11. Vivienne's Role

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(vivienne's role)

"What do you mean she left?" Carlisle's voice was barely a whisper as his daughter Vivienne's mate stood before him. Benjamin looked at Carlisle his eyes so downfallen, that it was clear he was heartbroken.

He raised his hand and showed the ring he had given to her as he opened his mouth to speak, but no words would come out. Edward had read Benjamin's thoughts and he even felt the hurt with what he was thinking," She left Carlisle" Edward spoke taking the attention to him.

"You don't think it's because she was scared right?" Maggie said in a low voice, she was frightened, because Vivienne was technically one of the main reasons, she felt the strength to even be there in the first place.

Rosalie glared at the ring mainly with hurt at the thought of her sister leaving again, but this time without warning. Emmett had her in his arms just as confused and hurt at the revelation of Vivienne's disappearance.

"See," Amun said loudly as he growled," I told you that is was a bad idea! I told you all but none of you listened! I may not get along with Vivienne, but for once she did something smart" He huffed earning a lot of hateful glares his direction.

Benjamin had no energy to send a smart remark in her defense, because he was so hurt. His mate had left and the ring was enough to prove that. She had left him, this time willingly. Although, part of him felt like there had to be a reason for her just to leave suddenly

Edward read his mind and closed his eyes, "Yes, Vivienne must have had a reason—"

"Or she left like Alistair," Amun said quietly

"Or she had a plan" Bella stepped forward. Everyone went silent to her words and shared looks hoping that was the answer.

"The sun is nearly up, which means it's another day to head to the clearing to see if they arrive today" Carlisle announced," Right now, as much as it pains me to say it, Vivienne is not here anymore—Unless anyone else wants to leave, do it now"

No one moved an inch taking in the words that Edward and Bella had both said, maybe Vivienne had a plan. So, they couldn't run now.

Vivienne was stood in between her siblings Alice and Jasper as she stared at the three people before her—the Only face she recognized was Kachiri," You actually found someone" She said baffled as she stared at the male of the newcomers.

Kachiri had in fact did what Zafrina and Senna had told the other allies, unlike her sisters, she was more muscular and had much wilder hair. Her clothes had much more distinct to the Amazon, and covered more skin than her sisters. She would be described the wildest looking on the three, but she also had the aura of being the leader.

Kachiri had walked over to Vivienne bringing her in a hug as she whispered," Are my sisters doing well? She questioned the smaller girl.

"They are" She nodded," In fact, everyone found their presence to be comforting and my niece absolutely adores Zafrina's gift that she calls it 'Pretty pictures"

"That's good" Kachiri replied as she moved back to the side of the two witnesses.

"You never fail to amaze me Alice, Jasper" Vivienne turned to her siblings.

"I told you, we are always full of surprises," Alice grinned as she looked at her sister," Are you sure none of them know?" She asked Vivienne, who looked at her as her smile fell.

"None of them had a clue—" Her voice cracked; Vivienne felt horrible leaving but it was the plan since the beginning. It was only harder because of Benjamin who she had no idea was even going to be there.

Leaving would have been easier but no—She spent each day in bliss with her beloved, almost forgetting her role, she had to make her way into all their heads just like Alice had saw. She had given them the hope to witness, and she had made sure that everyone would be prepared.

The idea at first made Vivienne confused, especially since Aro's gift would make her be known of helping, but it was exactly what they wanted. Aro would become vulnerable at the idea of her being around, so that she was a main focus instead of the family.

When they proved themselves as not breaking any laws, she could use the moment to get them on the blindside. She was going to scare them so straight as they cowered back to their Castle not messing with anyone again.

She would have gladly enjoy taking some of them down and lower their numbers if she wanted. She could get her revenge and be exactly what Aro wants, or she can he the exact opposite and prove she is not the venomous shiny toy he ever so desires.

He was going to be stricken with fear, a fear that would make him live each day of his life wanting to hide and never touch anything important of hers ever again.

It was her final decision she had to make, it was to be in the dark or to stay in the light.

"Vivienne Beckett, it's a pleasure to be of acquaintance"

The male bowed his head as he spoke," My name is Nahuel"

"My name is Huilen" The female then introduced herself

She followed their gestures and bowed," Thank you for helping my family"

"It's a pleasure to know that I can be helpful" Nahuel voiced making Vivienne smile," It's always the best feeling in the world, ain't it"

Jasper chuckled at her as Alice light nudged her sister," Vivi"

"What?" Vivienne said innocently," It's the truth, anyways, you to should go ahead, and we'll head there once you need us"

Alice nodded as she hugged her sister with Jasper following her. They both said their temporary farewells walking to the clearing.

Vivienne turned to the three as she went to explain the Volturi," There will be a group of them that centers most of the other vampires in black coats. I'll just explain the leaders"

"First, Marcus, he's known as the sad king, honestly, he doesn't even want to be in the Volturi, that much I know. He lost his mate so part of him is just waiting for his time It's a sad tale really, but I'm not here to explain that. He is probably the least of our worries, since he usually just keeps silent and leaves small comments here and there"

"Then we have Caius, he stands out the most since his hair is as white as snow. Unlike most of the Volturi leaders and guards, he doesn't have a gift but he is still one of the strong leaders. He usually runs his mouth, so don't let his threats strike fear, because that is for the main leader"

"Finally, is Aro, he's the leader, and at first impressions, he seems like he's not much, but he's the one that makes all the rules. So, one word, and it can all end. He's actually the most fear to be honest, and he loves collecting rarities, but don't worry, that's where I fit in. I won't make him harm any of you, I promise" Vivienne declared as she looked at them.

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