Capitolo 30: Il suo nome è Diavolo

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

*Clink clink ! Clang ! Cling !*

Abbachio: Hey... You there... What are you doing down there ? Officer ?

Officer: Sorry for interrupting your meal... I'm in the middle of an investigation. I'm looking for fingerprints. There was a mugging across the street last night. The victim got hit with a bottle. And the bottle broke... But, not all of the pieces are on the sidewalk.

Officer: Most importantly, the part he was holding is gone. I thought the perp might have come here to throw something away in the recycling bin. I should be able to get fingerprints if I can find that part.

Abbachio: You're gonna look through all of that ?

Officer: That's my job...

Abbachio: Uhhuh... Well...

Officer: Yes ?

Abbachio: It's nothing... There's something I wanna ask. Just outta personal curiosity. What are you gonna do if you don't find anything ? You might not get any fingerprints. No, even if you do... The perp could hire a good lawyer and get declared not guilty. What drives you to keep toiling despite that ?

Officer: Hm... The result is not all I desire. When you desire only the result, you start trying to take shortcuts... And when you start taking shortcuts, you might lose sight of the truth. Eventually, you lose your motivation too. Like when you're writing a story, putting every possible spoiler in a bio and stopping it after two chapt-


Officer: Or when you're creating an OC that's already completely broken af without any character development-


Officer: I believe that the will to seek out the truth is what's important. As long as you have the will to seek it out, then even if the perp gets away this time, you'll reach your destination eventually, won't you ? That's because you're seeking it out. Don't you agree ?

Abbachio: ... I envy you... In the past, I wanted to be a policeman. Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be a righteous policeman. There was a time when I had a will like yours... But I screwed it all up. I'm just that kinda guy... A worthless guy who can't see anything through to the end. I always screw it up halfway through...

Officer: Not at all, Abbachio... You've done a fine job. You have the same will. Just like you did when you first became an officer. That will has returned to your heart, Abbachio.

Abbachio: ... Huh ? How do you know... My name ? Wait a minute... We've met somewhere... yeah.

Officer: Where are you going, Abbachio ?

Abbachio: I'm taking that bus... I remember now... That's right ! I need to go now... I need to go back to my team !

Officer: Did you forget, Abbachio ? That's the bus you took to get here. This is the final stop. There's no going back anymore.

Abbachio: Y- You're ! That's right ! You're ! You died on patrol because I took that bribe !

Officer: Abbachio, you did a fine job.. Yes, you have... I'm proud of what you've done...

Your POV:


"It was instant... It happened all in one moment, at point-blank range. We were careless... We didn't even consider that the enemy could be so close already..."

Bucciarati: Mista. Don't let Trish come out of the turtle. The enemy's gonna try to finish her off next. We have to leave right away. This is all my fault. This place no longer holds for us even a single lead on the boss !

Narancia: ... What are you saying, Bucciarati ?! Abbachio's gonna wake up any minute now ! He's just taking some time, that's all ! Just wait, he'll get up ! Right, Giorno ?! Isn't that how it's always been ?!

Bucciarati: That's enough, Narancia ! It's not safe here ! Bring out Aerosmith and stay on the lookout !

Narancia: What are you saying, Bucciarati ?! What the hell are you saying ?! If the enemy comes, I'll kill him right here ! If they're nearby, I'll kill them before they kill us ! Mista ! Come on, Mista !

Giorno: We need to go, Narancia. Bucciarati's right.



Narancia: H- Huh...

"Please... please, just cut it off..."

Narancia: A... Are you gonna leave him here ?! You're just gonna leave Abbachio all alone here ?! I don't wanna leave him here !

Bucciarati: This is an order, Narancia. Abbachio knew the dangers when he came here.

Giorno: Wait, Bucciarati. Just... One moment... There is some meaning behind this... Some...

"He's... Holding something in his hand... A fragment of some rock. Knowing him, there must be a reason..."

Giorno: [GOLD EXPERIENCE] ! I imbued it with life and made it a ladybug ! I can sense Abbachio's will ! What are you a fragment of ?! Return to where you came from !

Mista: hey, look at that... Behind that stone's pedestal... I can see exactly where it came from... And Abbachio, he...

Bucciarati: H- Hey, that's...

Mista: The replay !

"Looks like he pulled it off..."

"This is a death mask ! The death mask of his replay, before Moody Blues broke down ! He used the last of his stand energy to embed his transformed face into the rock ! You can even see the fingerprints ! It's a clean imprint of every detail !

Bucciarati: Now we can find the boss' identity ! Just make a casting and we'll know exactly how he looks ! Abbachio left this for us at the very end ! This is the boss' face !

Officer: Abbachio, you've done a fine job. And those who follow in your path sense your will to seek out the truth. This is what truly matter.

"Not working ?"

"Not even in the Interpol records ?"

Giorno: It's just as we feared. he's nowhere to be found. Even if the boss did have a criminal record from fifteen years ago, and even if the police did record his fingerprints... He would have erased them by now.

Bucciarati: What about about the Sardinian police ? Even the most fleeting record from the local police force !

Giorno: it's no use... There's nothing !

Bucciarati: Keep looking ! There has to be something ! That's exactly why the boss wanted to eradicate his daughter, why he's so afraid to let anyone see his face. Find it... That man's past, has to be out there !

Trish: He must never be forgiven... My heart tells me that man must never be forgiven. Just moments ago, I felt the same sensation I felt in Venezia. The man who approached Abbachio... was my father ! He killed Abbachio with his own hands ! I can feel it now !

"You mean the boss is here right now ? Trish ?"

Trish: Yes, I just felt him... I don't know exactly where he is, but he's at this beach !

Giorno: Bucciarati !

Bucciarati: Not now ! We need to hide ! If we cannot ascertain the boss' identity and assassinate him, we will lose... And he might be ordering new assailants to gather here, too ! We must find his identity first, at all costs !

"... What if... If the boss truly erased all of his personal data, he might have gone as far as marking himself as 'deceased'. But they keep fingerprints, even of the dead..."

Bucciarati: It's worth a try. Here's the access code, Giorno.

*Matches: None*

Bucciarati: It's no use. The boss is simply too thorough. We can't track him through fingerprints ! We'll have to find someone who's seen his face directly, fifteen years ago ! But we don't have time ! Not if the boss is this close !

"Who could have been unlucky enough to see the boss's face, then lucky enough to live afterwards ? That's quasi-impossible..."

Computer: That is untrue ! Your search, is over § now you must find a way to defeat him ! I have been waiting ! For people like you ! People who are desperately investigating this man !

Bucciarati: We've been traced ! Giorno, cut the comms !


Giorno: W- What ?!

Bucciarati: What are you-

"Jean-Pierre ! 'That you ?!"

Computer: ... I'd recognize that voice anywhere... The fuck are you doing here with them ?!

"This is not important at this point ! How can you help us kill the boss ?!"

Bucciarati: What are you doing ?! Cut the comm !

Computer: Wait ! Don't do it ! You wish to defeat Diavolo, don't you ?! I am your ally !

"D- Diavolo... ?!"

Trish: Diavolo ?

Bucciarati: Shh !

Computer: I can understand why you would be so wary. But, I want you to trust me. I have been watching this connection in hopes that someone who wished to defeat Diavolo would appear. I have waited for so long ! For fifteen years, I have cling to hope ! I have been chasing that man for fifteen years ! I am your ally.

Bucciarati: or, really ? Diavolo ? Just mentioning that name doesn't prove that you're on our side. Y/n. Cut the line.

"... No, I don't think I will. You heard the man, JP, he wants something more... Consistent."

Computer: ... His stand ability can erase time ! You know that, don't you ? In fact ! You are so desperate in your search for his identity precisely because you know. Isn't that right ?

Trish: He's an ally... He's on our side ! That man wouldn't let any of his men live if they knew his Stand ability !

Bucciarati: Alright, we'll hear you out ! First, give us your full name !

Computer: My name is not important. Because my body is no longer fit for combat, I cannot fight anymore. The crux of the matter is whether or not you can defeat him.

"What the hell happened to you since the last time I saw you?!"

Computer: Many things we should only talk about face-to-face, but that's not the point. Diavolo's ability to erase time has no weakness in itself ! You may be thinking of assassinating him, but that is sure to end in failure ! If you continue on your path, it will end with your death, not his !

Bucciarati: You seem to be a Stand user. Are you saying you know how to defeat the boss ?

Computer: As things are, the only one in the entire world with the slightest chance to defeat his invincible King Crimson, is the one currently holding that computer. But I know a potential way to defeat him. It is a possibility. You must obtain it !

Giorno: Obtain it ?

Bucciarati: What do you mean ?

Computer: Meet with me... You and I must meet in person. Come to Rome. If you come to Rome, I shall pass this potential to you !

Bucciarati: Roma ?! What have you been trying to rope us into ? What sort of relationship do you have with the boss ? Do you honestly think we'll just agree to go to Roma ?! Even if Y/n trusts you, we don't...

Computer: I'll send you a picture. You know what this is, don't you ? You must know ! Several of you must know what this is !

Giorno: That's ! The arrow !

"No, it's a little different from the others... Where did you find it ?!"

Computer: Later. I shall tell you about myself and my past another time. Some of you have gained Stand abilities after being struck with this arrow, is that right ? Diavolo has been using this arrow to take advantage of others. You must come to me and take it ! He does not know the true usage of this arrow ! There is a hidden knowledge within the arrow ! I shall tell you of it ! You must acquire a power that surpasses King Crimson ! Come to Rome ! This arrow is the final and only method to defeat that man !


Doppio: HEY ! YOU ! Why aren't you picking up ?! That call's for me ! Gimme that ! You bitch !

Girls: EEK ! EEEEEEEK !!

Doppio: yes ? Hello ? Yes, this is Doppio.

'Boss': This is odd... Doppio... Do you notice something ?

Doppio: ... Notice what ? Boss... ?

'Boss': It's Bucciarati ! I was expecting them to fall into chaos once Abbachio was eliminated and they lost their goal. But they haven't... There is no hesitation to their escape... They're riding a boat from its mooring out to sea, as if they're searching for something.

'Boss': Investigate. Return to where Abbachio was and investigate. Something's wrong.

Doppio: Investigate what, Boss ?

'Boss': Just go back to where Abbachio was.

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