My Vent

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  I'm at my choir concert so right now. I feel so alone. So isolated. Man, im nearly in tears and nobody has noticed. On top of that my mom can't be here for my last choir show.

  Why did I let myself think things were going to change? Why did I let myself belive that everything would be better with a few friends. Im still alone. I could have every friend in the world and I would still feel alone.
   What is wrong with me?

  I though Id love to be in varstiy choir but it sucks. I have no friends, nobody. The only thing keeping me company is music by My Chemical Romance

  Ive taken several depression quizes a few minutes ago that suggest im moderatly to severly depressed and im not sure what to do. Im tired of this and I wanna get help im just scared to be juged.

What do I do?
Am I even depressed or just sad and lazy?

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