10. Vivienne's Past

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(vivenne's past)

"The snow is sticking" Vivienne whispered as she sat on the log, everyone that had decided for the confrontation were gathered near the clearing Alice had seen her vision. According to Bella, it was the same clearing that the family and pack had battled the newborns a while back.

Alice's vision was as usual subjective, so if they had to wait for days, then they were. The day was near that all they knew, with the only words of when the snow sticks to the ground. Benjamin walked over to Vivienne as he stood behind the log waiting for Jacob to set down the rest of the firewood.

Once the sound of wood hit the floor, Benjamin had conjured flames on his hands and sent it straight to the logs igniting them. Despite the immortals and wolves not needing the campfire, it was a nice sentiment.

"That's what I'm talkin' about. A little pre-battle bonfire. Telling stories" Jacob said as he sat next to Benjamin who was seated next to Vivienne with his arms already on her shoulder.

"Or just standing there like frickin' statues" Jacob added as he looked at most of the vampires keeping to themselves.

"Well ask something" Vivienne challenged him as she peered at Jacob making him look at her," Okay, tell me about your life before you became a vampire"

"Really? Not anything historical? Or life changing?" She asked with a monotone voice.

Garrett walked over sitting near the fire," Actually" He grinned looking at her," It's another one of the things I always wanted to know"

Kate walked over with Tanya sitting next to Garrett," You know what—He's right" Kate voiced," You never told us about it"

Rosalie looked at her sister realizing that she only knew a short moments before she became a vampire. It was the only moment she ever said, to anyone, in the family.

Vivienne chuckled at most of the people turning to her attention," 1790 was when I was born, I don't remember the day because you tend to forget over the many years being alive" When Vivienne started to speak, the rest of the vampires chose to turn their attention to her and listened as they gathered.

It was only natural that they were interested because no one, not even Carlisle knew about her life. Most of them were there for him, and most of them had met her throughout the years. She was their friends' longest companion before his family, so it was only expected for them to want to know. Sure, most of them didn't know the others, but they were not interested in their life story; but they were on her own.

"I've lived in a small closed island that no longer exists anymore if your curious, there was only about a population of 150 people and the number would usually stay within that amount. I don't remember much about our history, except for that my ancestors were descents of the Spanish"

"We actually hardly ever spoke or more we never did, as crazy as it sounds because my people believed in the sacred land of not being disturbed through sound"

"So how did you communicate?" Jacob asked and she chuckled.

"We communicated with art, our homes were caves, and we would use the walls to speak, and to be fair, all we ever really talk about to each other, was if you were hungry or if you felt ill, that was all"

"How did you learn to speak?" Kate questioned

"That's where it gets interesting, and kind of morbid" Vivienne said softly, as she looked up," We were invaded, and well that's where we were forced to speak through our mouths, for most of us it was the first"

"It was horrible because they didn't treat us like humans, as dark as it can get. A lot of lives were lost and things just didn't seem like it was going to get better for my people. Then it was 1801, and I was around the age Eleven—Me and some of the other children that were still healthy enough to even move, had escaped the island on one of the small boats with the help of our people that thought it was better for us, to live and be free.

"There was 10 of us on the small boat, and only 4 of us made it alive when we arrived on shore to America, the four of us that survived were on the brink of death. It was actually the first time I felt like my life was over, but then the people who found us, took us in and we were able to live"

"I've never seen the other three that were on the boat with me again, but I hope that they had lived their long lives that our people granted us. Then me being me, I was foolish at the age of 15 travelling with nothing but a small bag with just one spare of clothes and barely enough money to feed me for a week"

"I lost my life in Cairo because of the strange pull the place had for me, and it turned out for the best in the end, even if it took me many years to finally accept" She looked at Benjamin and then smiled," I was finally happy again, I met so many of you all along my journey, I got a family, the love of my life, and eternal happiness, and I will make sure that the Volturi does not take that away from me, from any of us"

"It wasn't until two years being held captive, that I found out they were the reason my land was invaded" Vivienne's tone turned dark as her eyes dulled in hatred," I was only a child, and I didn't see it, that the ones who came to our land were a few of the Volturi guards, it seemed like it was Aro and Caius who had the idea and not everyone knew about it, and some of them still don't to this day—I forgot their faces, until I had burned their own image as it awakened in my mind. I then remembered, that they tore my people apart—and it had me wondering, why they came to my land, and why did they kill all those humans and then I found out why"

"What was their reason?" Emmett asked receiving a dark chuckle from her," Because it turns out that every one of my people had power, we were venomous as what Aro would call us, we were all gifted humans, each and every one of us, basically were where a threat to them as long as an asset. In order for them to awaken, we had to experience a pain that was excruciating, and some were successful and some weren't"

"If we have awoken the power, we got to see another day, and if not, we died," Vivienne said in a blank tone," When Aro found me he was so overjoyed that I was both immortal and had awoken my gift, I was his little venomous treasure"

"Nothing they said or did was going to make me want to be one of them, so obviously I rebelled and they tried to starve me until one day, I finally escaped. I had spent two years trying to return my life back to normal, and honestly, I'm glad Jasper and Alice found me, or else I would have stupidly gone to try and take down the Volturi myself. I don't want there to be a fight as insane as it sounds, even if they destroyed my life, I know that there will be a day when they don't rule anymore. Maybe it can be tomorrow, or maybe not—We can never know"

Benjamin had pulled her in an embrace having already knowing about all of this, seeing as she told him one passing night in bed. He had never seen the Volturi, but he knew how horrible and corrupt they truly were.

Vladimir hummed as he spoke," When we ruled, everything came to us. Prey, diplomats, favour seekers. Such was our power. But we never put on white hats and called ourselves saints" Stefan sighed leaning back on his hands as he leaned on the tree behind him," We were honest about what we were"

Everyone looked at the Romanians declaration, all could see clearly that they were brutes in nature, but it was only because they had lost greatly from the Volturi.

"We sat still for a very long time, that we didn't notice that we were beginning to petrify" Vladimir leaned on his clasped hands as Stefan chuckled lightly," Perhaps the Volturi did us a favour when they burned our castles"

"We've been waiting 1,500 years to return that favour. We have been ready to battle for ages"

"Today, tomorrow or maybe a few days from now when it's our confrontation with them, all we have to be prepared for the better or for the worse" Vivienne said," Not just for my family, but for all of us"

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