Capitolo 19: Angery

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Stand user: Melone

Stand: Baby Face: -Power A

-Speed B

-Range A

-Persistence A

-Precision: Depending on education

-Potential: Depending on education.

I hope you don't mind, but I'll be doing this one OFFSCREEN*

Fugo: I'm against that idea. We'd better not. It's too dangerous. I think we should stow away in someone else's car.

Narancia: Oh, come on ! What's the matter with you, Fugo ?! It's simple. I do it all the time. Just smash the lock open and fiddle with the engine until it goes *Vroom* ! It's a piece of cake ! C'mon, which ride should we grab ?

Fugo: Nobody said it was difficult, you retard ! I just said it was dangerous ! Don't you see where we are ?! We're on the highway to Roma ! We're not out in the middle of nowhere ! People will notice right away if their car just goes missing ! Then they'll report it to the police and you can bet the enemy has already hacked into their computers ! Just try getting into one of those cars and see what happens ! They'll catch us within an hour !

Mista: No, hitchhiking is the far more dangerous choice. We're worse off dragging our feet at the mercy of some total strangers. The enemy's also desperate to find us, too ! there's no telling what they might do to catch us ! Besides, if we're hitchhiking, we'll never know where we're really headed! That just puts me on end !

Fugo: I'm not saying that we shouldn't get a car of our own ! I'm just saying that it's too dangerous to steal one ! They'll catch us in no time !

Abbachio: true enough... Fugo's got a point.

Narancia: Aw. What about Bucciarati ? Let's see what he thinks !

"There's just no end to this... Giorno ? An idea ?"

Giorno: They will catch us in no time if we steal a single car. But, if we steal a hundred cars... Then they might have a harder time figuring out which one we're on.

"... I think... I think I'm starting to see where you're going there..."


Giorno: We can start with ten ! Now, they can't tell the difference anymore.

"I'm starting to think you really got something with frogs. But at least, we can ride one of the remaining cars, and it will take them ten times as long to track us down."

Narancia: Oh... I get it !

Abbachio: Hmph ! Fine, then ! Go let Bucciarati know ! We've secured a car !

Bucciarati: You're not allowed to stand on the chair. Get down from there. It's dangerous outside.

Trish: ... If you could excuse me, Bucciarati, could I trouble you to answer a very simple question ? Where might I find a restroom in this turtle ? You don't expect me to use a diaper, do you ?

Bucciarati: ... Ah, yes... That is a very important question indeed.

Trish: Good ! I'm glad you understand ! Now, take me outside !


Bucciarati: Let's just put a zipper on the floor. Right here, in the closet. Problem solved. I don't know where this hold leads to, but I doubt it'll harm the turtle. Who knows ? Maybe it'll be good for its health.

Trish: ... I... Don't understand... Y- You're not making any sense to me...

Giorno: Bucciarati, we've found a car.

Bucciarati: Good. Let's get on the road once we're sure it's safe... Trish ?

Mista: They're sure taking their sweet time to get ready...

"Must be Trish being... Well, being Trish."

Mista: Yes, but then, what is holding Giorno back ?

"Hm... Hold that thought for just a sec."

Abbachio: H- Hey, what the hell ?!

"3 meters... I'll see what they're up too. It's bad for my health to spend too much time so close to Abbachio."

Abbachio: Have I ever told you to fuck off today ?

Fugo: I believe that'd be the sixth time already...

*I've captured the boss' daughter, Trish. Bucciarati's in my hand too, and I also took care of one of the new guys.*

Melone: Molto ! Di Molto ! Baby Face, that's my boy ! You've captured the girl ?! Well done ! Now, get yourself back here right away ! Capturing Trish is our top priority ! Kill the other two right away !

*Someone else is approaching me. I couldn't dispatch the newbie's body right away, so he's coming right at me.*

Melone: No matter. You've already got the girl. If you can't sneak past him, just kill him.

*I don't recognize him. He's facing away from the turtle right now.*

Melone: So it's the second newbie, and he's concerned about his teammate ! That's even better ! He's all yours, Baby Face ! But you must do it quietly. Same way you captured Trish. The other members can't be too far away. At the risk of repeating myself, getting Trish is our top priority ! We'd be in a spot of trouble if all of them followed you back !

*He's looking that way now. I think he's noticed me.*

Melone: Then the choice is simple ! Finish him off swiftly, then take Trish and get back here !

*A weird fog thing has started surrounding hi-... ... ... ... ...*

Melone: Baby Face ? Baby Face ?! Answer me !!

*No signal.*

Melone: ... What the fuck was that ?!

"What the fuck was that ?"

Giorno: *Gurgling noises*

"Alright, listen here, Giorno. All that my Hamon can do at this rate is allowing blood not to escape your body and painkillers. If you've got any ideas how to fill these gaping holes in your throat and face, I'm all ears. And also your missing foot while you're at it."

Giorno: His power and my Gold Experience... Have similarities... By pushing me within an inch of my life... I feel the birth of something new ! I sense the birth of something newer, and greater than before !

"Oh, so it's the same type of Stand then ? You really are growing, Giorno."

Giorno: W- Wait, the enemy ! Where...

"Oh, he's here. And here... And here. And there, too."

Giorno: An arm ?

"All that's left. Whoever was commanding it was dumb as hell."

Giorno: Commanding ?

"High power and precision, but there's no one around us. An auto-tracking Stand. So whoever or wherever the user might be, it's unharmed."

Giorno: ... I may have an idea concerning that point... Only one arm left ?

Melone: Shit ! I really didn't expect to lose a baby face like that... If only I got more intel on these newbies... We may have missed our chance to take the daughter away... But I've already contacted Ghaccio and Risotto. They're heading that way right now !

Narancia: H- Hey... Did something happen ?

"Nothing worth mentioning. But we need to move on, and fast. They're already on our tracks."

Citizens: W... Where's my car ? My car's gone ! Mine is too ! Someone stole it !

Ghaccio: ... I've gotta find them... Come hell or high water... That phrase "Hell or high water"... I get the "High water" part. I totally get it. 'Cause maybe a flood could happen or something... But what the fuck does the "Come hell" part mean ?! Who thinks hell can just move around ?! What a stupid fucking phrase !! It seriously pisses me off !! You think Hell's just gonna grow arms and legs and crawl out on the ground, huh ? Fuck no, you dumb shit ! Hell stays right underground where it belongs !



Ghaccio: Hey, Melone ! You there ?! I don't see Bucciarati anywhere around here ! He's long gone ! Hello ? D'you hear me, Melone ? It looks like they hotwired a car. And they got rid of your bike, too. You wanna explain yourself ? Hello ? You there, Melone ? Hello ?

Ghaccio: Melone ! Come on !

Melone: ... Yeah, I'm right here. But we haven't failed just yet. You just barely missed them. They're still close ! My Baby Face is equipped with long-ranged auto-tracking. And I still got Bucciarati's blood ! I can make as many Baby Faces as we need !

Ghaccio: That's what I wanted to hear, Melone !

Melone: I'll find an even better mother ! And this time, I'm armed with new info on the new guys ! I'll take them out first ! I'll teach this one ! Make him even more powerful ! And then, I'll send my new, completely invincible baby Face on their trail !


Melone: ... What was that ? Sounded like a snake... What's a snake doing here in the Stazione di Roma Termini ?

Ghaccio: You there, Melone ? I'm not sure what they did but, I don't think they've stolen just one car. There's at least a dozen missing. If we can't pick up their trail here, it'll take some time to find out which car we gotta chase ! You better not let that happen, Melone !


Ghaccio: Melone ? You still listening ? Hey, are you there ?! Hello ? Melone ? I'm counting on you, man !

*Melone, user of [Baby face]. Deceased.*

Mista: Been this way the whole time... Giorno, Y/n, you notice that ?

Giorno: It's been like this for the entire ride...

"That's right. Nobody's been on our tail this whole time, and we've already been on this road for 4-5 hours."

Mista: then maybe, just maybe... We really managed to shake them off ! We'll be in Venezia in just an hour or two !

Bucciarati: This might be sudden, but can you come over to this dining chair, Abbachio? We got another E-mail from the boss.

Abbachio: ... Me... ?

*Rewind Abbachio's Moody Blues to ten hours ago, next to the dining chair.*

Abbachio: You mean my Moody Blues ?

Bucciarati: Not sure exactly what he means, but it's an order. Get rewinding.

Abbachio: Right. You want ten hours ago, right ?

Abbachio: It's transformed. Looks like someone was in here ten nhours ago.

Narancia: Huh ? I think I've seen that guy before. Let's see... What's his name again ?

Bucciarati: Pericolo, one of the Capo. He was the one who first handed Trish off to us.

Narancia: Oh, right ! At the restroom on Capri Island !

Fugo: Then that at least tells us he was the one who left the turtle for us at the station...

Bucciarati: Listen up, he's started talking.

'Pericolo': I shall now deliver your final orders. This is a precaution, on the off-chance that someone's reading our E-mails. What you will be doing at Venezia is the most crucial part of your mission. We must not allow anyone else to know, because it will tell you how to transfer Trish to the boss.

Bucciarati: How to... Transfer... ?

'Pericolo': Here it is. Once Trish has safely arrived in Venezia, find this sculpture and obtain the OA-Disc inside. The location of the transfer will be written on the disc.

Narancia: W- What the ?! He's burning it !

Fugo: He's not leaving any evidence behind ! Anyone knows where the sculpture is ?!

Bucciarati: Calm down ! Pause it, Abbachio ! This is the entrance to Venezia. That's the Venezia Santa Lucia Station. That's where we'll find the statue...

'Pericolo': That is all. You must obtain the disc ! The enemy has already discovered me. "How can Trish meet the boss in safety ?!" That is the most crucial part ! You must give it the absolute highest priority ! This marks the end of my mission. I pray for your safety. I owe the boss for the fruitful and fulfilling life I've led. I mustn't leave any evidence. My men know nothing. They will be the ones to clean up my mess.

Bucciarati: What ?!

Narancia: WHAAAAAAAAT ?!!

Bucciarati: Pericolo...

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