Capitolo 18: Di Molto

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

???: Current time is 6:34 PM. I've reached the express train to Firenze approximately 20 minutes after it stopped. Prosciutto is dead next to the tracks. There are heavy wounds covering his entire body, and his right arm is missing. And a portion of Pesci's body is on the riverside near the tracks. He's been torn apart and the rest of him is likely in the river.

???: From these facts, I can conclude that the two of them were killed by Bucciarati's Sticky Fingers. Of course he, the six members of his team, and Trish are no longer here. Chances are they've taken the highway and headed North. If they really had some sort of Stand-using animal with them, they may be hitchhiking or stowed away with some truck's cargo.

Phone: Can you find them ? Melone ?

Melone: ... Prosciutto and Pesci may not have succeeded, but... Their combined efforts have allowed me to find them ! I've obtained some blood ! Bucciarati's blood !

Your POV:

Narancia: Is it just me... Or does Trish seem incredibly gloomy right now ? What do you think ? You think Bucciarati said something mean to her ?

"Rather than that, She's like that because Bucciarati isn't saying anything at all."

'So now we know that Trish is most likely a Stand user, even if she doesn't realize it herself yet. That and her mysterious father... I can understand her anxiousness. Not to mention Bucciarati has forbidden us from discussing that with her.'

Giorno: 'As for me... I'd like to examine her ability somehow. It could give me some sort of hint leading towards the mysterious boss.'

Narancia: Did you say something ?

Giorno: Huh ? No, nothing at all.

"In any way, it's preferable to have Trish gloomy instead of crying of screaming. It proves she's strong-willed. And, even if I wouldn't count on it, as long as we stay undetected, it should be a day or two until we reach Venezia... Where was I anyways ?"

Mista: two identical rocks in the middle of the desert.

"Ah, yes. Funniest shit I've ever seen."

Cinque: Mistaaa ! Mistaaa ! Waaahh ! Mistaa ! I'm hungryyyy !

Mista: Come on, man. I told you. You gotta make do without Cena for a little bit. There's no food inside the turtle, right now. I'll grab you something to eat once this truck stops, okay ? I promise.

Cinque: But Mistaaa !! Due and Tre are eating a borgar together ! Tell them to share with me ! Waaahhh !!

"Huh ?"

Tre: That's the stuff ! *Burrrp*

Mista: You guys... ! Wh- Where did that borgar come from ? D- Don't tell me !

Driver: Huh ? Did my borgar just disappear ? Woah ! There's something under my seat. It's a turtle ? What's a turtle doing here ? And I think I see some kinda jewel in its back...

"... You guys know that Bucciarati's gonna have your heads for that right ?"

Mista: Urrggh...

Narancia: W- What's going on ?! Did we run into something ?!

Fugo: You two ! You've been keeping watch on the ceiling, right ?! What was that ?!

"No idea, really. Just looked away for like, one second, and that happened."

Mista: That's weird. Did the truck just stop ? Maybe the driver fell asleep at the wheel ? But hey, no prob', guys ! We can just find another ride...

"Fine, fine... Aight, everyone in the pocket dimension..."


Passenger: Can anyone tell me when the train's gonna get going again ? Some one says the driver's not in the cab. Where the hell did he go ?


Karen: Ugh, so annoying. They could at least make the kid shut up... Damn it... Why do they let these peasants on ? I can hear them through the walls... If I knew this was gonna happen, I would've taken a car. Not like I can get any sleep here, either... ... H- Hey !

Melone: ... How's your health been... ? Have you been doing well ?

Karen: ... HEY ! WHEN DID YOU GET IN HERE ?! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO READ ?! 'I hate trains, because there's always these irritating bastards on board...'

*Riservato (Reserved)*

Melone: Your date of birth... Got it written down anywhere ? Driver license ?! ID ?! Passport ?!


Melone: Ooh ! Born march 10, 1977. Age 24. Not bad. Bellissimo... You're just the right age...


Melone: ... Di molto ! That was a good slap ! You snapped your wrist and put your hips into it. A slap this hard proves you're in good health. You're in excellent condition !

*Rero Rero*

Karen: EEEK !!

Melone: Perfect ! And judging by the taste of your finger, your blood type is... Type O ! Right ?! Type O... And...

Karen: W- What do you want ?! A- Are you trying to rob me ? Do you know who I am ?! My family's not gonna take it sitting down if you do anything to me ! We go way high up in the police and government ! There won't be a single cell of you left...

Melone: Woah ! Whoah... I don't need your name. I really don't care about your name or your background. What matters are your current health, your date of birth, and your blood type...

Melone: A type O, Pisces ! That's what matters. Bucciarati's a type A, Aries. If we check his horoscope... Your compatibility is incredibly poor... And that is very good ! Looks like you're a Smoker, and you drink, too. How about drugs . If you take any narcotics... YOU'D BE DI MOLTO ! ABSOLUTELY PERFECT !

Karen: D- Do you want money... ? I... If you need more, I can tell you my credit card's pin...

Melone: excuse me... Could you stop talking and listen for a moment ? I'm about to ask you the most important question of all. When you start off something, you have to make it fun. Don't you agree ? You can't do anything you don't want ! What's important are your own tastes ! Which of these do you like ? Just press the corresponding number key. By the way, the Kama Sutra, written over 1500 years ago, shows over 48 methods. But I believe this is the most important, indeed. This is where a proper child-rearing process begins.

Melone: Chose quickly, we still have a lot to do.

Karen: S- SOMEONE HEL- !

Melone: [BABY FACE] !!

Karen: Ack-

*Fertilization successful. 3 Min 30 sec to birth. Mother and child healthy. Analyzed DNA in Bruno Bucciarati's blood. Cultivate DNA in body for tracking ?*

Melone: What a fiend... Of course we will.


Karen: GASP ! W... What just hap... O- Oh my god ! Did I get- !

Karen: ... ... Phew... Nothing happened. It's just another day... God damn it ! What was that man after ? My wallet's still here, money's still inside... he was asking me all sorts of private things like how I like to kill... He's not a thief, but he's still a filthy asshole ! I was scared to death ! I am so gonna murder him ! Fuck that piece of shit ! How am I supposed to vent this rage ?! Hello ? Is this the conductor ?! Get yourself to my room this instant !


*Mur... Murder... What does that mean ?*

Melone: Hm ?! Looks like the child of Baby Face has been born. And he's learning from his mother... And my, does he learn ! What an excellent response ! He has immediately responded to his mother's desire to kill ! He's not lacking any talent, at least ! Grow up nice and strong ! Feast on the energy from Bucciarati's cells and grow into an auto-tracking, long-ranged, power-type Stand...

Conductor: Is something wrong, ma'am ? The train is about to depart.

Karen: Yeah, I know that ! But I don't care ! Some perverted freak just attacked me in my private room ! It's because of the shitty, cheap lock you put on the doors ! I can't believe I paid for this !

Karen: So ?! Are you gonna take responsibility for this, huh ?! You better have a lot of money for my restitution ! i'm gonna have you bowing to me so hard, it's gonna leave a mark on your forehead ! You shithead !

Baby: 'Kill... Wh... What... Does... Shithead... Mean... ?'

Melone: Ready to study ? This is a lion.. the king of animals. The long-nosed one is an elephant. The one with the long neck is a giraffe. The one eating grass here is a zebra. And this is a human.

Melone: My, my ! This is what it means to kill. Understand ? We also call it murder or whacking. Now, let's flip to the next page.

Melone: Looks like it's time to learn about children's toys. This is a top... Baseball... Bowling... And Ice skating.

Melone: Goodness ! Now that's one handy way to use them. These dead people are shitheads. When there's just one, you say shithead. You add an "-S" to the end when there are more than one. Understand ?

Melone: What's the best way to kill them, you ask ? All you have to do is... Just let your instincts and innate abilities guide you. However, you mustn't attack Trish right here. Capture her alive ! That is your top priority ! And there are also two members whom we don't have visual ID on. They're with Bucciarati, so you'll be finding them and killing them in person.

*I wanna go potty. What do I do ?*

Melone: Hm ? What do you do... ? ... Well, just do it, I guess. Normal babies don't care when or where they go, either.


Conductor: Um, I don't see any leaks...


*Mom says I smell. She's calling me gross and filthy.*

Melone: Yes, so it would seem. So... What do you think of her ?

*... I have the best mom in the world !*

Melone: Good ! DI MOLTO ! You're learning well !

*I'm hungry... What should I do ?*

Melone: Hmmm ? Wait for it. Tough it out ! You've only just started school, didn't you ? You haven't learned enough yet ! Wait just a bit more.

*Gimme a drink ! Gimme a drink right now !*

Melone: Hey ! Wait ! You must wait !

Karen: I can't believe this train ! It's leaking filthy water on me !

Conductor: Please, calm down, Ma'am. The train hasn't been leaking at all.

Karen: So, you did it, then ?! It only happened after you came in !

Conductor: Huh ?!

Karen: You have seriously pissed me off ! The railway company needs to take responsibility for what it's done ! Hey ! Is anyone there ?! Come over here ! I need a witness to sue them !! ... ...

Karen: I need a wit... ness...


Conductor: Ma'am ? ... ... ...

Melone: She's too good of a mother ! She taught him the desire to kill fast, that she did. Too fast, in fact ! I told him to wait !


Melone: AH ! Hey !

*Bucciarati's DNA is currently stationary. He has stopped North of us.*

Melone: ... man, what a kid... He hasn't even finished school yet... But his talents doesn't leave me wanting ! The auto-tracking's gone without a hitch ! It takes some doing, but the sons of baby Face are invincible long-range Stands ! there's nothing that can defeat them !

"Giorno, you keep looking back. Anything wrong ?"

Giorno: No, I was just thinking... There's no cover out here. Perhaps we should steal a car.

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