07. Romanian Vampires

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(romanian vampires)

Vivienne scowled loudly as she stood next to Carlisle as she looked at the two unexpected guests before them," What the hell are you both doing here?" She voiced loudly obviously not happy with their arrival.

Carlisle being the calmer of the pair looked at the males and sighed," Did Alice send you?"

"No one sent us" The younger looking one with platinum blonde male said as he smirked mainly at Vivienne making her cringe at his stare. She was absolutely creeped out by the two males before her, the two Romanian Vampires Vladimir and Stefan.

Vladimir was the young looking one with lighter skin, that always made it his goal to get under Vivienne's skin whenever he could. Then Stefan who had no interest in her like his companion was the older and darker skin of the pair liked to spite Carlisle hoping to finally see an angry version of him, but he had yet to achieve it.

Soon the loud footsteps of most of the guest had come out to see the commotion all since the pair's presence. Benjamin made it quickly to Vivienne's side putting his arm on her shoulder narrowing his eyes at the blonde that was looking at her like a meal.

"Word travels," Stefan said leaning on the tree they were both perched on," We heard hints that the Volturi were moving against you. There were whispers that you would not stand alone. Obviously, the whispers were true. This is an impressive gathering"

"I swear if you two touched anyone to get the information, I'll be sending you both flying back to the dark deep hole you both belong to!" Vivienne snarled at them, making Benjamin smirk at his mates' threat. He noticed the blonde glaring at him mainly which he used to pull Vivienne more into his arms to spite him.

He swore he heard a growl come through at the action he had just done, making him smile in victory.

"Relax Vivvy," Stefan said in a childish voice," We didn't harm anyone—Well at least not a friend I hope," He said mockingly making Vivienne grit her teeth.

Carlisle stepped forward motioning himself slightly in front of her not liking the way Vladimir was eyeing her as well," We are not challenging the Volturi" He said in a strained voice," There has been a misunderstanding, that is all. A very serious misunderstanding, to be sure, but one we're hoping to clear up. What you see are witnesses. We just need the Volturi to listen. We didn't—

"We don't care what they say you did" Vladimir cut him off," And we don't care if you broke the law"

"No matter how egregiously," Stefan added

"We've been waiting a millennium and a half for the Italian scum to be challenged," said Vladimir. "If there is any chance, they will fall, we will be here to see it."

"Or even help defeat them," said Stefan," If we think you have a chance of success," He said tauntingly

"Bella," Edward said in a hard voice," Bring Renesmee here, please" Vivienne pulled her and Benjamin away from their prying eyes not wanting to be in their presence any longer bringing them inside the house to make the others speak with him.

She had stayed with Benjamin in a lone room just cuddling with him, trying to make her bad mood go away at the sight of the two Romanian vampires.

"My dear, would it be okay if I ask about your history with them?" Benjamin asked softly making her sigh as she laid in his arms," I met them a few times on my travels with Carlisle when I was still a newborn so maybe around 1808 if I'm not mistaken—Well from what you noticed Vladimir suddenly had an attraction to me, which I never ever returned, he wanted me to be his mate but obviously that was never going to happen"

She looked up to him and smiled," Because I already had you, or well not yet at least, that you know already"

"Ah yes, when you came to Cairo in 1805" He nodded making her chuckle," I always hated losing my life, but then when I found you, I knew that it was my fate" She said softly as he chuckled reaching over to caress her cheek," I wonder if you did find me when you were still human—I'd be what— at the age of ten at the time?"

She giggled and then scrunched her nose," Imagine a fifteen-year-old suddenly appearing out of nowhere claiming she had a weird feeling of meeting him"

"I would have been happy," He said cheekily making her smirk," Oh? So, it wouldn't be creepy?"

"No" He said leaning closer to her," I mean a beautiful girl coming to my home, to whisk me away?"

"If that was this day and age—I'd be arrested," Vivienne said sarcastically making him laugh falling back on the bed they were on bringing her down with him," I wouldn't care of the law or of some sorts"

"You are such a sly fox" She teased making his chest rumble at his slow heavy chuckle as he bore his eyes into her own," I love you so much, Vivienne"

"And I love you Benjamin" She responded softly as she leaned forward connecting their lips.

"After this is over, I want you to Marry me" She pulled back and looked at him astonished at his words," What?" She said with her voice having a slight crack

"I want to Marry you, Vivienne," He said flipping her on the bed as he hovered over her," But what about Amun?" She said slowly," He'll never let you go"

"I don't care what he wants Vivienne, I want you and besides after he lied to me, I am no longer returning to live my life in isolation, I am never leaving your side again" He declared

Vivienne had the tears overflowing her eyes as she leaned forward kissing him each word with a kiss following after," Yes I will Marry you," He leaning forward crashing his lips into her own as he laughed in between with her, both falling into their comfortable bliss.

His most beloved treasure he was never letting go again.

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