Capitolo 20: Benvenuti a Venice

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Mista: There's still no change... I still don't see anyone behind.

Giorno: Yes. And the city ahead is still fast asleep. We are the only car on the road.

"There is only one road from the mainland into the misty fortress on the sea known as the city of Venezia. And that's the Ponte Della Liberta, stretching 3.5 Km across the shallows. A railroad runs parallel to the left of this bridge, and the station is right after the crossing. In other words, the entrance to Venezia is as far as we can go by car. The statue with the disc is in the Plaza in front of the station..."

Mista: Do you really have to make everything sound so dramatic ?

"Sorry, force of habit."

Mista: ... Dang, the window's really fogging up ! I can hardly see Venezia through this crap ! OW !!

Mista: Off... Hey, what's the big idea ?!

"I don't know... For a second, the tires started slipping on the road... This isn't even winter though..."

Mista: Dude, the bridge is perfectly straight !

"It's European. There's no way it's 'Perfectly straight', Mista."

Mista: ... What ?

Giorno: But you're right about the fog. In the mornings, there is a considerable difference in humidity inside and outside the car. Should I open a window ?

Mista: Huh ? Hm ? What's that thing stuck to the window ? What could it be ? It wasn't there before. When did it get there ?

Mista: What the... ? The hell is that shape... ? It's... It's just stuck there... That shape kinda reminds me off... A... A finger...

Mista: I... If it is, then whose finger is it ?!

"A problem, Mista ?"

Giorno: I think we have to open the window. The fog is only getting thicker.

"Wh... What the ?! Hey, it's supposed to be March in Italy, not freaking Siberia !!"

???: It sure took us a while ! I thought we lost you after you stole all those cars at once. But, some of us were going after Pericolo, and they at least managed to figure out that you were heading for Venezia... The old man offed himself, but it wasn't so hard to run some computer analysis on the ashes next to his corpse. It just took a little time. You're going to Venezia, aren't you... ?!

Giorno: The enemy's on the roof ?! And we didn't even notice !!

???: Hm ?! Where's the turtle ?! There's no turtle in the car, is there ? Where's the turtle Trish is hiding in ?!

"Mista, what are you waiting for ?! Shoot him off the roof !!"

Mista: One problem with that... You wouldn't believe how fast this car's icing over ! It's so fast you can't even feel the cold... My finger got stuck to the window and snapped off so fast, I didn't even realize it... So, the problem is, if I don't get my face off the window soon... Then my brain's gonna freeze too, so... Even if I gotta tear off my face...

???: Why don't you guys have the turtle ? Did you guys split up... ?! In that case, that must mean you got a mission to pick up something real important ! And it's in the photo ! Let me guess ! You're looking for something at the Station in Venezia !

Mista: ... My finger finally started bleeding...

???: At any point, if Trish ain't here... That means you're looking for something. And, although I don't know what that something might be, I can't afford to leave without it, either. 'Cause Trish is probably hiding somewhere along this bridge, and this something is so precious to you, you had to take the precaution of splitting up. If I go to the place in the photo and dig around... Whaddya think I'll find ? Well, that can wait until I kill you.


Ghaccio: You know Paris, the Capital of France... ? In English, they say it like "Pairiss", but the rest of the world says "Paree" like the French do. So how come everyone calls Venezia by it's English name, "Venice" ?! There's the merchant of Venice and death in Venice... WHY CAN'T YOU CALL IT DEATH IN VENEZIA ?! ARE YOU HAPPY WITH THAT ?! I'M NOT HAPPY AT ALL ! IS THIS YOUR IDEA OF A FUCKING JOKE ?! IT'S ITALIAN, YOU GODDAMN BASTARDS ! SPEAK FUCKING ITALIAN! FUCK, THAT PISSES ME OFF ! YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS !!

Tre: H... he's covered in ice and sticking to the roof !!

Due: The bullets can't make it through all that ice !! Shit, the ice is spreading onto us, too ! Get back !! MISTAAAAAA !!!

"Shit !! We can't continue as long as he's on the roof ! Giorno, take the wheel !"

Giorno: What are you-

"My fucking job !"

Mista: I... I blinked just once... And now... My eye's stuck !

"That's why he's on the roof ! The car's moving at 80 Km/H... And that's equal to a 20 M/s wind. Knowing there's 1°C of wind chill for every M/s of wind... Those holes in the roof made us instantly lose 20°C !!"

Mista: Stop the car ! Hit the goddamn brakes !

Giorno: I've been trying... However... The brake pedal has been iced over ! I can't press it down !! And the steering wheel's starting to lock up, too !

"... Let's resume that situation. The car can keep moving as long as the engine is burning fuel, but if brushing the window is enough to freeze your finger over, then the car must be at about -100°C... Okay, give me that gun."

Mista: What-

"I said give me that gun now ! Pistols, how is he holding onto the roof ?! How thick is the ice ?!"

Cinque: Umm... Around 10 or 15 centimeters, I'd say ! His hands and feet are stuck to the car !

"... So he's only got four attach points, not a unique block..."



"Because, I need a direct look to aim properly !"




Ghaccio: If it didn't work, why are you so stubborn with shooting me !! Your bullets wouldn't even graze me, even without the ice !

"First off, shut the fuck up. Second, I knew ordinary bullets couldn't break through that ice shell all by themselves.

Mista: Ordinary...

"Charged with Hamon, not only could they penetrate further down the ice, they also created tiny crack all over ! And speaking of all over... OVERDRIVE !!

Ghaccio: Huh ?!

Ghaccio: WOAHHHH !!

"Never underestimate a physics teacher... Ice has a very sturdy crystal structure, making it quite resilient to shock, especially as a block. But it's also its weakness ! Once even the tiniest of cracks is formed, it's a piece of cake to cause the entire thing to shatter !!"

Mista: You got him off the roof! Now hands on the wheel, Giorno ! We're warming up just as fast as he froze us over !

"That son of a... So that's how he got on our car to begin with ?! And he's wrapped his stand around his body..."

Mista; Yo, I've never even seen something like that before... HE'S COMING AFTER US !!

Ghaccio: Tch ! I don't know if that's the ability of that new guy that Melone mentioned... But either way, you won't escape... the object at the station is coming home with me, Ghaccio.


Ghaccio: You're wasting your ammo. My ability, White Album, uses cryogenic temperatures to freeze the moisture in the air into a suit of armor. I can use it to skate around, and it's strong enough to stop bullets !

"So his ability isn't the ice in itself, but rather the way he can produce it... That isn't good for me. Mista, recharge !"

Mista: He's speeding up ! Giorno, hit the gas !

Giorno: We can't go any faster ! The car hasn't completely defrosted yet ! Any faster and our remaining tires will slip ! And he knows about the station... he knows we're going there to pickup our next objective... !

"But at least, he doesn't know where Trish and the turtle are hiding. And he doesn't have the key to find them anyways."

Mista: But that won't matter if he catches us ! Go faster, Giorno !!

Giorno: I told you, I can't ! If we slip, we'll just lose more speed !

Mista: I don't care ! Do it ! We need more speed !

Ghaccio: You'll never reach Santa Lucia station ! This is where you die !


Ghaccio: C'mon, are you deaf ?! That peashooter of yours can't harm me !!


Ghaccio: What ?!

Mista: I'm taking lessons from a professor. I wasn't aiming for you this time.

Mista: Now, how about a kiss... ? A sensual, blazing-hot kiss for Miss Pavement !

Ghaccio: WHOA !!

Pistols: NICE ONE ! YEAH !!

"Alright, he took a spill... Now's the time for some speed !! We still got a bit over one kilometer left before the road ends. The station's just past that !!"

Mista: What the ?! he's making a rope outta the water from the car... Like a fire creeping up a trail of gasoline ! Just how cold do you need to be to do that ?! YO, BITCH ! YOU BACK FOR SECONDS ?!

"... He opened the trunk."

Mista: Shit ! He's caught up ! he's inside !! Stop the car, Giorno !! Don't let him freeze the pedal again !! Hit the brakes while you can !

Ghaccio: Not this time, cowboy ! Now, i'm just gonna freeze you directly. I would've done this from the start if I knew Trish wasn't here ! Now... rest, in pieces !






Boss: They should be arriving soon... Here in Venezia... Take, the disc... if you all fail, then it will be quite difficult to find me... For that final, crucial step... Oh, Trish, my daughter...

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