Capitolo 32: Buono buono buono buono buono buono

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 " "; You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Bucciarati: Mold...

Giorno: I've read about this before... There is a type of mold that prefers moving to lower altitudes, but they have little capability to expand their range of habitation by themselves. Those molds first infect insects, and then multiply and kill the insect once it moves to a lower altitude !

"Cordyceps... They feed from the insect's corpse, and use it to infect more of them ! The same thing is happening here ! If you move to a lower altitude than your current position, it reacts and begins its attack !"

Bucciarati: This is a Stand ! Why would it behave that way ?!

"So it can keeps expanding the stand's effective range ! It spreads from corpse to corpse, just like the mold growing from a dead bug ! If it makes you die only after you start moving, then the mold's range can grow as far as it likes ! And that's exactly what they want, too ! Because Stand abilities are the unconscious talents of their owners !"

Giorno: Climb up, Narancia ! Get off the boat and onto the shore !

Narancia: My... Foot... Is rotting...

Bucciarati: Throw the turtle, Narancia ! Throw it !

Narancia: Ah! UAAAAAAAHH !!

"Shit ! NARANCIA !!"


"What ?! It bypass Act 1 ?! The mold's growing on me too !"

Mista: Stay right where you are !!

Mista: Both you guys and the turtle, are right where you need to be !



"URF !"

Bucciarati: Good work, Mista ! The attack won't happen as long as we keep moving up !

Cioccolata: They got back up... Not even one of them died. They all got back onto the shore...

"Shit... Talk about a nasty surprise..."

Mista: So even you aren't protected ?!

"I think it's because the mold in itself isn't exactly part of the stand... Its ability is to trigger the growth, but the mold resulting isn't affected by my Stand... Fuck. All I can do is keep Act 2 and stop the initial sprout..."

Mista: So what now, Bucciarati ? We can't go out to sea anymore!

Bucciarati: If it's right that this mold expands its range within corpses, it's be smarter to get a car from upstairs and leave the village... Rather than to hunt blindly for the host... Either way, our priority is to make it to Roma as soon as possible. How's the treatment going, Giorno ?

Giorno: It won't be easy to heal him in this village... There's live mold inside his wounds.

"Alright. It looks like we can ascend safely,we should be able to make it to the cars."

Trish: ... Bucciarati... The man's a bit too cold. He didn't even ask anything like "Narancia, are you alright ?". And just now, you were desperately trying to climb out of the boat, and what did he say ? He just ordered you to throw the turtle.

Narancia: ... What are you so mad about ? That's what anyone would have done. I went down into the boat. All's well that ends well, but we all could have died right there. And, if Bucciarati never told me to throw the turtle, I might have dropped it into the sea.

Trish: I know that... What I'm saying is, in other words, he treats everyone here too coldly !

Narancia: ... Is it like, um... I... I don't really know how girls think, but... But do you wish he's ask "Are you okay ?", and worry about you ... ? Is that what you want ? I already know Bucciarati real well, but, you wanna get to know him better from now on.

Trish: Wait, are you talking about me... ?

Narancia: Well, the most important thing right now's making sure we all get to Roma. You can take the time to figure out how to feel after that. I had it real rough, let me get some rest.

Cioccolata: I get it now... I think that just explained how they managed to survive for so long after betraying the boss. Secco, you got all of that, right ?! These looks of desperation on their faces as they clung to life !

Secco: Fuooh! Uo?! Uoh !!

Cioccolata: OOOOHH !! GOOOOOOOOD !! Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good !! That's an excellent recording, Secco !!

Cioccolata: The spiritual power of humans emerges when their curiosity is stimulated. It is not the will to live, but curiosity which drives humans to evolve ! I can't wait to see ! I can't wait to see how these people will die...

Secco: UAA ! Oh ! Uoh ! OOOOOHHH !!

Cioccolata: Oh, sorry, I forgot. I'll give you a treat, for getting such a nice recording. Do you want two ?

Secco: Uaaaaaahh ! Uoh! Ooah !

Cioccolata: Three ?! You want three of these sweet things ?

Secco: Uoo ! Uh ! Uoh !

Cioccolata: Three... You greedy rascal ! Fine, then. You'll get three! Here it comes, Secco ! Get ready for three !

Cioccolata: Whoops, sorry... One went off the ledge...

Cioccolata: GOOOOOOOOOOD !! Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good !! You're wonderful, Secco ! Now, go ! Bucciarati's probably going to try to get a car next. Go, Secco. Use your Oasis !

Mista: I guess all we can do is keep going up... What if we hit a path that goes down ?

"This fishing hamlet is built into the side of a mountain. So basically, to get away from here, there's no way 'down'. And look at that. The road goes up too, and the cars outside of the village are running just fine. The mold hasn't extended its range beyond the village just yet.

Bucciarati: Just get a car, then charge outta this village and we'll be fine. We just need to get to Roma as fast as we can right now.

Mista: Which car should we get ?

Bucciarati: One with a corpse nearby. We won't need to fumble about for the key, 'cause the driver's the corpse.


Bucciarati: It's nothing... The mold just rotted the corpse's fingers off. I'll watch the rear ! You two head for the cars.

*Clank clank cl-*

Bucciarati: ... ... ... When I said that corpse was just rotting, that was a mistake... There's something... Something's weird, and not just the mold. Climb the stairs ! Get a car right away and get out of here !

"Yeah, that's what we're trying to do... But something's going on with these stairs !"

Mista: They're sinking, Bucciarati !! They're breaking away from the wall !!

Bucciarati: Is this- ?!

"No, not just beneath us... All the steps are getting pulled into the ground ! There's another enemy ! The stand user with the mold isn't alone !"

Bucciarati: Shit, get up there, now !! The mold's gonna kill us if we keep sinking ! Jump onto the wall !!

Mista: M- My pistol !

"It's not just the stairs, everything's sinking ! The entire staircase is melting and sinking away ! Don't look for your gun ! Did you already forget ?! You can't lower your hand past your boot !!


Mista: What ?! The pillars of the handrail ?!

Bucciarati: It's the enemy. This enemy is beneath the ground ! he's moving underground ! he's coming for us ! Claw your way up the wall !

Mista: E... Even the wall...

Bucciarati: [STICKY FINGERS] !

Bucciarati: 'He's fast... He's moving extremely fast... And it feels strange... When Sticky Fingers' hands touched the ground, it was hard. It's still solid rock, but I'm sinking. And he's moving freely through solid ground.' Damn it, I can't tell where he is ! Where is he coming from ?!

Mista: You guys hear me, Sex Pistols ?! Get back here !



"Alright, you guys brace yourselves for that one !

Mista: Wait, what are you-


Mista: GAAH- URK !

"Sorry about that one, but that was the only way I could think of to reach the next floor !"

Bucciarati: It's fine... The underground guy and the man with the man-eating mold...

"Yeah, each one of them utilizes the other's stand ability to their utmost limits. They're just too compatible with each other ! More so than any other team we've ever seen before !"

Mista: It's like a fucking match Made in Heaven !

*Stand user: Cioccolata

Stand: Green Day: -Power A

-Speed C

-Range A

-Persistence A

-Precision E

-Potential A

Do you have the time,

To KILL everything

all at once*

Mista: Found one, Bucciarati. There's a driver's corpse... The mold attacked when he stepped out of the car, and he died with the key in his hand...

"... The fuck is that ?"

Mista: SON OF A- I JUST SAW THE ENEMY !! he dove from the stairs into this wall !


"Uh-Oh... I suggest we run."

Bucciarati: Suggestion accepted. RUUUUUUUUN !!

Mista: H- he's too fast ! Bucciarati, you were right ! he's moving through the ground at incredible speeds ! This won't work ! Even if we beat him to the car, we won't have time to start the engine ! We won't make it ! You go on to the car ! I'll hold him off !

"No you don't ! get your ass over here and stop trying to be a hero !"

Mista: But-

"ACT 2 !!"


Secco: Ow !

Mista: What ?!

"If you've got breath to spare babbling, use it to get that damn car !"

Secco: Agoaaaaaa !! My faaaaaaaace !! Hee ! Hee ! Heee ! Heeeeyyy ! Cioccolataaaaaa ! Heeeeeey !! three days ago... You asked the boss... About it, riiiight ?! Three days ago, we sent that stand... Into... the airplane to kill them... It's name was Notorious... BIG or something... You asked about it, riiight ?!

Cioccolata: Hey, Secco ?! Aren't you chasing them right now ? Why are you calling me ?

Secco: Heyyy, Cioccolataaaaa !! I got something, important to... Ask you. That stand, Notorious BIG... the boss sent it in, right ? Is it living, or is it a dead stand ? It'sa simple question. Ultra, incredibly simple... Tell me this... If... BIG were right here, could the mold from your Green Day... Grow on it ? On a dead stand ? Not like the mold grows on rocks or objects, right ?

Cioccolata: What are you asking ? This is sudden.

Secco: Heyyy, just... Answer me ! This is important !

Cioccolata: ... Notorious BIG ? Its host was killed... But the energy of his tenacity was so strong, his stand lived on alone, right ? I don't know. I'm curious, but I'm not sure whether or not it would mold. But, I know for a fact that my Green Day will rot any living thing. Now quit dragging your feet and capture their deaths on video already !

Secco: Well, about... That ! Cioccolata, you see the top of that hill... ? Take a look.. At the street !

Cioccolata: Hey, Secco ?! Why are they driving away ?! Why did you just sit there and watch them climb into a car ?! They're not driving that car, are they ?! Why are they driving away ?!

Secco: Hey... I just can't believe it, Cioccolata... They got me in the face. That Bucciarati guy... The mold... It didn't grow on him ! Even though I made him sink all the way up to his waist ! And his body... When I touched it... It was as cold as stone ! His body... isn't molding ! What does that mean ?!

Cioccolata: I have no idea...

Mista: Close call, huh ? Bucciarati, did the mold get you anywhere ? You know, when you sank into the ground ?

Giorno: Mista, you need to rest. I'll make sure nobody's tailing us. I filled in your wounds, but they'll reopen if you move about right now.

Mista: ... Can we speak about that arrow matter now ?

"No Mista, I'm not telling you where I'm keeping them."

Mista: C'mon, man, I just wanna see them.

"You think I'm that dumb ?"

Mista: ... You've got plenty anyways, what the matter ? One more or one less, what's the difference ?!

"Just because I have four of them, I'm not gonna destroy them ! There's only six in the entire world ! Now go to sleep !"

Giorno: Bucciarati, your hand... Did you get hurt ? Could you allow me to see it, please ? Do you hear me, Bucciarati ? We should do something about your hand. If the mold infected you, it could get serious. Please, let me see your wounds.

Giorno: Wha- ? What's this ? N- No way ! 'His skin's so cold... A- And his pulse !

Bucciarati: Hm ? Giorno, did you... Say something ? What was it ? I didn't hear you.

Giorno: ... 'What was that ?! No way... That's impossible... I- I remember... I thought it was my imagination back then... But I saw this before... Bucciarati ran a nail through his hand when we were leaving Venezia...

Bucciarati: Did I get hurt ? Guess i'm running out of time. I'm slowly going numb... No, perhaps I was numb from the very start.

"It looks like you can't hide it anymore, Bucciarati. Giorno isn't the only one who's noticed that your body was acting weird."

Giorno: Y- You knew ?!

"You can't hide an absence of breath from me. No breath, no pulse, no body heat... And no matter how hard I tried, no amount of Hamon could do anything about it."

Giorno: N- No way... has it been like this ever since you rescued Trish from the boss at the Basilica on San Giorgio Maggiore ? Bucciarati, were you already-?!

Bucciarati: It's enigmatic... i've accepted this as my fate. The heavens just happened to smile on me a little bit. It seems that when you healed my wounds in Venezia, the life energy you gave me allowed me to move for just a bit longer.

Giorno: Why... Why didn't you say anything ? I completely healed your wounds with my Gold experience at the time... there must have been some way to keep this from happening to you !

"Giorno. You know your Gold Experience better than any of us, don't you ?"

Bucciarati: You can't do anything about something that's ended. My life... Came to an end back them. Keep this a secret, alright ? Don't tell the others...

Giorno: No... This can't be happening, Bucciarati ! Y- You're !

Bucciarati: Quiet, Giorno ! Listen ! What's that noise ?! Are my ears just ringing ? There are o cars behind us...

*Chop chop chop chop chop*

"N- No, I hear it too... It's getting closer !"


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