09. Hope

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Vivienne fell on her bed mentally exhausted from being trampled by her family about her engagement. The bed slowly dipped along with the sound of a gently chuckle from Benjamin," Did I ever tell you, how much I enjoyed the company of your family?"

"Yes, and quite frankly you should be glad Jasper and Alice are not here at the moment, or else it would have lasted longer than it did. We'd be in their clutched for days, and Alice would have been already planning for the wedding"

"Are they as threatening as Rosalie and Emmett?" He asked falling in the bed next to her making it slightly bounce," Oh darling" Vivienne said softly but also apologetic as she rubbed his cheek.

"Alice and Jasper are far scarier than Rosalie and Emmett combined, they are silent but deadly"

Benjamin chuckled at her words as he reached over connecting their lips," How much do you want to bet, that Amun will make it challenging after this whole mess?"

"Oh, he'll make it hell—But then again" She said leaning up on her elbow as she looked down at him," With the Denali's and my family, he'd never stand a chance" He reached up caressing her cheek as he took in a calm breath," Something is troubling you, my dear" He said softly

She lifted her hand touching his as she closed her eyes," I told you about Alice's gift—Do you remember it?"

"Subjective precognition," He said and she sighed," She sees things—things that might happen, things that are coming, but it's very subjective. The future isn't set in stone and it can always change"

"Did she tell you something?"

"No not quite" She whispered as she looked at him," She said she couldn't see my future anymore"

Benjamin sat up as he bore his eyes into her," Darling" he said softly but the weak tone was clear in his voice," What does that mean?"

She gulped and then let out a breath," It usually means death"

"But you said it can always change...right?" The crack in his words made Vivienne's chest grow pain as she nodded," Tell me that I'll all be okay—Tell me we'll make this out together—everyone"

"It will be okay," Benjamin said fiercely," I'm not just saying it because you said to, I'm saying it because we are all making it out alive, all of us"

"Repeat it for me, repeat it until you can't anymore" Vivienne bore into his eyes as he did as she asked, and as he said it more and more, she started to believe it.

When she had told Jasper and Alice that she didn't care, it was a complete lie, and she knew Jasper noticed it. It was okay to lie sometimes, but this was one that she should have admitted openly, it was okay to be afraid for once.

The other immortals within the home had heard the entire conversation since the door was slightly open. Although, that little crack in the door had been something that gave everyone a strong hope that it'll be okay, just as long as they continued to believe it. The repeating words Benjamin had been whispering, had all given them to repeat it to themselves.

The next night, everyone was gathered in the home, except for Amun and Kebi who were keeping away like Edward had said they would.

"Why exactly did Alistair go?" Bella asked her husband softly

"No one can be positive; he didn't leave a note. From his mutters, it's been clear that he thinks a fight is inevitable. Despite his demeanour, he actually does care too much for Carlisle to stand with the Volturi. I suppose he decided the danger was too much." Edward shrugged

Despite the conversation was between just them, Eleazar had answered Edwards comment," From the sound of his mumblings, it was a bit more than that. We haven't spoken much of the Volturi agenda, but Alistair worried that no matter how decisively we can prove your innocence, the Volturi will not listen. He thinks they will find an excuse to achieve their goals here."

Everyone had glanced uneasily to one and another, the idea that the Volturi would manipulate their own sacrosanct law for gain was not a widespread idea. The only people within the home that were composed was Vladimir and Stefan, as usual, keeping themselves amused at the situation.

"I do so hope Alistair was right about this," Stefan murmured to Vladimir. "No matter the outcome, word will spread. It's time our world saw the Volturi for what they've become. They'll never fall if everyone believes this nonsense about them protecting our way of life."

"At least when we ruled, we were honest about what we were," Vladimir replied.

Stefan nodded. "We never put on white hats and called ourselves saints."

"I'm thinking the time has come to fight," Vladimir said. "How can you imagine we'll ever find a better force to stand with? Another chance this good?"

"Nothing is impossible. Maybe someday—"

"We've been waiting for fifteen hundred years, Stefan. And they've only gotten stronger with the years." Vladimir looked at Bella specifically and he showed no surprise at how intense she was listening to their words.

"If the Volturi win this conflict, they will leave with more power than they came with. With every conquest, they add to their strengths. Think of what that newborn alone could give them"—he jerked his chin toward Bella—" and she is barely discovering her gifts. And the earth-mover." Vladimir nodded toward Benjamin and then looked at Vivienne," and someone who can destroy anything in a heartbeat" She tightened her lips in a firm frown.

The Romanians conversation had made everyone turn their attention to them solely not even caring if it was intrusive. They all couldn't help but agree on their words, most having personal experience with the elder ones.

"With their witch twins, they have no need of the illusionist or the fire touch." His eyes moved to Zafrina, then Kate.

Stefan looked at Edward. "Nor is the mind reader being exactly necessary. But I see your point. Indeed, they will gain much if they win."

"More than we can afford to have them gain, wouldn't you agree?"

Stefan sighed," I think I must agree. And that means..."

"That we must stand against them while there is still hope."

"If we can just cripple them, even, expose them . . ."

"Then, someday, others will finish the job."

"And our long vendetta will be repaid. At last."

They locked eyes for a moment and then murmured in unison. "It seems the only way."

"So we fight," Stefan said.

Though I could see that they were torn, self-preservation warring with revenge, the smile they exchanged was full of anticipation.

"We fight," Vladimir agreed.

"The Volturi will overstep their authority. None of us belongs to them" Vivienne spoke up drawing the attention to her," If it comes to it, we will fight, for the family, and for everyone who had been wronged by them" She said looking at everyone in the room, that she personally knew that the Volturi had persecuted.

Benjamin put his arm on her shoulder as he nodded," Yes if it comes down to it, we'll fight because apparently, I'm a hot commodity. It appears I have to win the right to be free and not just me but every single one of us"

Garrett chuckled," This won't be the first time I've fought to keep myself from king's rule," He said in a teasing tone. He walked over to Vivienne and Benjamin putting himself between them as he put his arms on their shoulders," Here's to freedom from oppression" The couple shared looks as they smiled.

"We stand with Carlisle," Tanya said," And we fight with him"

"We have not decided," Peter said, as he looked at Charlotte with slight dissatisfaction, and no one forced them to make them decide. Mary and Randall had nodded in being also undecided.

"The packs will fight with the Cullens" Jacob stood up," We're not afraid of vampires,"

"You go wolfie" Vivienne teased him as he rolled his eyes at her but it was clear that there was a friendship between them. Throughout the short time, the pair of them had gotten along great, which anyone that knew Vivienne wasn't surprised at.

She may seem alluring and arrogant, but she was also very easy to get along with. Just as long as you kept your mouth shut when needed, and kept the wisecracks to a minimal, you wouldn't end up on her bad side. Just respect her and anyone important around her and it was easy enough.

"Well I'm in, too," Maggie said shrugging herself out of Siobhan's restraining hand, as she looked at her mother figure," I know the truth is on Carlisle's side, I can't ignore that"

Siobhan looked at her young coven member with worried eyes," Carlisle" She said looking at him," I don't want this to come to a fight"

"Nor do I, Siobhan, you know that's the last I want" He half-smiled.

Vivienne looked at Siobhan and smiled," Just concentrate on keeping it peaceful," She looked at her and shook her head," You know that won't help"

"It couldn't hurt to optimistic" Carlisle stood up as he looked at the Irish Coven leader who rolled her eyes," Shall I visualize the outcome I desire?" She said sarcastically.

There had been a stuck of confusion with most of the people gathered in the room, and a few had known about the discussion between Rose and Carlisle. Siobhan had a powerful gift to make things go her way—but she didn't believe in it herself. Though Eleazar had confirmed it but she was still in denial.

The night ended after a few mixed banter here and there, still some with no decision to fight, and the rest already set on fighting if it came down to it.

Benjamin and Vivienne had been on the outskirts of the town since they needed to hunt and search for their prey.

"Why have you never gone vegetarian like your family?" Benjamin asked as they had just watched the bodies of the prey they had fed on burning.

"Honestly, I tried once" She revealed and looked at her mate wiping his chin clean," But Carlisle noticed that my body couldn't handle my gift that overpowered my body physically"

"What do you mean?" He asked and she explained," My skin started to turn very pale, that my skin even felt like it was turning to dust—" She noticed his horrified expression and had a pained smile," It's as horrifying as it sounds, well that was only my 5th month into just feeding on animal blood. My powers put a strain on my body, because of the choice of blood"

"So human blood keeps it at bay?" He asked and she nodded," It also makes it much easier to control my gift"

"Well, good thing I don't plan on ever going vegetarian" Benjamin stated making her laugh as they clasped hands enjoying the rest of their night after the hunt just taking in their surroundings and enjoying their long night taking in all the time they could before the confrontation.

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