Capitolo 15: Invecchiamento rapido

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Stand user: Pesci

Stand: Beach Boy: -Power C

-Speed B

-Range B

-Persistence C

-Precision C

-Potential A 

Hooked on a fffishing line.*

???: Pesci ! I'm gonna ransack this train from head to tail ! I'll find Bucciarati and drag him out from wherever he's hiding ! You stay in the cab ! I don't think they've noticed us just yet, but if they did, they might stop the train ! They have the daughter with them ! And thanks to that, they won't be able to move about or jump out of the train that easily ! We hold the upper hand here ! Bring the train to full steam ! By the time we reach Roma, they'll be dead and the daughter will be ours !

Pesci: W... Wait a sec, Fra... 'This is weird... I though there were two beings inside the cab... there should be something else inside here...'

Pesci: ... Nah, there wouldn't be anyone inside the locker... I guess that guy was alone in here. Unlike Fra, my gut instinct's pretty poor... What's that ? What's that dark thing... ?

Pesci: WHOAHH !! W... WHAT THE ?! F- FRATELLO !!


Pesci: W- WAIT !! WAIT A MOMENT ! ARE YOU REALLY DOING IT ?! Are you gonna kill all those passengers together with them, too ?! We're not even sure if they're on the train in the first place !

???: Didn't I say so ?! I'm gonna ransack this place ! They must be in here somewhere ! Besides, this isn't a big deal, is it ? We got tourist flights crashing every year anyway. Those are far worse than what's about to happen here !

"I think... I think they left, whoever they were."

Mista: Maybe it's because we're inside the turtle, but it's getting kinda steamy in here... You want a drink too, Narancia ?

Narancia: ... ... ...

Mista: We got only cold drinks here, though. Cola, mineral water, both fizzy and the regular kind... Apple, orange and pineapple juice.

Narancia: ... ...

Mista: Hey, you listening ?

Narancia: Huh ? What was that ?

Mista: I asked if you wanted a drink ! And you're looking pretty tired, maybe you need some rest... Everything is fine, there's no need for everyone to keep an eye on the ceiling at all time.

Narancia: I guess so... My shoulders suddenly feel so stiff... And my back hurts, too. I could go for something warm, and easy on the stomach...

Mista: Didn't I say we only have cold drink ?

"You did. Guess he wasn't listening."

Narancia: Pff... Then I'll have a banana. Ahhhhhhh... Nobody could look at this garden without sighing, could they ? It's so relaxing... So beautiful... I'd like to lay down under the sun in a garden like this and think back to the good ol' days when I was a kid.

"You sound like a nostalgic old man."

Mista: hey, quit lickin'your fingers to turn the pages, that's fucking gross. I haven't read that magazine yet.

Narancia: Huh ? Was I just doing that ? You're kidding ! *Cough* *Cough*

"... Hm ? What the..."

Mista: hey, something came outta your mouth when you were coughing. And can't you sit up straight ? You look like a freak...

Narancia: What... is this ? What just came outta my mouth ?

"... A tooth... ?"

Narancia: I can't eat this banana... It's all dried up... It's hard as a rock...

Mista: ... Ohhhh, I get it ! You're such a clown ! Ha ha ha ! That surprised me ! But seriously, that's not funny, man. It really looked like a tooth came out of your mouth ! Pretty gross, dude. What was that thing, anyway ?

Narancia: Ah ? What are you talking about, Mista ? You're talking too quietlyyyyyy... I can't hear youuuuuuuu...

Narancia: Like, this banana... I- It's falling apaaaaart... I... I can't e- eat t... T- This... All of them... they're all dried up... A- All the fruits in here...

Mista: H- Hey ! What's wrong with you ?! Your face is all messed up !

"Emergency situation ! We're under attack !!"

Bucciarati: What ?!

Mista: N- Narancia !

Naranciaged: Can you hear me ? I'll say it louder this time... ! This banana isn't edibllllle ! Look, it's all dry and crumbled up ! It's been out here for agesssssss... Look ! It's falling apart and it's old !

"B- Bucciarati !!"

Bucciarati: I know !!

Naranciaged: What ? What's this white stuff ?! It was on my head... What just came off of my head ?

"S- Stand attack !! The enemy didn't went away, they were prepared for an attack inside the train !"

Bucciarati: Are they coming for us ?!

Giorno: Nnnngh... What is happening ? You are all making quite a racket...

Giornold: Is there... A problem... ?

"Everyone... They've all aged !!"

Naranciaged: W... Who is this... ? W- Who is this... ? N- No... No ! It can't be ! What the hell is going onnnnn ?! Is this really meee ?!!

"A Stand that makes you older... And that attacks everyone indiscriminately..."

Mista: Giorno, Abbachio, and even Fugo !! Have they found out that we're in the turtle ?!

Bucciarati: Calm down, Mista ! Our cover hasn't been blown yet ! Just let them sleep !

"If they knew we were inside the turtle, they'd already attack us directly, trying to kill us or drag us out. At lest we knows they don't know we're here, but it also means they're attacking the whole train to find us !"

Mista: They're taking all the passengers out with us... And running the train at full speed ?!

Bucciarati: Probably... ! They're that desperate ! there's nothing they won't think of trying !

"And without any hesitation at that..."

Bucciarati: At this point, we've only got two choices: One, Take Trish and escape from the train. Two, Find the enemy without knowing his effective range, and kill him !

Mista: Two is the only real choice here. If we wanted to escape this train, we'd have to stop this train first... It's too dangerous.

"If bad comes to worst... I'll go outside, take the turtle and jump off. After Roma the rail track will pass alongside the Tibre."

Mista: Good, so we have a last resort plan. But before we get there, assassination's the surer bet.. As long as we're using my Sex Pistols...

Bucciarati: yes... You're exactly right... But we don't have much time... We're aging at an incredible speed.

Naranciaged: Bucciarati.. My... My hand.. My fingers... Th... they're shrivelling up ! They're falling aparrrrrt !! There's no blood going to my fingers ! They don't even hurt ! They're all falling apaaarrrrt ! The b... Bones in my fingers !

"And not only these... He's withering away like a dying tree... We need to kill the user quick, before they all turn into literal piles of dust !"

Mista: You're right ! We're damn short on time !!

Giornold: Wait... Mista... You can't go... yet... You must not go... Yet ! There is one thing, we have to investigate !

Mista: What's with this crazy talk, Giorno ?! Every millisecond counts here !

Bucciarati: Let him talk... ! What is it, Giorno ? What do we have to investigate ?

Giornold: Our aging speed, Bucciarati... We are aging faster than you... Why are we aging at different rates ?

Bucciarati: Now that you mention it... Mista's, Y/n's and my symptoms are still relatively light ! And Trish is hardly affected... But why ?

Mista: Everyone ages at different speeds ! i'm going !

"No, no, he's got a point... If the enemy was truly aging everyone indiscriminately... That would put the risk of killing Trish, as well. So there must be something, like a condition, that determines the speed at which you age."

Bucciarati: A condition... That slows down the aging ? I never even considered that Trish was taking the least amount of damage, but if she were to be aging fast, then the enemy would be in quite a pickle... What do you think it is ?

"Not counting Trish, you and Mista are the least affected. So there has to be something you two did very recently, that the others haven't."

Bucciarati: Since we got inside the turtle ? Apart from having a drink...

"A drink ? A cold drink..."

Mista: What are you thinking ?

Mista: WH... WHAT THE- ?! The part of Narancia's face that touched the ice turned back to young !

"Body temperature... That's how the aging is acting differently depending on people, and also why Trish is hardly affected at all. Because of the difference in Muscle/fat ratio, women tend to have a slightly lower body temperature than men... They're using this tiny difference to kill us all without harming their target."

Trish: ... Yes, we have been cooling ourselves down a little, drinking these cold drinks... But Narancia didn't drink any...

Mista: Then... Cooling ourselves slows down the aging speed ! COOL EVERYONE DOWN ! PUT THIS ICE ON THEM AND COOL THEM DOWN !


Mista: ... Ah... There's... Only this much left...

Bucciarati: Our plan hasn't changed, we still need to kill the enemy ! Even though, it seems the ice can keep our aging in check... It'll take too long for the fridge to make enough for everyone ! Take that ice, Mista, and go kill the enemy ! Once it melts... Your Stand power and stamina will leech away !

"The driver's here... Aged, and most likely dead by now."

Mista: It's muggy in here... That Stand really is attacking indiscriminately...

"Perhaps the Turtle's aging too... But turtles are long-lived, so it'll last longer than them anyways."

Mista: There's the switch for the AC... Maybe, if we turn that on, the cab will cool down a little... And that might slow down their aging too.

"... If that's the first thing that comes into our minds, you can be sure the enemy thought about it too. Not like we have that much of a choice here, but still, leave the fishy stuff to me."


Pesci: Sheesh, give me a break, Fra... That was dangerous ! What would you do if I got old, too ?


Mista: A hook just appeared from the button ! It's not the aging guy !

"I was pretty sure there was two people after us sooner... This is a different Stand. Be on your guard, Mista, there are two enemies on this train !"

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