My Vent

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To my brother: this dosent mean to offend you I just needed to vent somewhere. I recommend not reading this.

Why is it that when I'm angry or sad it's because hungry or on my period. Every time I cry or show that I'm upset it's "my time of the month". No! Start realizing it's my mental health that's affecting me and not my hunger. I've had eating problems for years and haven't been depressed like this, so why now?

Secondly, I'm always flexible and changing and helping out people. I try my best to be empathetic and put myself in other peoples shoes, nobody does that for me. Nobody wants compromise for me nobody wants to consider the real reason I'm upset. When I am upset my mom gives me an empty promise that makes me happier in the moment but in reality, she won't follow through.

My mom said she would get my acting lessons, never did. Said she would get me physical therapy and a appointment for my hearing aid? Hasn't done that. She said she would do many things.

Someone else is also the source of my anger today. I've always been the source of thier anger. I always apologize whenever I'm wrong or hurt someone's feelings or was involved in something that could've hurt someone. I apologize for little things I shouldn't. All becuase this person has made me feel bad about those little things. They have said mean things to me whenever thier angry and it really hurts me.

Why don't people treat me like I treat them? Why can't people just try and understand? For one second!

If I get angry at this person, they wait for me to apologize out of feeling bad. But when they get angry at me, they ignore me or make me feel bad about it then not even 30 minutes later I apologize.

The funny thing is. My mom wonders why I think my brother is the favorite when I isolate myself from everyone and they leave me out of things.

How do I fix this?

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