19 - The Proposition

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I was rudely awoken from a great dream about Draco to be informed that Harry had also been dreaming about snakes.

Except his was about one attacking my dad.

Well, each to their own I guess.

"I kissed Cho last night." Harry confessed as we sat in Sirius's house waiting for news on my possibly dying father.

"Well I hope you wore protection." I snapped, not really giving a shit about Harry's love life right now.

"Is it normal for girls to cry when you kiss them?" He continued, ignoring me.

"Fuck, Harry, were you that bad?" I exclaimed, thanking the Lord I'd dodged a hex there.

"No, it was good- just... wet. Did you cry when Malfoy kissed you?"

"Only out of frustration when my fucktard brothers decided to become my own personal cockblockers."

"Ronnie, we are sat right here," Fred glared from across the table with George shaking his head in disbelief next to him.

"Yeah, and don't I fucking know it!" I spat, still angry at them for ruining my sex life.

"We're not sorry!" George bellowed. "The next time Malfoy lays a finger on you, he's fucking dead!"

"Right, I think everyone needs to calm down," Sirius said, who was sat at the head of the table. "Let's deal with one teenage issue at a time."

He firstly turned to Harry who was still sulking about Cho.

"Harry, no - it is not normal for girls to cry when you kiss them. It is normal, however, for girls to cry when they are grieving their dead boyfriends. Perhaps you should just back off and stop trying to cop off with vulnerable women. That shit can get you into trouble."

Harry just blinked at him as Sirius then turned to me.

"Ronnie, you are just fifteen years old and therefore it is actually illegal for you to be having sex. And when you do decide to partake in the horizontal tango, then may I suggest not with a Malfoy. He may be my hot second cousin or whatever he is, but believe me when I say my family is probably best left alone."

Before I could think of a smart arse reply, he turned to Fred and George, and tipped his bottle of beer towards them.

"Boys - cheers."

That fucktard.


Dad was going to be all right.

I knew Harry was just being a fucking drama queen.

Also, turns out Sirius wasn't all that wrong about his screwed up family.

His cousin, Bellatrix - who also happens to be Draco's aunt - tortured Neville's parents into a forever state of madness and is apparently quite proud of this achievement.

And this is on top of Draco's father, who apparently finds enjoyment in watching fourteen year old children getting tortured by a noseless maniac.

Still doesn't stop Draco being hot though.


"Did you miss me?"

I stilled at the familiar drawling tones, my hand pausing on the book I was about to pull off the shelf, as the Slytherin Prince - out of nowhere - stepped right up beside me. I was not prepared for this.

Draco hadn't said two words to me since the Quidditch incident. I was starting to think that my fucking brothers had scared him completely off after all.

I looked over my shoulder, wondering if he was talking to someone behind me.

"What the fuck are you doing in a library?" I spluttered, when I realised it was indeed me he was addressing on the basis that no one else was there.

"I do study, you know," he said derisively, "I just prefer not to do it amongst the riff raff."

"What do you want, Malfoy?" I spat, already feeling irritated by him. The way his eyes were glinting down at me told me he was here purely to wind me up.

"There's no need to be so rude, Weasley, I was simply going to enquire about what your plans were on Valentine's Day?"

The extremely heavy hard backed book, which I had since lifted from the shelf, proceeded to slip out of my hand and land painfully on my fucking foot.

"FUCK!" I hollered, hopping around as I grabbed my foot, clutching it in eye watering pain. "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!"

I was aware of Draco just staring amusedly down at me, a wide smirk plastered across his face, enjoying my pain.

"If you're not careful Weasley, that foul mouth of yours is going to get you thrown out."

I heard angry footsteps marching towards the book cases and, trying to ignore the pain in my foot, I quickly refrained from hopping; grabbed Draco and span him around, positioning him to shield me from view.

I'd already had a warning for swearing in the library.

It obviously worked as Madam Pince seemed to  think Draco an unlikely suspect, and carried on by in continued pursuit of the foul mouthed offender.

"You can let go of me now," Draco drawled, his smirk widening ever so as his eyes pointedly glanced down at his arm where I was still clinging on with one hand. "That's if you can bring yourself to, of course."

I dropped my hand like a hot potato, and to my horror, found heat rising to my cheeks.

"As I was saying," he continued, his eyes dancing in amusement at my evident embarrassment, whilst I silently cursed myself for not playing it cool. "Will you be going on the Hogsmede trip on Valentine's Day?"

"Are you asking me to go with you or something?!" I spluttered, still not quite believing what I was hearing.

"Good god no, Weasley," he said in a tone that suggested utter horror at the very idea. "I was merely asking because it means that half the castle will be empty, and I thought that perhaps maybe you and I could take advantage of that fact..."

Oh my fucking god, he was propositioning me.

"By doing what, exactly?"

No bloody way was I going to make this easy for him.

"Well," he shrugged, smirking. "I could always write you another song and see how you react to that, seeing as you never got to finish thanking me for it the last time... if you catch my drift?"

"Malfoy, I think the fucking bookends catch your drift." I spat, moving to push past him.

He placed a hand on my upper arm, halting me. I got a whiff of peppermint as he moved his face close to mine, manoeuvring his lips to my ear.

"Don't pretend you don't want this, Weasley," he growled huskily, my stomach knotting as I felt his hot breath tickle my face. "I can see it in your eyes. You want me just as much as I want you."

Fuck, he wasn't wrong, though.

He moved his head slightly, trailing his lips softly along my jawline, making me shiver from head to toe. By the time his mouth reached mine, my breaths were fast and shallow. I itched for him to kiss me, to place his lips upon mine.

Hovering just out of reach, his eyes glinted into mine. And then, just as I was about to lean in myself and kiss him, the fucker stepped back, licking his lips gleefully.

"You want it, Weasley," he chuckled, raising his eyebrows gleefully, "so I'll be seeing you on Valentine's Day... I'll be seeing a lot of you."

And then, with that, he turned and sauntered off, leaving me standing there looking like a fucking stunned hippogriff.


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