Capitolo 31: Combattere l'oro, combattere la muffa

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

'Boss': The thing about fear... Is that it comes from unexpected places in the past. I... Feared this would happen. I feared it from the moment I learned of my daughter's existence. I can tell. Yes, I can tell. Those traitors... I have no doubts, that they've discovered something that I don't know.

Doppio: Just what exactly did they discover ?! You killed Abbachio, and they never had the time to find anything !

'Boss': It is something I didn't expect ! They are no longer here in Sardinia ! Chase them, Doppio ! You must chase personally ! And one more thing...

'Boss': Cioccolata and Secco... I was hoping I would never have to ask those filth for assistance... But I have no choice. Tell those two to stop them ! This... Will be the end ! Do you understand, Doppio ?! I must crush my fear ! Now is the time... I must overcome it right now ! That is what it means to live !

Your POV:

Computer: Now, let me tell you, about the past... There is a place called Cape York in Greenland, where nobody but the Inuit live. There is a famous meteorite crater there. When did it fall ? I don't know, but they say it has been tens of thousands of years since.

*This tales comes from the year 1978. Eleven surveyors were conducting a survey for mineral resources within that crater. Two of them contracted a disease of unknown origin and died. Those two... Developed tumors across their entire bodies. They died within 48 hours. At that point, their bodies looked like tomato sauce. That region is amongst the coldest in the world, no bacteria or virus can survive there. Government doctors investigating the cause of the disease discovered that both of these men had fallen while inside the crater, and received minor cuts to the hands and feet. That was one thing they had in common. And, the doctors reached one conclusion. A virus had slept for tens of thousands of years within the meteorite in that crater. It entered their bloodstreams from these cuts and infected them. That was the only possible cause. That virus may have flown in on the meteorite...*

Computer: And, the disease's symptoms included unbelievable physical changes to the body of one of the infected men. These facts are recorded in medical records. He was lying in bed, unconscious. But, suddenly, sparks flew from his fingers, as if it were a stun gun. And they burnt off the fingers of one of the doctors treating him. And, it seems later, after he died, they couldn't find the rock that had caused those wounds.. the reason I know these facts is because... I wondered, where did this arrow come from ? So, I analyzed the roots of its composition ! The material this arrow is made from, is the same as the rocks in the Cape York crater !

"I think I can take it from here. Hundreds of years ago... Humans from ages past sought to acquire powers like an almighty god. I doubt they knew about the virus, but they knew about the rocks, and they made them into arrows. That is what these are. The killer virus performing a culling of life ! See this as a viral evolution. Nearly everyone who is infected by that virus dies, but... Some people, by coincidence, have the capability to survive, and the virus rewards the survivors by granting them a new life ability. You all have proof of that, don't you ? Within your own bodies..."

Bucciarati: We all know the boss was thoughtless with the arrow, it's been destroyed. But, how did you get one ?

"No, that is untrue. That arrow wasn't destroyed when Polpo died. I made sure to secure it before that."

Computer: The arrow is drawn to those who are capable. By coincidence, I obtained it in Egypt. Your boss also found his in Egypt.

Bucciarati: What is the secret power that we need to obtain from this arrow ?!

Computer: I shall tell you in Rome. You absolutely must meet with me ! And, I will only tell one of you, because this secret power must not be leaked to anyone else. I suppose seen this call will be tapped. But, I promise you that a new dimension will be opened to the one who learns the secret method. It is a fact that there could be no other way to defeat King Crimson.

Bucciarati: We have no proof that you're telling the truth... But... Even though I don't know who you are, I do know the boss would come to eliminate you if he heard this. We will trust you ! How should we meet ?

Computer: Come to the coliseum, in Rome. Once you come, you will know. I will be waiting at all times of the day, at the Coliseum. All will be clear once you arrive.


"... And just like that, i'm finally able to pinpoint all the arrows' locations for the past 15 years... A name was enough."

Bucciarati: the name of the boss ?

"Diavolo... Vinegar Diavolo. And those arrows are certainly how he got his King Crimson to begin with."

Giorno: You... Knew that name ?

"I did, but I didn't knew it was the boss'. But now I can complete the story about his past, at last... I knew Enyaba's notes would prove useful one day."

Drunk1: C'mon, stand up ! You're not supposed to do that !

Drunk2: Get your hands offa me ! Shut up ! i'm gonna do it ! What's wrong with taking a leak, huh ?! I'm gonna do it and nothing can stop me !

Drunk1: Come on, man ! That's not a toilet ! it's a fountain ! You frickin' drunkard... If you want a toilet... There's one right ere ! Ohh, that's nice !

Drunk2: I'm gonna do it !

Mista: We'll disembark once those drunks leave. I'll hold the turtle, Narancia.

Bucciarati: And get a car as soon as you can. We can reach Roma's city limits within 45 minutes, even if e don't take the autostrada.

Mista: Yeah, I know. We got here at just the right time. Even the moon is blocked by the clouds now.

"So what's the plan now ?"

Bucciarati: Our top priority is to reach the Coliseum. Even if enemies attack us, don't fight unless it's absolutely unavoidable. We must get our hands on that mean to beat the boss.

Mista: Damn, is there a party out here tonight ?! There's some drunks asleep over there, too !

Drunk1: You don't get it, do you ?! That's a drinking fountain !

Drunk2: Leggo of me ! I'm a man of my word, and i'm gonna do it right now !

Drunk1: Come here, man ! People are gonna get pissed ! Over here !

Drunk2: Stop it ! Let go ! Let go of me ! I'm a man of my word ! I'm so gonna do it !

Drunk1: No way ! Get over here, you drunkard !

Drunk1: the toilet's right... here ! See ? Here. You can let it all out here.

Drunk2: Hey. I can't get my pants down, man ! The zipper's too far away ! How am I supposed to reach it ?! Go and get it for me, man !

Mista: Narancia, start looking ! The host ! Find the host ! He's even attacking them ! Those innocent villagers... He's being thorough about this. It's an indiscriminate attack !

"What's happening ?"


Doppio: It seems their destination is Roma, boss... I just got a report that Bucciarati's landed at a fishing village near Roma.

'Boss': Listen, Doppio... Allow Cioccolata to put a stop to Bucciarati's team and eliminate them. However, you must follow these two ! Those two men... It is rare for me to feel disgust, but Cioccolata in particular, is the worst of the worst... I imagine he'll carve a path of destruction through Roma. You will have to take control in the end. Whatever Trish knows and whatever Bucciarati is searching for in Roma, those two men must not be allowed to find out !

Doppio: ... What kind of people are they ? Do you mind if I ask ?

'Boss': Cioccolata...

*Age 34, former doctor. Some two years ago, he made a mistake and accidentally killed one of his patients. He was fired from his hospital, and then he joined Passione. However, his true nature became apparent once he became a Stand user.

Cioccolata did not kill his patient by accident, he did it on purpose. The only mistake he made was getting caught. We now know there are at least four cases where he deliberately diagnosed illnesses in healthy people and performed surgery on them. He would also weaken the anesthetic dose so his patients would wake up during surgery. And why would he do such a thing ? The reason Cioccolata became a doctor... Was not to treat the sick. It was to observe the death and suffering of other people. It is unknown how many people he has killed, but when he observes a death, his curiosity is satisfied with unparalleled happiness. During those moments, he feels as if he is superior to all other humans. He even feels that he understands the truth of life.

I ordered an investigation into Cioccolata's youth... His grades were among the top of his class. At the age of 14, he began volunteering to help care for bedridden and elderly patients for two years. He was even publicly commended by the city for it. But, in reality, he would fed these elderly patients unknown medicines, put them on diets that ruined their blood pressure, and tell them day after day that nobody would ever visit them, driving them to such despair that they killed themselves. In his home, there are 25 videotapes of the facial expressions of those elderly patients. It appears that it was after the ninth suicide that he began aspiring to become a doctor.

Secco is an incomprehensible man. He was a former patient of Cioccolata, and the two get along well. Secco will not obey orders from anyone other than Cioccolata.*

'Boss': Originally, I did not want to let them live... But, I kept Cioccolata on the case of times like these, because ultimately, their stand abilities are more reliable than anyone else's.

Doppio: Once they are let lose, they will run amok. Is that what you mean ?

'Boss': That is why you must follow them. You are the only one I can trust. Understand ? You are my greatest.

Doppio: Roger that, Boss. That is my reason for living as well.

Doppio: Did I keep you waiting ? Thanks a lot, miss.

Girl: ... Uhh... Hewwo ?


Mista: I don't know! Find the host, Narancia ! Where is he ?! Find him !

Narancia: Oh shit... We already got civs dying all over the village ! Some of them are still alive... Looks like you don't die right away...

"An ability that indiscriminately targets anyone within range... And by the looks of it, he's got the entire village within range !"

Bucciarati: Explain the situation !

Mista: This stuff just popped up outta nowhere ! I never saw it get to me ! Th- This mold-looking stuff... It's like it's melting my body... It looks like it came out from under my skin !

"And we've got the same stuff popping out of the villagers all over the place ! Their bodies are falling apart !

Drunk1: W- What happened to you ?! S- Stay back ! D- Don't get near me !

Drunk2: Undo my zipper, man ! Bring it over to me ! Lemme take a leak !



Drunk2: ... Hey, you're not running anywhere.

Narancia: S- Shit, Bucciarati... We can't disembark here ! we're sure as hell not gonna make it past the stairs and into the parking lot !

Bucciarati: Do you detect any breathing on the water ?

Narancia: Nobody's at sea !!

Giorno: Please wait, Bucciarati ! We shouldn't move until we at least know what's attacking us. That'll only make matters worse !

Narancia: One thing's for sure ! That thing's gonna attack us as soon as we step onto land ! Giorno !



Bucciarati: WHAT ?!

Mista: W- Where is it attacking from ? Get back here, Narancia ! Grab on !!

"Mista, pull your arm back ! There gotta be a switch or something that activates this stand's attack !

Mista: Activates it's attack... ? What do you mean... ? W- WOAHHHHH !!

Mista: It attacks when I lower my hand... And now that you mention it, it first appeared on my hand hen I reached into my boot to grab my gun.

"That drunk got attacked when he jumped down the stairs, and the other one was already going down the stairs... And Narancia just jumped down from here onto the boat."

Mista: It begins its attack when your body moves beneath its current position ?! B- But... If this keeps up, you're all gonna-


Cioccolata: Are you listening, Secco ? The thing you need to pay the most attention to, is the battery... If you tell me nothing got recorded once it's over, I'm going to be very upset ! Is the camera rolling ?

Cioccolata: They're not descending... He's not descending into the boat to help him. Did someone discover the behavior of Green Day already ? Heh heh... Fascinating... Yes... Very good...

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