Capitolo 14: Tartaruga

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Abbachio: Hey, Narancia... Could you lemme have a look at that key again ?

Narancia: ... Sure. Here, Abbachio !

Abbachio: No, wait ! Don't- !


Abbachio: UAAAAARGH !! FUCK ! Don't throw it ! Is what I... Was gonna say ! You fucking... ! Bucciarati stuck my hand back on with a zipper, but still... Goddamn !

Narancia: What a big baby...

"If you're feeling pain, it means you're healing just fine. In 1990, F1 driver Alessandro Nannini got into a crash that lopped off his right arm. But the medics took care of him right away and got him back to normal. You'll get better."

Bucciarati: I heard his arm got shorter, though.

Abbachio: Y... You son of a... That was just a half hour ago... It doesn't matter if it heals or not, it still hurts like hell, god damn it ! Haah... Haah... ...

Abbachio: All this time, I'd though it'd be the key to a helicopter... Will we really be safe riding a train with this ? Going to the train station's gonna be tough...

*I give you my thanks for guarding my daughter, Bucciarati. Go to the drinking fountain where the turtle is, at Napoli station, platform 6, and use this key. Then, take my daughter to Venezia by train.

P.S.: Your final orders will come once you reach Venezia.*

Abbachio: This cryptic message doesn't tell us anything about what this key is for... ! How are we supposed to know what to look for at the station's drinking fountain... ?

Bucciarati: The boss told us to get the key so that we'd have a way to move without getting detected by the enemy ! We have no choice but to trust it... ! To trust this key and go to the station !

"So... We can assume that the boss is in Venezia..."

Bucciarati: That's none of our business ! We just need to follow our orders, go to the drinking fountain at platform 6, and board the train ! The fastest one will be the Express train to Firenze that's leaving in ten minutes... That's the one we'll take !

"We're almost at the station. How's our back ?"

Mista: No problems here... Nobody's following us for now, at least... But the station's gonna be trouble. If the enemy has the staff or hobos there under their payroll, they'll know the moment we get there.

Fugo: ... ... 'The boss' daughter, Trish... How is she feeling about her life being threatened over a father she's never met in her life... ? She might not be showing any emotion, but... And, is she even a Stand user in the first place ? She doesn't have that sort of aura to her at all.'

Mista: 'Oh, I see how it is, Fugo ! Hehehe ! You checking out her goods, too ? Heh, I wouldn't blame you ! I've been doing the same the whole time !'

Fugo: Huh ?

Fugo: W- Whoah... Dude, is that...

Mista: This is some serious shit, Fugo ! You can't just stare at her like that ! That's the boss' daughter ! If she goes and tells "Fugo was undressing me with his eyes." or, "Fugo was invading my privacy" once our mission's over...

Fugo: Huh ?!

Mista: EEERRK !! You're getting this !

Fugo: W- What are you saying ?! I never- ! It's only because you said- !

"We're here."

Trish: ... ... ...

Fugo: ... ... ...

Mista: AAAAGHH !! Please show Fugo some mercy ! He didn't mean you any harm ! Sure, he may have used that sudden stop as an excuse to check out your titties... And feel you up a little, but that was just a passing urge ! That's all ! Please don't tell the boss !

Fugo: H- Hey ! Stop it ! I just slipped, that's all ! Honest ! You're just making things worse !

"Would you just shut up and get moving already?!"

Trish: *Confused Trish noises*

???: That's Bucciarati. he's really here... At the drinking fountain next to front car... Looks like the rest of his team and the daughter are on board... In car 1 maybe ?

???2: Shit, I can't believe this ! He came inside the station with his entire team ! I'll kill him !

???: ... He's at the station. But, is it because he's already been chased to his wit's end... ? Or because there's something that give him confidence that he'll be able to evade our pursuit... ? Which is it... ?

???2: Doesn't mater ! I'll kill him either way ! This is revenge for Formaggio and Illuso of the Mirror !

???: Hey, could you shut up already ? Talking about killing this and killing that... What's the big idea, huh ? We don't use those words in our world... Those words are for dogs to use... We don't need to say "I'll kill you"... Because by the moment those words come into our minds, our target's already dead and the deed's done ! That's why we don't need it ! Pesci, you're gonna be like this, right ? If you're part of our crew... Well, you get what I'm saying, do you ?

Pesci: Y... yeah ! I gotcha Fra' !

*Fra, as in Fratello, "brother" in Italian*

???: But, you can say "I've killed them !" All you want ! I'll stay out here and approach him from the platform... Pesci, you get on and head to car 1 from the inside ! We'll catch them in a pincer attack ! And since we want the daughter alive... I'd prefer to end this before the train gets off... That way, we won't have to buy tickets...

"Bucciarati, the train's about to depart... You should get on board."

Bucciarati: I know that... You go on ahead and guard Trish...

"Is there something wrong with the key ?"

Bucciarati: The drinking fountain at the platform... This is the only one, right... ? There's no other keyhole at this drinking fountain... Right ? We got the wrong place... This isn't it... This isn't the right keyhole... This key won't even go in !

Bucciarati: Not that it makes any difference ! This thing... Was never even locked ! It's just a water valve !

"... That fire hydrant over there also got a lock..."

Bucciarati: I already tried that... It won't work ! The lock isn't even the right shape !

Bucciarati: It's not here ! There's no lock or door that fits this key ! It's not at this drinking fountain ! What am I supposed to open and obtain with this key ! Railway 6 ! The drinking fountain with the turtle ! I know we got the right spot ! Damn it ! What the hell... ?

"The turtle... Thinking of it, if this is the only drinking fountain at platform 6, what was the need to specify that there was a turtle ? And even beside that, how did they know there would be one here in the first place ?"

Bucciarati: The turtle... Could it be... ?

Bucciarati: It's the same shape ! Just like the hexagon on this turtle's shell ! This key wasn't meant for a keyhole. It was meant for this shell ! I don't get why, but... The key itself fits in the shell ! It's in !

Bucciarati: Wha... What ?! What is this turtle ?! I... I'm sinking in !!

"Another animal Stand user... Better not make those memories resurface now..."

Pesci: ... ...

???: Hey, Pesci ! What are you doing here ?

Pesci: F... Fra ! I was gonna ask the same thing ! What's the matter ? Where's Bucciarati go ? Wasn't he at the drinking fountain ?

???: Hey, Pesci... You know what Bucciarati looks like, right ? And Abbachio, Mista, Fugo, Narancia... And those two newbies... You know what they look like too, right ?

Pesci: Fra, don't you think that's a little harsh, even for you ? I stared at their photos and personal files long enough to burn holes in them !

???: Then that means we got a very simple explanation... I just saw Bucciarati jump onto the train from the platform with my own eyes ! And if you came down the aisle without seeing him, then something strange is going on, don't you agree ? Well ? Did you take a good look at all the passengers ? Did you see anyone with sunglasses, or a beard, or anything that looked like a disguise ?

Pesci: I told you, I didn't see any of them ! I didn't pass by any of them ! I didn't even see a shadow of these guys, or the daughter !

"How did we all disappear ? To quote someone I met a decade ago, 'Dojyaaan~'."

Mista: W... What is this ?! Where are we ?!

"Simple. The turtle mentioned in the message was in fact a Stand user. And by putting the key inside its back, this room appeared."

Giorno: So it's the same type of Stand as that key of yours, then ?

Narancia: Th... This turtle's got a Stand...

Narancia: O... Ow... W- Where am I ? Under a chair... ? S- Still, this is neat ! This turtle's like our own personal spaceship !

Fugo: A Stand-using turtle... But this room is not illusion, it's a real room... the sofa and furniture are all real.

Abbachio: There's even cold drinks in the fridge...

Mista: Shit, we even got a TV... How's it getting power and reception inside a turtle, huh ? This thing's showing Captain Tsubasa...

Bucciarati: I have no idea either... But, it seems safe to say that the inside of the turtle is a real room that has electricity running... Perhaps the boss was kind enough to set it up for us...

"In those kind of situations, the course of actions I recommend is 'Don't ask questions, just roll with it'. At any rate, turtles prefer to stay hidden. They aren't the kind to cry out or wander around... To me, it looks like we could get to Venezia safely like this."

Fugo: "Could" ?

Pesci: Fra... It's time for the train to go... It's starting to move... We didn't see any passengers that looked like them, right ? They must be hiding somewhere in this station. They must have noticed someone was on their tail and decided to board another train at random to get away. Let's get some of the vagrants and use them to search for us !

???: ... 'The drinking fountain... I was too far to get a good look, but there was something there... Something dark... But it's gone now... Bucciarati kneeled down and did something... He picked it up... He picked up something at the drinking fountain !'

Pesci: Fra ! I told you, the train's starting to move !

???: Shut up ! You're getting on, too !

Pesci: Huh ? Huh ?! But why ?! What's going on ?! Why are we getting on the train ?

???: It's my gut speaking ! I don't know how Bucciarati did it, but igot a feeling that they're somewhere in this train !

Pesci: You got a feeling ? A feeling ?!

???: No more questions ! Just get on, Pesci ! I already said this before, Bucciarati had confidence that he could safely move around by train... But it wasn't through confidence that they could evade our pursuit. The boss must be lending them his assistance.. ! I have a feeling that if we don't investigate this train... They'll get away and we'll never be able to find them again !

Pesci: Aw man, are we really doing this... ?! And you said you didn't want to buy tickets...

???: Just shut up. Hey, this gap in the wall... What's on the other side ?

Pesci: ... That's not a wall at all ! That's the door to the cab, isn't it ?! But it doesn't open from this side and there's no way all seven of them can fit in there !

???: You just don't get it, do you... ? Our job right now is to search this train... We're gonna ransack every nook and cranny in this thing, from head to tail ! Try attacking inside with your Beach Boy ! Do it !

Pesci: It's not a group of seven in this room, there's... Only two. Got one !

???: Damn ! It's pretty cramped in here... It was just the engineer. They have to be in some part of this train.

Pesci: ... Huh ?

???: What ? Hold on a sec. This isn't right... I though there were two inside.

Pesci: Is there only one ? Really ? I'm pretty sure I felt two living things inside...

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