Part 2

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We crawl through the sewers and when we finally surface we then begin building hopping. When we then reach the corner of Bakers Street and Bleaker Street, we sit down and begin a 4 hour watch and look out time. I am bored out of my mind. So I quickly find a way to entertain myself by finding a stick and poking at some dirt. Whoooo I am having a great time. So during my exciting game I see Mikey scoot over to me. He then places his finger on the side of my head and says:


"Don't poke me Mikey" I growl at him

"Ok" he smiles

I go back poking at the dirt when it happens again.

"Poke" Mikey chuckles

"I am serious Mikey. Stop" I growl.

"Ok" Mikey chuckles again.

I then play another few minuets when yet again.

"Poke" Mikey chuckles

I turn and glare at him. "I swear Mikey do that one more time and feel what happens."

"Don't you mean 'see' what happens"

"Nope" I say

Mikey shrugs and while I sitting there glaring right at him he touches the middle of my forehead smirks and says 


"That's it" I say angrily

I pounce on Mikey and begin to pound him into the ground. Not in a violent, I hate you and you're my enemy kind of away but more of a you're my brother and you are getting on my nerves so I will make you stop kind of why.

"AHHHH!" Mikey yells "RAPH HELP ME!"

He reaches out to Raph and Raph only chuckles.

"Good Job Raph" Leo says picking me off of Mikey "You taught her how to beat up Mikey"

"You say that like its a bad thing" Raph smirks taking me away from Leo.

Leo rolls his eyes and Raph sets me down and then I hear a low growl behind me. I quickly turn around and see Razar or as I like to call him "Dog face"

The guys start laughing.

"You call him 'Dog Face'" Raph say laughing "aww that's priceless" he wipes away a tear.

I glare at them and then Fish Face or as I say "Fish Breath"

"Come with us girl" Razar growls

"Yes" Fish Face butts in "and no one gets hurt"

"I am not going anywhere" I say

The guys come to my sides as we give them a pounding of a life time. I pull out my kamas as Donnie, Mikey and I take Dog Face and Leo and Raph take Fish Breath. Minutes go by and we have them on the ropes. I jump to get the last punch on Razar when he places a chip on my head. A bolt of electricity jolts through my body and I scream in pain. The chip is removed and I fall to the ground and Razar and Fish Face disappear. Raph runs over to me worried.

"Vee are you ok?" He asks

"I am fine, but my head hurts thanks to that dumb mutt" I say angrily

Donnie then does a quick briefing of my head to check for 2 things: tracking or mind control. I am relieved when I found out it's neither.

"Let's go home everyone" Leo says

Once home I become tired and Raph takes me to bed and I fall into a deep sleep.
I'm sitting in the lair with my brothers when Razar, Fish Face, Tiger Claw, Bebop and Rocksteady jump into the lair. They capture us and take us to Shredder's dungeon. After hours of waiting Shredder comes. He grabs Mikey and drags him out to the middle. Mikey fights back but in vain and his head gets cut clean off.

"MIKEY" I scream "NOOOOOO"

The head rolls close to me. I sob into Raph's shell.

"You'll pay for that" Raph shouts

"Wait your turn turtle you time will come." Shredder says as he grabs and slings Master Splinter to the next wall.

Sensei gets back up and fight. Blows are exchanges and so are words in Japanese. Soon the Shredder falls and Sensei runs over to us.

"Come my children we must..." Blades impale his body and his blood is sprayed across my face.

"SENSEI" We all scream

Master Splinter falls to the ground.

"I WILL KILL YOU" Leo and Raph scream.

"Be patient" He says

He then grabs Donnie.

"NOOOO" I yell reaching for him "DONNIE"

Shredder doesn't hesitate. He punches and kicks Donnie until he's bleeding everywhere and is covered in bruises.

"Good bye Turtle" Shredder says stabbing Donnie through the head.

"DONNIE" I shriek

I watch as the life leaves Donnie's eyes.

Leo is up next. There fight goes on a long time but as all the others Leo died. Shredder throws Leo's lifeless body and grabs Raph.

"NOO NO MORE STOP" I scream holding onto Raph

Shredder kicks me off and doesn't even allow Raph to fight and stabs him.
I sob, shriek and scream. 


"Your turn" Shredder says as he goes to kill me...

I wake up in my room. I look and see Shredder. He picks me up off the bed.

"NOO, NO LET ME GO, LEAVE US ALONE" I kick him in the face.

I hear Mikey say ow. I run out of my room and see THREE MORE SHREDDERS. WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO AS IF ONE WASN'T ENOUGH. I hear my brother voices.

"Vee what going on?" Raph voices calls

"Vee are you alright?" I hear Leo's voice

"Vee calm down" Donnie's voice rings out.

"No, stay back" I bring out my kamas scared, confused, and panicked "I am warning you"

"Vee what's going with you" Raph voice says

"LEAVE ME ALONE NO NO NOOOO" I fall into velvety blackness.

I wake up in Donnie's lab. I look around and see my brothers standing around me. I begin to cry into Raph's shell as Donnie scans my

"Just as I feared" Donnie sighs

"What" Raph asks as I continue to cry.

He lifts me into his arms and cradles me as we all walk over to Donnie.

"What is it?" Raph asks

"The chip Venus was hit with a nightmare installment reality chip. An outlawed Japanese torment weapon driving people crazy from on going nightmare that stretch into reality."

"Will I ever get better?" I ask

"I might be able to come up with an antidote but it will take awhile." Donnie says trying to be confident

"But" Leo says "until further notice Raph you are on Venus nightmare duty. Mikey set you up to sleep on the couch in case Donnie needs you now off you go."

****time skip****
It's midnight and Raph is deep asleep. I myself am afraid to sleep I'm afraid of the nightmares might ensue. What horrors only me when I close my eyes? Leo comes over and lays a blanket on top of Raph's feet and starts to pull it up. I wiggle around and Leo sees.

"Vee you still up"

I nod. He lifts me into his lap.

"You need to be asleep Venus its Midnight." He says

"I know, but I can't I am too afraid Leo" I says sadly.

"You don't have to be scared" Leo says "we are here for you and we will let no one ever hurt you."

"Alright, I'll try" I say defeated

"Atta, girl" Leo says laying me down next to Raph and covering both of us with the blanket.

"Night Leo" I say yawning

"Night Vee" he returns

I then allow my eyes to fall shut and I find sleep.


Leo's POV:

Once I see Venus has fallen asleep I go to the kitchen and pour a cup of coffee for Donnie and I. I grab the second mug and knock on the door to the lab.


"It's open" Donnie says

I open the door and walk in handing Donnie his mug of coffee and pulling up and seat next to him and I then take a long sip before I finally speak.

"What you got so far?" I ask

"Well the name of the chip is the Hidokeytumous as I said 'nightmare installment reality chip' there illegal in the U.S and are original made in Japan as a torture weapon."

"Well that explains why the Shredder had it, and I already knew that Donnie, but tell me how it works?" I ask desperate.

"Well in a dumbed down way explanation: so far the chip emits a current of electricity through your brain frying what I guess you could call happiness cells or memories and adding more power to the nightmare cells so to speak" Donnie says

"Why use it on Vee?" I ask afraid of the answer

"Well I don't know the motive but my best guess as to why no Vee and not us is that she is small and sweet and well 7" Donnie states

"What does her age have to do with it?" I ask confused

"Well recent studies show that at the age of 7 a child has more frequent nightmares than at any other age." He says

"Is there antidote?" I ask hopefully

"Yes, but its exactly like the nightmare chip but purple and extremely painful and takes up to 30 minutes to work." 

"So what are you doing?"

"Looking to see if there is some chemical medicine or antidote. So we don't have to either, go into Shredder's lair which will probably be a trap and/or make Vee have to go through all that pain."

"What do you have so far?"

"A way to make in deadly" Donnie sighs putting his face in his hands. 

I take a sip of coffee and look down sadly. Vee is doomed.

"But there is good news." Donnie says

"Really?" I ask

"I don't believe Vee got the full affect."


"Is she asleep right now?"


"Well she shouldn't be able too. The chip should keep that from occurring and you said that Raph is keeping her calm?"


"Well nothing is supposed to calm her down. She is supposed to be terrorized day and night. Which concludes me to believe that she did not receive the full affect of the chip meaning that she may not need and antidote that it might just need to be worked out of her system like some kind of poison or venom." Donnie smiles

"Please don't bring up venom" I say frowning 

"Sorry my bad" Donnie frowns

"It's alright" I say taking another sip of coffee.


Venus's POV:

I listen as the guys argue.

"VEE!" Raph yells

"I told you we shouldn't have played hide and go seek Raph" Mikey sneers

"Shut up Mikey"

"Stop fighting guys" Leo commands "that isn't going to help us find her."

"Yeah and I owe her a little something" Donnie says

"What do you mean Donnie?" Mikey asks

"I mean that yesterday Venus told me that she saw something weird in the algae pool. So I go over there to check it out and she shoves me in there." Donnie shouts in surprise.

 Leo, Raph and Mikey laughed and I quietly giggled at the memory.


Raph's POV:

I hear a little giggle to the side and I spot a little light blue bandanna poking out the side of a water tower.

"Guys" I whisper "I heard Vee giggle, keep her laughing and follow me." I smirk

They all nod their heads and we walk toward the water tower.

"You sure this'll work Raph?" Leo asks

"100%" I say

"Well I found it extremely fun when she beat the shell out of Mikey" I yell 

Another giggle.

"What about the time she kicked your shell in training?" Leo says

Another giggle. I turn and glare at Leo and tell Donnie to go around the water tower.

"GOTCHA VEE" I shout

"eeek" she squeal and runs straight into Donnie's arms

"I gotcha" Donnie says victoriously.


Venus's POV:

As the guys and I walk back to the lair Donnie pokes my sides the entire time as revenge. Once at the lair I escape him and run into the dojo.

"Hey come back here." Donnie laughs coming after me.

"no" I squeak and run into the dojo.

Once in the dojo see a young boy talking to Master Splinter. His black hair and hockey stick looks familiar. A brother I once held close.

"Casey" I say in question 

"Venus" He says turning around.


Casey's POV:

I went to the lair and was asking the rat dude if he could give me a few pointers on being a ninja. You know to up my awesome factor. When I hear:

"Casey" A familiar voice rings. 

"Venus" I say turning around

"Casey" She squeals hugging me.

"Vee" I can't believe it I found her my little sister. Venus Jones.

A/n: Oh shiz bet no one say that coming wait for part three causes that's when shiz really hits the fan.  Until then Booyakasha my little turtle followers. so this took so long.

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