Capitolo 28: Arrivederci

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Stand user: Carne

Stand: Notorious B.I.G. : -Power A

-Speed: Infinite

-Range: Infinite

-Persistence: Infinite

-Precision: E

-Potential: A

Hoow~ did~ he get this job~ ?*

"So what will you do now Trish ? If you can protect that brooch as it grows, Giorno will be able to reactivate his Gold Experience. Then he can heal everyone."

Trish: B- But... How can I do that... ? Just what can I do ?! If I scream or move faster than that brooch... That stand will kill me first ! It's too bad for Giorno and the rest, but I can't help them... And once that thing eats the brooch, I'm next ! I need to hide ! I need to use this time to get inside the closet and shut the door...

"This is exactly what you were talking about, Trish. Will you act in order to ensure your own safety and future, or will you do what you believe is right ? This is a test, wouldn't you agree, Trish ?"

Trish: Isn't this...

Trish: 'The switch for a reclining seat ? All I have to do is push it, and the motorized seat will tilt back. And chances are, this seat moves faster than the brooch. I might just be able to buy enough time to take that brooch back to Bucciarati in the cockpit !'

Trish: 'No... I can't ! This isn't a bet I can handle : It's way too dangerous ! I can't bring myself to push that switch ! I'd rather hide ! I need to get inside that closet and close that door !'


Trish: D... Do I even know what I'm doing ?!

Trish: I can't believe it... I can't believe what I'm doing... I never wanted to take this bet... But I pushed it anyway !

"Did your body move without your consent... Or is it that, deep down, you knew what you had to do ? Understand this, Trish, this is as much about yourself than everyone.

Trish: Yes... But now, I don't have a choice ! The path to the cockpit is clear ! Move slowly ! Like i'm doing Chinese Tai-chi ! Then, slowly pick up the brooch. It's just two meters away... Two rows of seats between us ! I mustn't rush this ! If I rush, I'll die !

Trish: I... It's coming back ! It broke the seat, and it stopped reclining ! B- But- ! I've still got four reclining seats until the brooch !

Trish: Huh... ? W- What ?! Why ?! It's ignoring the moving seat and going for my foot ?!

*Drip drip drip*

"A water bottle broke, and now the drops falling are faster than both the brooch and the seats. So it prioritized it."

Trish: It's- It's crawling up ! It's following the droplets ! I- It's crushing me ! Oh my god ! I should have just hid in the closet... I never should have bothered with that ladybug... I'm in way over my head !

'Come on, Trish, I know you have it in you... You're running out of time now !'

Trish: H- HEEEELP !

Trish: M... My boot... It fell off ? What just happened... ? It didn't get pulled off, it just... Fell... Like my foot just passed straight through... How ?! What just happened... ?

"You... Really had me worried for an instant there Trish. I was that close from stepping in myself."

Trish: W- What ?

???: Take the brooch. Trish. You must not rush this, but you have no time to waste, either.

Trish: Huh ? Wh- Who was that ? Is someone there ?

"There's only you and me here right now."

Trish: B- But... i'm sure I heard someone just there... It was a woman's voice, too... And anyways, with the engine running, there's no way I could hear anyone from the cockpit...

???: I have always been here. I have always been by your side. Ever since you were a little girl. Trish, take the brooch. You have already made up your mind ! You have already chosen to protect Giorno's left hand ! Hesitation leads to weakness. Now... Please, give me your orders...

Trish: Wh... Who's there ?!

Stand: I... Am you ! That should also tell you who got that monster off of your foot. I am your own ability. Go... Now that you have made up your mind. Take the brooch ! Protect Giorno's left hand, Trish ! If you succeed, you will create a new future for Giorno and the team ! And a new future for yourself !

Trish: W- What ?! What's going on ?!

"Don't hesitate. Take it ! Trish !!"

Trish: I- I'm done for ! How am I supposed to protect anything ?!

Stand: This is your ability ! The seat, has been softened !

Trish: D... Did t just... ?! When that seat turned soft... I fell straight through ! And, it took damage ! A chunk of that fleshy stuff got torn off !

"... It can stop Mista's bullets, chase down a flying plane, and destroy any moving thing... But when it rams a stationary object, it take damage."

Trish: Hold on... Are you really me ? Did I just do that ? And the boot too ?!

Stand: What is important... Is the powerful determination that has driven away your hesitation and led you to take the brooch ! You have grown stronger ! In spirit, and as an individual, as well ! And now, you are able to soften any object in the world ! That which is soft is more unbreakable than any diamond !

"Uh... Some might get crazy over that statement."

Trish: It's coming back !

Stand: Now, stay perfectly still, Trish !

Trish: I'm starting to realize that you're me... But I need to hide ! Soften the closet door ! Please ! You'd better make it !

Trish: Stay out there, dammit ! Just let me slam this door in your face !

"Aah... Well, you heard the little miss, didn't you ?"


B.I.G.: Gueeeh !!

"Just stay down there for a bit and die."

Trish: It... Completely stopped moving...

Stand: Trish. I told you not to move. You need to go to Bucciarati in the cockpit, but you headed in the opposite direction.

Trish: What are you going on about ?! Giorno's brooch is still growing into a left hand ! I couldn't just sit still !

Stand: Trish. I told you not to move... But to be precise, be slow ! You must move slowly ! Slowly ! Move at hyper-slow speed ! But ! Without speed... With as much force as a vise ! It's time to slice this piece of shit up and kill it for good !


Stand: Go the fuck to hell already, you son of a bitch !! You don't belong in this world !!

'... Echoes, I just found you a date.'

Trish: W... What's... Your name ? Do you have a name ? What should I call you ?

Spice Girl: [SPICE GIRL] !!

Trish: makes sense... You've got quite a unique flavor...

"If you ask me, 'Bitter' would be a tad more fitting."


Trish: Alright ! It's taking damage ! It's falling apart ! It's vaporizing ! This unrelenting grudge monster is shrinking away !

Trish: ... Where... ? Hello ? Where... Did you go ? This thing's dead, right ?! I killed it, right ?!

Spice Girl: "Where did I go ?" Trish, please... Don't ask me that anymore. I will always be with you. You are me. I move under your commands, and fight according to your will ! This is your ability ! [SPICE GIRL] !!

"Trish, you've got the key to save Mista and Narancia within your hands. Now that your spirit has matured, did you understand ? Why Giorno and the others do what they believe is right ?"


Bucciarati: What the...

Trish: Bucciarati... I think I've got some good news. There's nothing to worry about now. Giorno actually made-

Bucciarati: Don't talk anymore ! I mean... Slowly... Come this way, both of you.

Abbachio: Altitude, 7000 meters... 6800, 6600... 6400... Nothing's working ! I can't figure out why we're falling ! Moody Blues can't do anything, either ! 6000 ! 5800 !

Bucciarati: I think I know... Abbachio... I know exactly why we're falling ! But... What are we supposed to do ? What can we do about this ?!

Trish: Bucciarati ? What are you talking about ?

Bucciarati: I TOLD YOU NOT TO MOVE !

"... Let me guess, it's right behind us, isn't it ?"

Abbachio: W... What in the- ?! Holy shit !

Bucciarati: the engine... The jet engine... I don't know what just happened, but that's the only thing I can imagine. You said it chases moving abjects, and absorbs their energy... And now it's taking all the energy in the engines...

"... Trish, don't look back, and don't panic. Just keep walking slowly to the cockpit."

Bucciarati: Slowly, Trish. Over here ! Come this way !

Trish: I... It's back ?! But how ?!

Abbachio: Altitude, 5000 ! 4800 ! 4600 ! It's no use ! we're still falling ! If this keeps up, we'll hit the ground in the next few minutes ! No, the engine will blow up first !

Trish: Didn't I cut that thing up and destroy it ?

"The engines... They were right behind the closet... If even a speck of that thing passed through the walls, it could start sucking up the engines' energy."

Bucciarati: Make an emergency landing, Abbachio ! Splash down in the Thyrrhenian ! You need to figure out a way to do that with Moody Blues' replays ! We have no other choice !

"Even if we manage an emergency landing, what will we do next ? That thing will continue chasing us forever ! And at this point, i'm not confident in my own capacity to disable it."

Bucciarati: Don't risk it. Now, slowly, Trish... Move like a slug... That thing's still busy feeding off the engines' energy. Don't panic, and definitely don't run ! I'm sure you understand... if you rush, it'll attack you !

"T- Trish !! Stop that ! What are you doing ?! It's gonna catch you- Ack !"

Trish: That's right ! It'll catch me ! Even if I move slowly, it'll catch up either way ! Into the cockpit, both of you ! Take cover !!

Bucciarati: Have you lost your mind, Trish ?! It'll break the door down !

Abbachio: The hell ?! Trish, did you just- ?! The door !

Trish: Emergency landing ? No, Bucciarati, we need to do the opposite ! If we want all of us to land to make it to Sardinia alive, We need, to smash this plane apart !

Bucciarati: A... A stand... Trish, when did you- ?

"You knew that would eventually happen, Bucciarati."

Abbachio: Even the walls are softening... Like rubber.

Trish: If that thing goes after whatever moves the fastest... ! Then a crash landing is faster ! That wrecked plane will fall far faster, than this parachute !


Trish: Good riddance, you piece of shit !!

Abbachio: Well, we've suffered heavy damage, but now that our plane's taken a dive into the Tyrrhenian, the boss' men can't tell whether we're dead or alive, either... Now the gang's lost us ! And we've bought ourselves some time ! And we can use that time, to track down the boss' identity !

Bucciarati: No, Abbachio. It's not over, not yet... We're still gonna suffer... One more loss... This time, I'll handle it... We need to use my zippers for this, or else, we're all dead...

Abbachio: W- What ?! How ?!

"This monster's absolutely invincible... Even I couldn't possibly defeat it... But if we can only use speed to lure it away... Act 3 !!

Bucciarati: S- Stop that ! We can't lose you too !

"No, Bucciarati, we're not losing anyone."

Trish: If we need Giorno's Gold experience, it's safe and sound, right here !

Trish: Arrivederci.

Abbachio: Is that Gold experience's hand ?! When and where did you find that ?!

Trish: I told you. We can use this to heal Giorno. Now, let's find the boss' identity. it's time to trace my father's past !

*Stand: Notorious B.I.G., unable to be killed. It now ceaselessly chases after the sea spray tearing across the ocean's surface. On occasion, it attacks and sinks passing boats that moves faster than the wave. Thus, the locals dubbed this accursed region, "The belly of the Tyrrhenian".*


Bucciarati: What is that ? Why is your phone beeping ?

"Just a sec."


Bucciarati: What the...

"Well... I did call it, didn't I ?"

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