Venus De Milo part 1

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     I pull the hood of my tattered cloak as I begin to rummage through the trash. Out of nowhere I hear cheering and laughter from a corner. I scurry over to said corner and peek over the side. There I see walking down the street are 4 turtles whom look to be about 15 maybe older I don't know. And each one wears a mask and carries a weapon. The one with the katanas has a blue mask, the one with the Sais has a red, the one with the Bo staff has a purple mask, and the one with the nunchunkas has an orange mask. I lean in closer to hear what they are saying for the purple one looks extremely embarrassed but as I lean in my left foot hits a stray can. The clattering of the can made the turtles pull out their weapons. I hide behind the corner and pray they hadn't seen me. But they had.

"Whose there?" I hear one yell out

"Over there" I hear another say "behind that corner."

I hoped that they had been pointing at another corner but they had been pointing at my corner. And there I saw the turtles.

"Let's get him" the red one yells at me

"HIM" I think in my head. Oh how I wish I could say "I AM A LADY THANK YOU VERY MUCH"

But I just start running.

I turn thinking I would see them chasing me but instead I see them talking well at least the blue one and the red one.

"It's probably nothing. Let's go Raph." The blue one says holding the red one's arm.

The one named Raph pulls his arm away and says

"An innocent man doesn't run Leonardo."

And now they're chasing after me. I climb up a building and begin to jump from building to building. On one building I land on my right ankle and I wince. My ankle still hasn't completely healed since my encounter with the man named Shredder and his stupid minions. When I get back up I look to find my self cornered. Then next jump on all side is probably 25 to 30 foot jump. Except for the jump toward my pursuers so I franticly look for a place to hide. But it is too late they've caught up to me. I get into my fighting stance. First the one in the orange mask came at me. I dodged is nunchunkas and punched him hard in the stomach. Then the purple one came at me, he begins to do fancy tricks with his Bo staff. That's when I pull it from his hands and whack him upside the head and throw it back at him. Now the one named Raph comes up. I begin to panic. So I wait for him to charge and I jump over him and bury my feet into the blue guy's stomach and launch myself over to the next building. But when I land  on my hurt ankle and I wince and slowly limp behind the building in pain.

     As I watch the stranger limp away I begin to wonder whom or what it is? It can't be one of Shredder's men otherwise it would've ended us or taken us to Shredder. But as we walk to the lair the guys continue to grumble over tonight's encounter.

"I can believe he got away." Raph gripes

"How do you know it was a guy?" Donnie says "It could be a girl. I mean we've dealt with female enemies before."

"Well whatever it was." Mikey pipes up "It was small and fast."

They continue to discus and argue about it but I just tune them out. I really need to talk to Master Splinter. I walk into the training room and there I see Sensei sitting and mediating. I turn to leave and come back later when Sensei calls out my name.

"Leonardo. Why are you here my son?" Master Splinter said

"Oh I didn't mean to disturb you." I say

"I feel something is troubling you, my son. What is it?"

I sigh and tell him about the stranger we meet during patrol.

I also tell him the different feelings I got from the stranger.

"It way as if it was scared of us, and that it was hurt." I reply

Sensei nods and strokes his beard.

"What do you think it means Sensei?" I ask him confused

"Well I believe it means that we might need to help this stranger."

"How?" I ask

"I have a plan." Sensei says with a smile.

"What?!" Raphael yells "We're going after it?"

"It seemed hurt and scared, Raph." I say trying to soften him up.

"So, it could be one of the Shredder's newest attempt to kill us and find Sensei." He says harshly

"But what if it's not, what if it needs us to help it?" I say nicely "We can't just leave it and forget about it."

"Yes we can, all in favor of leaving and forgetting raise your hand." Raph says raising his hand.

"Raphael" Sensei say sharply at him.

He quickly drops his hand and sighs. He has given up on the argument.

"Alright," He says reluctantly "so what's the plan?"

     I wince as I tie a tight knot on the wrap that I am using to heal up my ankle.

"Stupid turtles" I whisper to myself "Making me hurt myself more than I was."

Then I hear voices from down the alley. I peer down and see the turtles.

"Are you sure it's down here?" I hear one says aggressively

"100%" I hear another one say

I gasp and quickly dive into a dumpster. I then quiet my breathing so to not be heard by the turtles.

"Well I guess you were wrong Leo for look there is absolutely nobody down here." I hear the aggressive on say

The one I guessing to be Leonardo scoffs and then I hear him say:

"Mikey what are you doing with those? Don't answer that, just throw it all away now."

The one I guess is Mikey sighs and grumbles as I hear his footsteps become louder and closer. I suddenly see the top open up and a huge amount of pizza and soda fall in. It's been a least 4 days since my last meal so I dive right in.

"Come on Leo obviously it isn't here let's go check elsewhere" one of the turtles suggest.

"Fine" I am guessing Leo sighs

And I listen quietly as their footsteps fade away. While I am eating the pizza I am stopped by the sound of creaking metal. I watch as the lid to the dumpster rise and I now see the crisp New York night sky. I look up and see a man. Well not a man a rat man. His kind tender face hits my heart for some reason and I bust out into tears. The old rat man lifts me into his arms and cradles me.

"Shhhh, Shhhh" the rat man says to me "there, there young one I will not hurt you."

Suddenly from around the corner I see the turtles and they're walking toward me and the rat man. I think about running but I am crying too hard to do anything.

"By Darwin's beard, it's a girl and another turtle." the purple one says in astonishment.

I stop crying and just whimper.

"She's so small" the orange one says "How old is she, Sensei"

The rat man looks at me

"If it is alright with you could you tell us your story?" the one I am guessing is called Sensei ask

"Ok" I sniffle and I begin to remember the traumatic things I've gone through.

"My name is Venus, I am 7 years old and I was turned into a turtle the day these things called the Krranng took over the Earth. I had just finished taking care of a turtle at the local pet shop my friend's father owns. I had just walked out into the street and I went on my way to my house where my brother and father where waiting. I had just reached the half way point when I suddenly bump into these robots with brains inside. I heard them call each other Krranng so I figured that was their name. Anyway" I begin to tear all the memories flooding back into my mind.

"They squirted me with this green goop..." I get interrupted

"Mutagen" the purple one say to me


"The green goop they sprayed at you, it's really called mutagen" He says nerd like

"Yeah anyway they squirted mutagen at me and I guess they thought I'd become a brain creature but instead I dodged and ran away as fast as I could. But in the passing week I met this guy. He called himself the Shredder. He then told his dog and fish to seize me for he wanted to make me his daughter."

I hear murmurs of disgust at the mention of the Shredder's name.

"He took me to this huge room. There I say a big ball of mutagen hanging from the ceiling like a chandelier. Then this fly guy flew and said 'I am now adding the turtle DNA that thanks to the rhino and pig we have.' The fly then inserted four tubes in which held red liquid. Once the fly gave a thumbs up the dog thing then shoved me into to the mutagen. And when I was finished I came out like this. The metal man then tried to make me his daughter but I refused. They tormented me and beat me like I was some common animal." I begin to cry remembering the pain and the suffering I went thorough.

"So" I sniffle out "a few days ago I snuck out. But not without the tiger thing hurting my ankle. Once I escaped I hid and I've been hiding ever since. I am so sorry I hit all of you." Now I really start to cry.

I am put on the ground and when I think they will just leave me here I feel something being tied around my head and then braided down my shoulder. And then I hear a click of something at the end of my braid. Still crying I take a peek in a slightly broken mirror to see what they have done. There in the mirror I see a little girl (me) in a light blue mask that is braided down my shoulder that has a ying and yang clip on the end of it. I then feel myself lifted into a pair of arms and carried. I stopped crying by the time we reach what they call their lair. I am offered a tour but the minute the red masked one puts me down my legs begin to wobble. I see their Sensei notice this and then he says:

"Leonardo go fetch Miss Venus a pillow and blanket she shall be staying with us from now on."

I brighten up at the mention of a home but then a question pops into my mind:

"Excuse what should I call all of you"

Their Sensei smiles and begins to recite a name and a nickname for each turtle.

"The one in blue" he begins "is called Leonardo, but you can call him Leo. In red is Raphael, but you can call him Raph. In purple is Donatello but you can call him Donnie. And lastly the one in orange is Michelangelo, but you can call him Mikey. And you may call me either Sensei or Master Splinter or both if you please."

They all turn their attention to me and I know what they want to know.

"Well" I begin "like I said before my name is Venus but you all can call me Vee."

Sensei smiles and walks out. Leo then tucks me in on the couch.

"Thank you for saving me and giving me a home." I say to Leo as he tucks me in.

"Don't mention it" He says brushing it off.

And when the turtles walk off to do something else I finally for the first time in days fall asleep knowing that if anything comes to get me I know someone has my back and I no longer have to be fearful anymore.

     I suddenly hear a scream coming from the living room. I run out of Donnie's Lab to see Venus on the couch tossing and turning begging for her and our lives. She begins to moan.

"Raph, Raph, Raph"

Knowing that Raph won't come and save her I go in to comfort her and calm her down.

"Venus, its ok we're....OW." I get punched in the jaw.

"Raph, Raph" Venus moans again.

"DONNIE" I yell

"WHAT?" He yells back


Donnie comes out of his lab and sees Venus struggling and quickly goes to her side to calm her down.

"Shhhh, Shhhh, Vee its o....OW" he yells as she kicks him in the face.

"Raph, Raph" She moans again

"MIKEY" We both yell

He walks out from around the corner

"What y'all dawgs want?" he ask us

"Help us calm Venus down she's in a nightmare" we tell him

Mikey then get up close to Venus face and screams:
"VEE WAKE U...OW" Mikey says as he gets punch in the stomach.

"Raph, Raph" she moan even louder

Finally I give and Donnie, Mikey and I yell for Raph.


"What?" He ask us annoyed

"Help us calm Venus down she's in a nightmare." I tell Raph

Raph rolls his eyes comes over and picks up Venus and places her on his lap. The moment she touches his lap, she calms down and curls up next to him.

"See" Raph says "that wasn't that hard now wasn't" He then lifts Venus out of his lap and places her on the couch and the moment she touches the couch she begins to panic once more. Raph then quickly grabs her and places her back on his lap.

"Well I guess I am stuck here" he sighs

Although I swear I see him smiling a bit.

"Aww," Mikey say "Raph has a soft spot."

Raph then hikes Venus up into his arm, slap Mikey in the back of the head and says:

"Shut up"

He then sits back down on the couch and I head off to bed.

     I look down and the little sleeping girl sitting here on my lap. I didn't want the guys to see it but I really do have a soft spot for the little girl. Venus then wiggles around a little. I laugh and say to her:

"Don't you worry Vee I have you, Raph is here, Raph is here."

She then wiggles around even more. I laugh out loud but I quickly covers my mouth and listen to make sure I didn't wake Venus. Venus then giggles a little bit and that's when I realize she was already awake. So I get payback. I stroke her side. She giggles and rolls over on her back. I then strike. I tickle her sides and her stomach. Venus laughs and laughs, and laughs until all the guys come out and see me tickling her. Immediately they all say:

"Aww, look guys Raph is tickling Vee so cute."

I then snap back:

"Shut up or I will take all your shells off"

Which makes them stop. Success. I guess you could say that we are all one big happy family.

     I wake up in the morning, I look up to see a sleeping Raphael. I then look down and see that I am on his lap. I took me a minute before I realized I had been sleeping on Raph's lap all night. I smile at the thought and then move off his lap and wake him up.

"Raph, Raph wake up" I say to him.

"Hmm, huh, huh ahh" He yawns "Oh hey Vee, What time is it?"

I pick up his T-phone and look at the time.

"Hmmm, 9:10" I say to him

He nods his head and stretches. He then looks at me and says:

"Come on, Splinter probably wants you to start training with a weapon right away."

He holds his hand out and I take hold of it he then walks me to the training room. There I see Mikey and Donnie sparing off with each other. And Leo is on the side practicing techniques with his katanas. I then look to the wall opposite of us and see that it is lined with weapons. I run over to it as if it was a candy store and grab a pair of fans and begin to fight with them, well it was probably more like I was just swinging then around in the air. I suddenly feel and arm on my shoulder I jump and turn to see Sensei. He looks at the fans then at me and then says:

"Hmm, Venus I think you would like these better."

He then reaches up to a high shelf and pulls down a short box. Blow the dust off of it. He then opens the box. I look inside and there sits to crop tools. I give Master Splinter a questioning look he nods and I pick up the tools and start to fight with them. My movements feel so smooth and natural. But I still am questioning why Splinter wants me to fight with a farming tools.

"Umm, Sensei" I ask

"Yes, Venus" He says

"Why am I fighting with farming tools?"

He chuckles and then says:

"My dear, these are not farming tools these are called Kamas. A hooked typed of Koonowechi weapon."

"Oh" I say

I then smile and hold my weapons up to Raph.

"Look at what I have Raph." I say to him.

"Whoa" Raph chuckles pushing my weapons down a bit "take it easier tiger"

I giggle back and say "Sorry"

Splinter then walks to the front of the room.

"Alright Venus lets test your skills. Michelangelo, ah je meh"

Mikey the stands up and begins to twirl his nunchunkas. I put my Kamas in my belt and get in my fighting stance. Mikey and I begin to circle each other until finally Mikey charges at me. I then slide underneath him and come back up and kick him in the shell. He then wraps me in is nunchunkas and was about to flip me when I fell and slid behind him and tripped him up with his own nunchunkas. He jumps up and comes at me. I then twist and leap off my left hand and let both of my fist make a hard impact on his stomach. And he is down.

"Ah meh" Sensei says.

Mikey gets up and sits down next to Donnie.

"Donatello, ah je meh" Sensei shouts

Donnie and I get into fighting stance and I take out my Kamas and Donnie takes out his Bo staff. He then does fancy tricks and comes at me. I wait and when he goes to hit me, I use my Kamas to hook on to his Bo staff and side kick him in the face. Donnie then trips me with his Bo staff and I fall. I then trip him and then quickly elbow him to the ground and I win.

"Ah meh" Sensei calls

I huff and puff has Donnie goes back and sits down.

Sensei then says "Raphael, ah je meh"

Raphael gets up and charges at me and shoulder me in the chest. I get up and are weapons meet. I goes back and forth with each of us blocking the others shot. Until Raph uppercuts me and I fall. Knowing Raph weakness I pretend to be hurt and Raphael softens.

"Vee are you ok?" He say worried "I am sorry I didn't mean to hur....."

I then use my Kamas and pull his legs out from under him and punch him hard in the stomach straight to the floor.

"Ah meh" Sensei says "Good job Venus deception is a very good weapon in a Koonowechies arsenal."

Raphael gets up and grumbles away.

"Leonardo, ah je meh"

Leo get in a fighting stance without his weapons out so I do the same. Leo kicks me in the stomach. I fall and get back up and go to punch him but in vain for he blocks my shot. We go back and forth blocking each other shots until he pulls out his weapons. I then pull out mine as well. With a back flip I grab his left hand and throw him across the room and then I know I have won.

"Ah meh" Sensei calls "It's time for a turtle hunt"

Sensei then walks all of us over to a confusing network of tunnels and explains the turtle hunt to us. What I get from it is that it is the boys against me and I have to find the blue flag and bring it back to camp without begin shot at by one of the boys. Seems simple enough. So the boys give me a 5 minute head start. So I quickly climb up to the top of the pipes and I begin my search for the blue flag.

After a while I find the blue flag. And it is not to my surprise that Raphael and Leonardo are the ones guarding the flag. I notice their lips moving so I lean down to hear what they were saying.

"Hey Leo"

"Yeah Raph"

"Do you think that Vee has already made it down here and is just watching and waiting?"

"Nah, couldn't happen."

"Why do you think that?"

"Well one she is a 7 year old girl, two she is not as highly trained as we are so it is just impossible."

I feel my face turning red. How dare they think I can't do this. I am just as much of a ninja as they are maybe even better. So I plan to get even. And now I'll put it in action. So I grab a pebble and throw it down a ways to make it seem like I am circling them.

"But then I again." I hear Leo say "I could be wrong."

"You go check it out" Raph says to him.

Leo nods his head and heads in the direction I threw the stone.

Perfect. I then use my grappling hook and lower myself down to the flag. Once I have the flag in between my teeth I turn around and tickle Raph to the ground and shoot right back up to the top of the pipes. I then listen to the pipe and listen for running water and head in that direction. On my way there I hear Raph and Leo yell for Donnie and Mikey. I look down and see that they are directly below me. So I take the opportunity and lower myself down to the ground and tickle Mikey and Donnie. I hear Leo and Raph's voices are closer now so I make a mad dash toward the lair. When u get there I see Master Splinter, I hand him the flag and tell him my plan. He then nods in understanding and when I hear the guy's voices I hurry up and find a hiding place. I watch them run into the lair and listen to their conversation and wait for the perfect time to come out.

"Master Splinter" I hear Leo call

"Yes Leonardo"

"Have you seen Venus?"

"No, I cannot say I have at least not recently."

They all let out a sigh of relief. I then jump out and scream as loud and as terrifyingly as I can.


The guys scream in return. And don't understand what is going on until I start laughing.


"Vee that is not funny" Leo says

I turn to say with a straight face "You are right, it's hilarious"

I start laughing again "You all should've seen your faces. Ah priceless."

"Oh so you think that's funny" Raph says with a mischievous smile.

He looks at the others and they return that same smile.

"Well how about this?" Raph says as he launches at me.

He then tackles me to the ground. And then within a couple of seconds I am pinned.

"It is tickle time guys" Raphael calls as he use his knees to pin my arms down.

The guys smile as they converge on me. Mikey and Leo each get one of my legs and tickle my feet, while Donnie tickles my sides and stomach and Raphael tickles my underarms. I laugh and laugh and plead for them to stop.

"S-stop, stop it, it tickles, hahahahahahaha"

"What?" Donnie will ask "keep going ok"

Eventually I break their tickling hold and I tackle Donnie and tickle him back and then I run off. This goes on for a while. Everyone chasing and tickling each other. Soon I start to get tired and yawn. I see Raph notices me yawn and he also notices Mikey about to tackle me. So he waits until Mikey is close enough and then Raph pulls me up into his arms causing Mikey to run into a wall. I laugh but I cut myself off with a yawn.

"You tired?" Raphael ask sarcastically

"Nope" I yawn "wide awake" I say just as sarcastic

Raph then carries to his room, lays me on his bed and tucks me in. He leaves to turn off the light and the moment before he steps outside the door I say:
"Goodnight Raph"

"Night Vee" he says back with a smile as he closes the door.

And before too long I fall into a deep, peaceful sleep.

I wait for Raph to come back from dealing with Venus.He then comes sits down next to me and then buries his face in his vintage Modern Ninja magazine. I then scoot to him and poke him in the side.He chuckled and then put the book down and scowled at me.

"Don't tickle me Leonardo."

I look at him with a straight and serious face and say

"What? I didn't do anything."

He goes back to his magazine and scoffs


I what until he is absolute paying no mind to me before I poke him again.

He slams down his magazine and says again

"I am serious Leonardo do not tickle me."

"I didn't do anything" I repeat again

"Ok" Raph says cautiously

He then returns to reading.

I wait a little while and tickle him again.

"Alright Leo" he said putting down his magazine "you asked for it."

He then jumped on me tackling me to ground and tickling me.

"Stop it Raph" I say to him

"Stop what" He says mimicking me "I am not doing anything"

     We watch Leo being tickled by Raph. And I turn and smirk to Mikey.

"See I told" I said "Leo is ticklish" I then hold out my hand for the cash.

Mikey sighs and hands me the 10 dollars we had wagered.

I laughed and said:

"I love being right."

"Whatever" Mikey snaps back "You just got lucky that's it"

"Oh well, I guess just got lucky and got 10 dollars."

"Whatever" Mikey sighs

     I wake up early the next morning today Splinter is giving us a day off. I see that Raph joined me last night and is sleeping right next to me. I try to get up but he has me trapped in his embrace. After a while of struggling I finally break his grasp. And I walk out into the living room there I see that Mikey has fallen asleep on the couch and Leo on the floor. I then get an mischievous idea and I pull out a marker and begin to draw on their faces a until I am pleased. Suddenly I hear what sounds like an error sound that happens when something is wrong or don't go together. I follow it to Donnie's lab. I see him typing stuff in hitting enter and the error sound sounding off and him slamming his fist on the desk. Which makes this mysterious robotic head attached by a wire to a computer and a cup of coffee. I have never had coffee before I wonder what it taste like. So I quietly sneak over to his desk and go to reach for the coffee and just as i put my hand on it Donnie looks at me.

"Vee, what are you doing up so late?" He ask confused

I look back at him and say just as confused:

"But Donnie it's..." I take out the T-phone Donnie recently gave to me. "8:34 in the morning."

Donnie looks confused and picks up and looks at his T-phone.

"Oh so it is."

"Have you been up all night Donnie?"

"I must've because last time I saw the time it was 11:30 at night"

He then takes a sip of coffee so then I ask him:

"Can I have a sip, please Donnie?"

"Have a sip of what?"

"Your coffee"

"Oh no, coffee is not healthy for young little turtle girls growing body."

"Please?" I beg and give him the puppy eyes.

"No, not the puppy dog eyes"

I then tilt my head and whimper a little bit.

"Alright, alright, call it off, you can have a tiny sip."

"Yay" I giggle as I take the tiniest of tiny sips.

Its so warm, sweet and creamy, that I want some more.

"Hmmm. That was good can I have some more?"

"No, come on I'll get you a glass a milk."

He takes my hand and leads me out of the lab but until we get to the door I constantly grab for the coffee mug. When we get to the door I give up. We then walk into the kitchen where Donnie's both me and him a glass of milk. When he sets down mine I ask him a question that has been in the back of my mind.


"Yeah Vee"

"What was that weird robot thing connected to your computer?"

He sighs "You would've found out eventually." he said as he sat down with his milk.

"Found out what?"

"That robot connected to my computer is Metalhead."

"Whose Metalhead?"

"He's a robot I created when I was tired of fighting the Krranng with a stick."

"What happened to him?"

"Well the first time a Krranng took over him and tried to killed my brothers but I stopped him."


"But the second time it was weird. He sacrificed his life to save us. I mean I program to be intelligent but its like he created his own emotion."

I begin to tear up and so does he.

"I promise, I'll rebuild, I know I will."

I run over and hug him.

"I am so sorry for you." I cry

"Its ok Vee, its ok."

I stop crying and sit back down and that's when Raph walks in and pours himself a glass of milk and the moment he sits down next to me, we hear Leo scream:

"Who did this?"

Him and Mikey come busting into the kitchen with the drawings I drew all over their faces. I stifle a laugh but Raph and Donnie start laughing immediately.

I was pretty funny. I drew stuff like unicorns, devil horns, butts, and among other things.

Leo get very angry and ask again:

"Who did this?"

I start laughing now I couldn't hold it in any longer. Leo didn't seem to notice but Mikey did. Mikey elbows Leo:

"Dude are you dense or something Venus did it. Man and you guys call me stupid."

"VEEEEEEEEENNNUUUUSSSSSSS!" Leo yells as he chases after me.

He chases me and soon everyone is laughing even harder now. I don't know why until Leo turns his head to ask "what was so funny now?" I see that I something on the back of his head. I take real good care of all 3 of my swords. Donnie then takes Leo to his lab and puts one mirror in front of his head and another one behind. Leo then reads what I have written and he doesn't find it to funny.

"Ohhhhhh when I get my hands on you" Leo says as he chases after me.

"Leo" Raph says in shock "Angry outburst are my thing."

But Leo wasn't listening. Finally he caught me in the living room. But his right accidentally hits my right ankle a little too hard and I let out an ear splitting scream. Everyone covers their ears. Soon Master Splinter comes out to see the commotion. But by now I have stopped screaming and have turned to crying. Donnie comes over to look at my ankle. He touches the bone and I let out another scream but this one only lasted a second.

"Yup its broken"

Leo stands off looking scared and sorry "I didn't mean to hurt her."

"We know Leo" Mikey says "We know it was just and accident."

Mikey then turns to Donnie "But what about the scream?"

"That I have no idea."

Raph then lifts me up and carries me over to a table prepared to heal my leg.

Donnie takes and x-ray of my ankle, goes to look at it and then comes back.

"Luckily it was only a small break we will be able to take the cast off in about a week and a half maybe 2."

"Ok but what about the ear stabbing scream." Raph demands

"Well while she wasn't paying attention I x-rayed her neck and well it seems that when she was mutated she swallowed some mutagen which have developed sacks around her vocal cords cause a higher volume in vocal strainage."

"English please" Raph ask

"It means that with the mutagen on her vocal cords it causes her to have like a super sonic scream. But it seems to only work in server units of pain, or fear."

"Ok anything else" Leo ask

"Well the mutagen is unstable. So if she gets a direct hit to the throat could cause the sacks to explode causing her to double mutate."

Everyone gasp but I ask him

"Can you fix it?"

"Yes" he says confidently "but it will take surgery."

So it has been 2 weeks now since my vocal surgery and a side effect was that I couldn't take for 2 whole weeks. The worst 2 whole weeks of my life. But today's the day. I can finally can talk. I get up and shake Raph.

"Hey, Raph, Wake up."

He grunts and rolls away.

"Wakey, wakey Raphie, Waphie."

"Shut up Vee" he grunts.

Suddenly his eyes fly open.

"Shut up Vee, Vee you can talk."

"Not only that but I can sing too. Lalalalalalala."

"You dork" he says rubbing my head.

"Yeah" I say pushing his hand off my head "but I am your dork." I smile at him.

He chuckles "Yeah I guess you are my dork."

He then tickles me a little and throws upon his shoulders and carries me to the training room. We then go through our mandatory 6 hour training session. After that the guys head up top to go on their nightly patrol. I quickly run to Leo and beg him.

"Please Leo, please let me go on patrol with you?"

"Oh no, absolutely not. I am not allowing a 7 year old girl to come with us on patrol. Nun-uh, no way, not a chance, no."

I am about to pout when Raph interrupts and says:

"Come on Leo let the kid come ain't nothing going to happen. I mean ever since we beat the Kranng the streets have been peaceful anyway."

"Fine" Leo says reluctantly "But don't say I didn't warn you."

I squeal with joy and hug Leo saying:

"Oh thank you thank you thank you so much."

He breaks away and says:

"Lets get a move on people." Leo commands in his leader voice.

A/n sorry it is so long I got on a roll any way part 2 will be coming out very soon and I will tell you s*^t hits the fan. (Ps I drew that picture on top myself is it good) Keep reading everyone. Booyakasha.

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