14 - The Hero Complex

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"Earth to Ronnie!"

I looked up irritated as Hermione fucking Granger ripped me away from my beautiful daydreams about Draco Malfoy.

"What?!" I spat. I'd just gotten to the good bit as well.

"I think Professor Snape is waiting for you to answer the question," she hissed in my ear.

I looked up to indeed see our extremely disgruntled greasy haired Potions master; his arms crossed lazily over his chest from behind his desk as his beady black eyes bore into mine.

"Whenever you're ready to get that ginger head of yours out of the clouds, Weasley," he drawled in a soft dangerous tone, "unless you care to share with the class what, or indeed whom, you were thinking about. And somehow I doubt that you would."

I don't know if it was my paranoid imagination, but I swore his eyes then briefly roamed over towards where the white-blond haired Slytherin sat, two desks in front of me.

How the fuck did he know?!

Several sniggers rose up in the air, and Draco craned his neck to look at me.

As soon as our eyes met, he immediately dropped his gaze.

This had happened a lot since the night of the Yule Ball.

And every single time it made my heart flutter and my stomach squirm.

I liked it.


So, I was kidnapped and put in the fucking lake.

And even worse than that; I had Harry as my saviour.

He was fucking useless.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" I screamed at him when we eventually resurfaced.

I glared towards the blonde chick on his other arm.

My god he had some kind of fucking hero complex.


The third task wasn't much fucking better.

Thanks to Harry being a fucking do-gooder, one of the hottest guys in school carked it.


"Shush!" Hermione rudely shut me up as we sat by his bedside in the hospital wing. "Harry is still a bit upset about it."

"Yeah, I suppose," I shrugged, eating his Get Well Soon presents.

Apparently, that dick, Voldemort, had resurfaced thanks to my fucking rat cutting his hand off or some shit.

Fucking Scabbers.


Yeah, so all in all, it wasn't the best year of my life.

I did enjoy that snog with Draco Malfoy though.

Even if his dad was one of those shits that enjoyed watching my best mate get tortured and stuff.

Harry told me about the masks they wore. I had to admit - it sounded kind of hot.

I briefly wondered if Draco would one day get one of those costumes.

"Trying not to think about it, are we?" Draco sneered, as he marched into our compartment on the Hogwarts Express during our way home.

I blinked. How did he know?!

It soon transpired he was just talking about Cedric Diggory getting brutally murdered by my pet rat.

"Get out," Harry spat.

"You've picked the losing side, Potter!" Draco spat back. "I warned you! I told you you ought to choose your company more carefully, remember? When we met on the train, first day at Hogwarts? I told you not to hang around riff-raff like this!"

The fucker actually had the audacity to beckon towards me and Hermione!

Did he not remember shoving his tongue down my throat only six months ago?!

"Too late now, Potter!" He continued, "They'll be the first to go, now the Dark Lord's back! Mudbloods and Muggle-lovers first! Well - second - Diggory was the f-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence.

I had fucking lunged at him.

His eyes bulged wide in shock as I slammed him up against the train wall in the corridor behind him.


Grey eyes flashed in amusement as he stared down at me, our mouths so close that our hot, ragged breaths mingled into one.

I felt a flush flood my body as I suddenly realised this was the closest we had been since the night of the Yule Ball.

"Stop making excuses to get close to me, Weasley," he growled, his eyes dancing as his lips practically tickled against mine.

I gasped as I felt his hands go to my waist, his long fingers gripping my sides as he yanked my hips up against his crotch.

Bolts of what I could only describe as electricity shot through my veins as my stomach lurched in longing.


Draco quickly released me as Hermione called out from behind.

"WHAT?!" I spat, wheeling around as I felt some kind of frustration that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"You're missing hearing about how Harry has heroically given all of his Triwizard winnings away to a worthy cause!"

Fucking Mudblood.


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