08. Gifts and Disputes

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(gifts and disputes)

Vivienne had been stood next to Benjamin as most of the allies had been gathered displaying their gifts, which happen to be Renesmee's idea, which most of them gladly agreed on. It was probably one of the things most of the immortals were most prideful about and that was their gifts.

Currently, they were watching Vladimir and Stefan looking like lost puppies as Zafrina had them in one of her illusions," This can't even be legal" Stefan said baffled with his heavy accent bleeding through each word.

Vladimir on the other hand just had a giant grin plastered on his face not uttering a single word, but just taking the surrounding. Everyone around them did not know what they were seeing, but something was telling them it might have been something nostalgic.

As much as Vivienne didn't like their company, it was still natural for her to feel sympathy for the two Romanian vampires since they were the last of their kind in their clan. Just like the Egyptians, they both had lost a lot from the Volturi.

When it came to Benjamin, he had kept Vivienne next to him the entire time, not wanting Vladimir to find the chance to be anywhere near her. She had gladly obliged on being near him at all times since the pair of them had gotten engaged.

Engaged. Officially. Ring and all.

She smiled to herself as she touched the ring on her finger, it was the ring that he had held for so many years meant for her long ago. It was also meant to have happened and the timing for most would think it was horrible, but for them, it was just right.

She looked up to the water that Benjamin had in the air forming into a perfect sphere," So, you can conjure any of the elements with just your hands alone?" Stefan asked as he walked around the sphere intrigued. Vladimir tried not to show interest but his eyes deceived him greatly.

Benjamin went on explaining his power which had Amun frowning at the entire time. Thankfully Kebi had been there since Amun looked like he wanted to lock him away, which Vivienne had resulted in sending hostile glares his direction "What do you do Vivienne?" She was snapped out of her glaring and turned to Stefan who had his arms folded.

Benjamin looked at her carefully," You don't have to show it" He said in a whisper making her look at him and form a small smile," Why don't we try something?" She suggested and he looked at her for a moment. She leaned forward to his ear and spoke in the lowest voice possible that it was even hard for the immortals to hear.

A smile formed on his face as he nodded at her proposal," I think it'll take less strain on you" He agreed, making her beam brightly at him.

"I think you'd want to step back" Vivienne smirked to the two Romanian immortals that stood in front of them. Once they were out of the way, she stood across from Benjamin," Let's show them darling" She said sweetly making him smirk at her.

The allies that had seen Vivienne's gift were muddled at why she was standing in front of her mate when they knew what she was capable of. While the others who have yet to see her gift were interested in what she could do. Although despite, the mixed emotions, no one dared to question and just kept silent.

Benjamin slowly lifted his hand as he conjured water like he did earlier and Vivienne had her eyes on the form of liquid the entire time. Once the sphere formed in the centre of them both she lifted her hand and nodded her head and soon enough, something beautiful had happened. Something that had everyone dazed.

Surrounding the entire forest was a glimmering but gentle form of what was left of the liquid sphere. It was slowly lifting into the air as the sun had formed rainbows and despite the glistening immortals, it had been nothing compared to the way the rainbows danced in the air.

"WOAH!" Renesmee had said loudly as she let out a giggle touching one of the liquid drops that stayed in form as it floated to the air. Vivienne and Benjamin had locked eyes both amazed at what they had done, together.

She had felt for her face and there was no sign of blood and grinned at her lover," It worked" she whispered and then ran to his arms as he lifted her gladly. It was practically the sight of a painting as they both had each other in their arms, and the forest was still full of their created magic on what most would call it, but for them, it was a miracle.

She was not destructive as she thought she was, all she needed was Benjamin.

"Your gifts" Edward voiced reading her thoughts," They work together perfectly" He stated. The couple had smiled at him.

"She destroys and he creates, but together they make the in-between. Seems fitting and almost poetic" Garrett commented earning a few laughs from those gathered.

"Careful Garrett, your inner Shakespeare is showing" Emmett mocked making the laughter louder.

"Oh man, imagine if Garrett was our Shakespeare, most of his stories would be too explicit to be legally published" Vivienne added making his smirk drop into a pout as the roar of laughter drowned t

Eventually, after gifts had been displayed, and a lot of calm and friendly banter, the sky was slowly turning dark, as everyone went their ways in the Cullen home. Fall was slowly turning into winter and that meant shorter days, and it also meant that the arrival of the Volturi was coming closer.

Bella, Edward, Jacob and Renesmee went to visit her family for the holidays as Christmas was just around the corner. Everything seemed to have been going well, but then one night, one of the allies had left which was Alistair.

Him leaving left some of the allies to worry about there fates in the hands of the Volturi. They were told that there wouldn't be a fight, but after Alistair's departure, it had struck fear in some of them.

Vladimir and Stefan were not helping with their comments on how it would most likely end in a fight. So, there was an uproar in the once calm Cullen home, Amun had been the one to share his dispute with Carlisle," It's exactly like I predicted Carlisle! I knew it was going to result in this!"

Carlisle, as usual, was calm, showing no sign of raising his voice," Amun, if you want to go, no one is forcing you to stay"

"You're stealing half my coven, Carlisle!" Amun shrieked loudly, as he pointed to the direction where Benjamin and Vivienne were seated," Is that why you called me here? To Steal from me?"

Vivienne scoffed at his words while Benjamin rolled his eyes," Yes, Carlisle picked a fight with the Volturi, endangered his whole family, just to lure me to my death," He said sarcastically to Amun," Be reasonable, Amun. I'm committed to do the right thing here—I'm not joining any other coven, you can do whatever you want, of course, as Carlisle has pointed out"

"This won't end well" Amun growled and looked down to Benjamin ad Vivienne's hands and saw a glimmer and his eyes widen," You—You got engaged?" He said barely in a whisper making everyone in the room look up in surprise.

Vivienne blinked a couple times and then lifted her hand that had the ring," Oh, yeah—Well way to ruin the moment Amun, we were going to announce it after all of this" No one had noticed the ring since she had multiple of them on her other fingers, so it blended it not even taking the awareness of its existence to the light.

Amun had burned his eyes on the ring as he knew what that meant, Benjamin made his decision and was not returning with him. When he said 'I'm not joining any other coven' between the lines it meant he was not doing that exactly because he was going to marry into another coven.

"This is not open for discussion Amun, I made mine, and I'm not going to change it. You tried to tear me apart from her once, and even fed me lies that she was no longer here" Benjamin said calmly, trying not to raise his voice," I stayed and put up with all of your rules for so many years, and this time, I want to do the right thing—I control my own decisions" He declared with confidence making Vivienne smile at him lovingly.

"Alistair was the only sane one here. We should all be running" Amun raised his voice and Benjamin had the urge to roll his eyes again.

"Think of who you're calling sane" Vivienne remarked, Amun would have sneered at her if he didn't fear her, so he just looked to another person to send his anger to.

"We're all going to be slaughtered!"

"It's not going to come to a fight," Carlisle said in a firm voice, it was clear that he was also getting a little fed up with Amun's outburst

"You say!!"

"If it does, you can always switch sides, Amun. I'm sure the Volturi will appreciate your help" Vivienne said bitterly as she stepped forward keeping her burning stare on him. She noticed him flinch slightly and she tried not to smile at the sight.

She knew how deadly her powers were, but sometimes she liked seeing people cower to it. Especially Amun, since the festering hate she had for him was still present within her, one that was never going to disappear, because of the scar he left on her and Benjamin.

She may have nearly torn him apart physically, but his damage was nothing compared to what he had done to them.

"Perhaps that is the answer" He sneered

Carlisle sighed and folded his arms," I wouldn't hold that against you, Amun" he said sincerely. Vivienne looked at her adopted father who sent a small smile her way making her return it as she stepped back wrapping her arms around Benjamin's torso leaning her head on his chest.

"We been friends for a long time, but I would never ask you to die for me" Carlisle finished making Amun growl again. Vivienne swore he was more of a wolf than the Quileute's at this point with the rate of his growling.

Edward lifted his hand to his mouth trying to hide his laugh reading her mind, and she noticed smirking at him discreetly sending a wink.

"But you're taking my Benjamin down with you" Vivienne heard Benjamin sigh as he ran a hand through her hair at Amun's statement.

"I'll stay, Carlisle, but it might be to your detriment. I will join them if that's the road to survival. You're all fools to think that you can defy the Volturi." He scowled, then sighed, glancing to Renesmee and Bella," I will witness that the child had grown, that's nothing but the truth. Anyone would see that"

"That's all we've ever asked" Carlisle responded calmly

Amun grimaced, "But not all that you are getting, it seems." He turned on Benjamin. "I gave you life. You're wasting it" Benjamin noticed Amun's eyes on his arm wrapped around Vivienne, and he pulled her closer as he spoke his next words, "It's a pity you couldn't replace my will with your own in the process; perhaps then you would have been satisfied with me. You made the mistake of trying to take my Vivienne away, and I will never forget the pain you put us through Amun"

Amun's eyes narrowed. He gestured abruptly to Kebi, and they stalked past everyone out the front door.

"He's not leaving," Edward spoke, "but he'll be keeping his distance even more from now on. He wasn't bluffing when he spoke of joining the Volturi."

"Wouldn't put it past me honestly" Vivienne revealed and Benjamin nodded," His hope for power is undoubtedly suffocating, he'd go in a heartbeat"

"Yeah—Hey, so when were you going to tell us you guys are engaged?" Rosalie spoke loudly but calmly. Although the Cullens knew that it was her deadly tone, that meant you were in trouble.

Vivienne coiled into Benjamin's chest as she gulped knowing what was coming from not just her, but her entire family.

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