seth asked and Bella perked her head up wanting to know about the only Cullen member she had never even knew existed until today.

"She left the family in 1980 because her diet was not the same as ours" Edward revealed," She saw it was tough on Jasper who was converting to a vegetarian at the time, and she knew that being around would make it harder on him"

"Why didn't she become a vegetarian?" Bella asked and Carlisle went silent for a moment looking out to the windows as he spoke," It was her choice, and I respected it, all of us did"

Edward looked at his wife and Seth speaking for his sister," She doesn't harm any innocents, she had never done her entire time as an immortal. Just like how the time when I rebelled Carlisle, she only sought out criminals"

"But you eventually saw a new leaf," Bella said to her husband and he smiled at her," Yes that is true, but Vivienne controls her own life at the end of it all, and despite her diet—she will always be our family"

Seth noticed how the room got tense, so he decided to change the subject entirely," Lucky thing Ness—Renesmee is not venomous"

Bella looked at him tilting her head at his words as he chuckled at her," She bites Jake all the time" He watched the mother drop her folded hands looking at him dumbfounded," She does?"

"Sure. Whenever he and Rose don't get dinner in her mouth fast enough. Rose thinks it's pretty hilarious" Edward laughed along with Seth as he shook his head while Bella just had a small smile. She had wanted to know more about Vivienne, but she knew when not to pry anymore when not needed. She had to at least respect that from her new family, and they had eternity, so she'll probably hear later within time.

Bella had walked out of the room once Seth had drifted off to sleep and made her way out to find her daughter who was most likely in the arms of Jacob or Rosalie.

Renesmee, the child that should not have been the slightest of the bit in the possibility to exist. It was one of the few things humans might have been right about in their own stories in the immortal beings.

The child bred from a human and vampire, the start of that was enough to make anyone laugh like it was a joke opener. It was impossible—that was what everyone had assumed, because of the common knowledge that an immortal was deceased, and that was enough to push aside all the possibilities of having children.

However, that was easily exposed to be false the moment the former human and new wife of Edward Cullen, had proven that when she had found to be expecting and soon enough there came the newest and youngest addition to the Olympic Coven, their biological daughter Renesmee Carlie Cullen. She had blood running through her veins, and she still desired the need to sleep and eat just like a human.

She was half immortal and half mortal.

So, the Cullen family had sought out their old friends to help aid, when the Volturi have been informed of the child's existence. To them, she was an immortal child only bore through the sight of one witness Irina Denali.

Bitter and hateful of losing her mate Laurent, she had easily been blinded of not even detecting the warmth and heartbeat that ran through the innocent child. So, through her blind sighted rage in the mourning of her lost mate, she had gone to Volterra to report the crime.

Despite it being completely false, and Renesmee not being anything like the forbidden immortal children, the Volturi was still coming.

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