Capitolo 27: Questo va bene

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Mista: What the fuck... ? Giorno, stop joking around ! Who could have brought those things onboard, and how ?! Aren't those the fingers of that fatso I shot on the airport runway ?! Well, Giorno ?! Yes or no ?!

"Calm down, Mista."

Bucciarati: Is something wrong ?

"Bucciarati ! Guard Trish ! And make sure there's nothing in the closet or any of the other cabinets ! Narancia, use Aerosmith to patrol around the plane ! Double check to make sure nothing's following us !"

Giorno: These can't possibly the finger bones of the man at the airport ! We confirmed he was totally dead !

Mista: Yeah ! I know that ! Every single one of my bullets made a lethal wound ! That's why I thought you were just pulling a prank !

"But then... Whose bones are these ?! The blood's still fresh ! And how did they get inside the plane ?!"

Mista: I don't think the last passengers were saving these to snack on later !

Narancia: I don't see anything in the other cabinets or beneath the seats ! And nothing could follow us from outside ! There's not even any jets in the sky !

Bucciarati: ... Giorno, didn't you check, and make sure there wasn't a single trace of life energy inside ?

Giorno: Yes, I'm sure of it. I checked every nook and cranny.

Bucciarati: But Mista says he saw those three fingers suddenly turn into four. Did you see that too ?

Mista: Ugh... !

Giorno: No... It was too sudden. I didn't think to count.

Bucciarati: Did those fingers move on their own ? Could those fingers themselves contain life energy ?

Giorno: ...

"Don't touch them, Giorno. I'm pretty sure no remote-controlled stand could come up here, but don't touch anything you don't have to.

Giorno: ... These are just bones. They're lifeless objects. If they were alive or if they were a stand, my Gold Experience wouldn't be able to take root in them.

Mista: I guess I didn't see another finger pop up after all. This shit's so unreal, my eyes are going weird. B- But this doesn't change the fact that these things are so damn weird !

Bucciarati: You're exactly right. Even though there haven't been any signs of attack so far, and I don't know who or how, or why anyone left this here, we should throw this thing outside.

"Um... You know, the difference in pressure between the inside and outside of a plane ? At 12,000 meters, we'll all get flushed if you open the door..."

Bucciarati: Open the door ? There's no need for us to drag it so far. You might wanna hold on to something... [STICKY FINGERS] !!

Narancia: HUH ?! What ?! You're gonna make a zipper right here ?!


Bucciarati: But you'll find it's not worth the effort. I dropped the whole fridge out the plane. i'm going back to the cockpit with Abbachio to make sure everything's fine.

Giorno: It's really falling. I can feel it... Gold experience's plants are falling with the bones at an incredible speed.

Mista: But I'm still uneasy about this ! If that was an enemy attack, then when did they put it on the plane ?! Still, at least it's only been 10-20 minutes since we took off ! Good thing we found it sooner rather than later !

Giorno: Agreed.


Mista: ... KA-BOOOOOOOM !!

"Ack- !"

Giorno: ... And you find this funny ?

Mista: Yes.

Giorno: ...

*I wanna eat pizza Margherita*

Giorno: Pizza Margherita... ? I could go for some myself... I wish I could go beck home to Neapolis and have a simple Margherita.

Giorno: What's all this ? There's a lot of graffiti here... It's like a train station restroom. I figured this private plane belonged to someone richer than this...

Giorno: Who wrote this ?! And when ?! Who wrote these message ?! Ah ! What ?!

Giorno: WHAAAAAAT ?! Th... The fingers ! How ?! We threw the finger bones outside ! They completely exited the cabin ! I didn't even touch them ! This thing wrote the graffiti ! A corpse...

Giorno: 'I approached the corpse on the runway to inspect it... I inspected his corpse with Gold experience... B- But how ?! A corpse ?! Can a corpse have a Stand ability ?!'

Giorno: 'Th- The fingers are growing ! He's eating my body and getting bigger !'

Giorno: [GOLD EXPERIENCE] ! Cut off my right arm !!

Giorno: 'Wha- WHAAAAAAT ?! G- Gold Experience's arm !! It's got the same gash eaten into it ! Is this how it works ?! It's eating my stand ! And... I was the one who drew the graffiti ! When Mista told me to stop joking around, he had the right guy ! I was the one who brought his fingers onboard !

Bucciarati: What is this, Giorno ?

Mista: W- Woah !

"Gh... Mista, next time you wanna pull that kind of joke, I'll ensure you've got a real reason to be scared of four... The fuck ?"

Giorno: I can't believe it... It was me... I put the fingers in the fridge...

Giorno: 'Willit keep eating me unless I cut off my arm... ? It's still growing... The hole in my Stand's right arm keeps getting bigger ! I gotta stop it, or else !'

Giorno: What the ?! 'It's trying to jump pnto Gold Experience's left arm ! Can it see me ?! Damn ! It's detecting something ! If it couldn't detect me, it wouldn't be moving like this ! Damn it ! I need to pull my arm back !'

Mista: hurry up... You gotta make a new right arm right away. Giorno...

"What in the name of all that's holy just happened ?"

Giorno: I don't understand ! I've never seen anything like it. This stand breaks... Every single rule I've known. There is no host... He's already dead... On the runway in Venezia.

"... A user-less Stand... The guy got shot on purpose back there ! After his death... His stand became an automatic one, capable of keeping up with an 800 KPH plane on its own..."

Bucciarati: How did he knew that would happen, if the stand activates at the host's death only ?

"... I... Uh."

Narancia: But, that thing is slow as hell ! No, it's not even moving anymore ! I think we might have killed it !

Mista: Not quite, Narancia... It's not moving, but only because it doesn't need to move... It's eating right now. I got too close... That thing's fast enough to catch me... he caught four of my pistols... I've lost half... This thing is dangerous ! We gotta stay clear ! Don't get close to it !

Cinque: DUE ! TRE ! SEI ! SETTE !

"M- Mista !"


"W- WHAT THE- !"

Giorno: It just changed targets for some reason... Once it ate my arm, it instantly switched to Mista's pistols !

"... We both inspected the corpse, and yet you were the one attacked... Without its host, it can't see anything, so it has to use something else to detect us. Technically infinite range, great destructive power and poor precision... Now I'm just waiting for it to scream 'Look over here !'."

Bucciarati: What ?

"It's an auto-tracking stand. Meaning as long as we can find how it can detect us, we also can use it at our advantage ! But in any case, don't get close to it."

Narancia: So I just gotta keep my distance ! That's all ! But my Aerosmith doesn't need to get close... TO BLOW IT TO BITS !!

Giorno: The way it's moving ! It has to be detecting something !

Narancia: 'H- How ?! It's fast... Too fast ! There's no way it can follow my bullet trails so accurately if the host isn't looking at us ! And it looks like my bullets didn't even hurt it ! What the fuck is this thing?! If we can't figure out a way to stop it, it'll get all of us !'

Trish: N- NARANCIA !!

Bucciarati: Trish !! Hide inside the closet and get in the turtle right away !!

Bucciarati: WHAAAAAAAT ?!! T- Trish ?! Impossible ! Why would it jump past all of us to attack Trish ?! TRISH ! CLOSE THE DOOR RIGHT NOW !

"It reacted immediately... To Mista's bullets... Narancia's Aerosmith... And now to Trish..."

Trish: I... I won't make it !


Giorno: If that's the case...

Bucciarati: Y- You were right ! None of us were moving, but Trish was running into the closet... If you're moving the fastest, it'll match your speed and prioritize you !

"Giorno ?!"

Giorno: If I can throw it out the plane together with my arm... We'll be able to proceed as planned... We'll arrive safely in Sardinia !

"Throw it out with your... Wait a second, Giorno !! if you lose both your arms..."

Giorno: there's no time for worrying about that ! It's creeping up my arm !

Bucciarati: GIORNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!! How... How could this happen ?!

"Haa... Haa... We haven't even reached Sardinia yet... And they already got Narancia, Mista and even Giorno... Damn it all !!"

Bucciarati: A stand that first activates in death... If we weren't sealed in this airplane, we might not have suffered so much damage. I should've seen this coming. The boss and his men will stop at nothing to chase us down ! It was my fault for suggesting that we fly. I underestimated them !

"Bucciarati. When we decided to step onto that boat... We were all ready to that kind of situation. At that moment, we came to terms with the fact we could all die."

Trish: This is not your fault... Nobody could have seen this coming... But Giorno used the air pressure at 12,000 meters to his advantage ! You might say that we managed to throw it outside precisely because we're on an airplane.

Bucciarati: ... For now... We need to treat them. They're heavily wounded. I'll put them in the turtle. Breaking the window depressurized the plane. I'll have to go to the cockpit to warn Abbachio and see if it's still flying alright.

Trish: Wait a minute... You said "Treat their wounds"... Giorno's arms... They'll get better, right ? Can't we use Gold Experience to...

"Giorno's Gold Experience... It's the same type of stand as Sticky Fingers. In order for their abilities to activate, they need to strike something with their fists. Just so you know, our team has never suffered such heavy losses before... At least we could make it out of Venezia, but at what cost... Giorno can no longer fight ! And the same might even go for both Mista and Narancia... Giorno's severed arms will never create life again."

Trish: Huh ?

Bucciarati: Trish, you need to rest. We should be landing in Sardinia on schedule. There's still an hour left.

Trish: I'm going to Sardinia just for my own sake. I want to learn the way to defeat my father for the sake of my own safety and my own future. But Giorno and the rest of the team are different. Rather than looking out for their own safety or future... They're doing what they believe is right. But, I... I can't understand why. If they weren't here, that Stand would have killed me. But I can't understand why they'd do that.

"That ain't something that can be explained. To understand it, you have to live through these situations, when your heart is balancing between your life and theirs. Only that will you know the real meaning and value of self-sacrifice."

Trish: ... ...

Trish: What was that just now... ? A ball... A soccer ball just rolled by.

Trish: W- what's- ?!! No way ! Didn't Giorno throw it outside ?! How can it follow a plane flying at 800 KPH ?!

"... It's the complete opposite. It was able to follow, precisely because of that. It detects movements, and the faster you are, the more priority you get. It attacked that falling knife, and it slows down if you're not moving."

"But if anything moves, even a Stand, that thing will stick itself right on, and eat it."

Trish: W- What should I do ?! It's coming closer ! If I run, it'll attack with the same speed it did before... if I scream, that'll give it enough power to stick onto me !

Trish: Slowly... I have to move slowly. I have to escape without moving ! If only I could get inside that closet and close the door !


Trish: I... It's too sensitive ! It's speeding up !

"Mh ? It turned around ? I'm pretty sure It wasn't me who moved, so who..."

"That's... Giorno's ladybug brooch. Why would it chase it ?"

Trish: The brooch is moving ! Then... Could it be... Alive ?! Gold experience... A left hand ?! Is that brooch growing into a left hand ?! Before Giorno cut his own arm off, Gold Experience gave that brooch life to replace his severed hand !

Trish: Giorno isn't out of the fight just yet ! I just have to protect that left hand ! B... But right now, I... How can I do that ?!

'She can actually see that Stand... I better not intervene just yet, or else I might interrupt something really interesting.'

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