Part 3

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Casey's POV:

I sit there hugging my little sister. Holding her so close and so tight as if at any moment she could vanish into the wind, away from me, from my arms forever. I pull her back from the hug and stare at her. Her skin color may be different as well as her species but her bright light blue eyes still shine as bright as the used to before I lost her. Before the Kranng.
"I thought I lost you." I tell her sadness creeping into my voice.
"I thought I lost you too." She responds after a moment of hesitation.
Venus turns to everyone: Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello, and April.
"Hey, guys, April; can I speak to Casey for a bit?" She ask with a weird almost sad tone in her voice.
"Sure" They answer staying in the same place.
"I mean alone." She says narrowing her eyes at them.
"Oh yeah. O-Of course" Leonardo responded leading everyone out of the dojo.
Venus turns back to me, her eyes down and sad as if she can't even look me in the eye. Perhaps I have done something wrong. Maybe she's mad for I didn't look harder for her.
"Vee" I say in apologetic voice "I am so sorry I should've looked harder for ya. Please forgive me."
She looks up and I smile but then she looks back down, which caused me to frown once more.
"It's not that Casey. We..." She says stopping and biting her bottom lip.
She has always done this whenever she is nervous, ashamed, or is the bearer of bad news. The way she paused also suggests that she has something that she wants to say either she is too afraid to say it or she is too nervous and doesn't want to but knows she must.
"Casey we...need to...go up top to the rooftops. I need to talk to you there." She blurts getting up and bolting to the exit. I quickly follow her, nervous and confused by her actions.

Venus's POV:
I take Casey up to the rooftops, I need to tell him. I have to tell him. I know he'll understand. At least I hope...
"Vee" Casey calls to me
I walk up to him my head down. I can't even look at him. I feel his arms wrap around me and hug me tight. Words get caught in my throat, choking me. How can I tell him, how?
"I love you Venus." He says in my ear.
That broke the dam.
"Ugh" I growl breaking the hug.
I storm off in frustration. He's not making this easy.
"Dang it Caesy; you're not making this any easier." I yell in frustration.
I just need to spit it out.
"Making what easier?" He asks reaching out for me.
"This" I exclaim waving my three fingered hands between us.
"What?" He asks his face releasing his confusion.
"We can't be brother and sister anymore Casey!" I cover my mouth shocked.
I said that a lot harsher than I meant it to be.
"What?!" He shouts fear rising in his eyes. "What do you mean we can't be brother and sister anymore?! I don't understand!" Fear creeps into his voice as well as his eyes.
"Exactly that" I say softer returning my gaze to the ground. "We can't risk it. Each other. I won't allow it. I am a mutant Casey!" I shout tears flooding my eyes as I look at him pointing to myself. "I don't belong with people anymore. I belong in the sewers with the guys and Sensei. The surface world is no longer my home." Tears fall down my face. "I can't let you hurt yourself. I have to keep you safe." I sob.
"KEEP ME SAFE!!!??" Casey shouts and I cringe "WHAT ABOUT YOU????!!!! WHO'S GOING TO KEEP YOU SAFE????!!"
"Master Splinter will teach me in the art of the Kunoichi Casey! I'll protect myself and not to mention I have the guys. Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey will protect."
"But we can always be friends Casey. You can still be with me just not in the same way." I say softly hoping he will say yes.
"Well what if I don't want to be friends? With a freak!" He says turning to me
"Casey?" I say backing up scared and nervous.
"No" He shouts swinging his hockey stick at me.
I jump and dodge but still he comes forward.
"I am so glad I didn't have to be the one to tell you." He says swinging again with the stick impacting my stomach knocking the wind out of me and bringing me to the ground.
"For like why would I: Casey Jones; wanna be related to freak show like you!" he says hitting again.
"You're right Venus you're not my sister. You're a Freak."
He beings to beat me. Whacking me around like a hockey puck on an ice rink. Bruises being to flourish under my light green skin. I can feel bones break and snap impact after impact. I can see the blood that flow from my nose and mouth. He brings the stick down on my ankle and I release a loud screech.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I release a supersonic scream.
I was cut short when Casey jabs the stick on my throat. He presses down harder and black spots being to cloud my vision.
"Please.... stop...Casey." I moan gasping for air to refill my lungs.
For the pressure crushing my windpipes to let up and vanish. But nothing happened except the pressure on my windpipe increased. And black overran my eyes.
"Casey" I gasp before I am swallowed in a pit of darkness.

Raph's POV:
April, the guys and I sit around the lair and await Casey and Venus's return. Suddenly I hear a screech.
I recognize that agonizing scream that sends chills down my spine anywhere. It's Venus. I jump out of my spot on the couch and bolt out of the lair. The guys swiftly follow my tail. I climb up to nearest rooftop and that's where I see a figure hitting something with what appears to be a hockey stick.
"Casey" I gasp and run towards him.
I hear everyone yelling my name after me but I don't wait up. Venus and Casey could be in trouble. I get to their
rooftop and see...
............. (CLIFFHANGER)

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