20 - Valentine's Day

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So I had a Valentine's Day I'd never fucking forget.

I had woken up full of nervous apprehension.

Today I was going to ride the Slytherin Prince.

Well, at least I thought I was. I hadn't any idea where or when this was going to be happening seeing as trivial details like that hadn't actually been discussed.

Should I just walk around the castle until I happen to bump into him?

Anyway, trying not to think too far ahead, I got dressed. Now this took some careful planning.

Did I want to make it easy, or difficult for Draco to get my clothes off?

Well, first off, I decided I would at least wear matching underwear. I didn't want to give that boy any more reason to take the fucking piss about me being too poor to buy decent lingerie.

I went for red - that would scare him; remind him I'm a Gryffindor and not afraid of anything.

And then, because I didn't want to make it look as though I was trying too hard, I just threw on jeans and a shirt - making sure it had lots of buttons to give me time to change my mind if needed.

Not that I would, of course.

"I'm so nervous," Harry said at breakfast.

What the fuck had he got to be nervous about? I'm the one doing the deed.

"You'll be fine, Harry," Hermione assured him.

"Why? What's happening?" I asked, looking between the two of them, intrigued.

"I'm going into Hogsmede with Cho and I don't know whether to hold hands with her or not." Harry said, nervously adjusting his glasses.

"Oh grow a fucking pair, Harry! Didn't you tell me you've already shoved your tongue down her throat?" I scoffed. I mean, he really is pathetic. I don't know what Cho sees in him after being with that god.

That silenced him. He turned back to his food, frowning, as he stabbed his fork into a piece of bacon.

"Do you fancy walking in together, Ronnie?" Hermione asked brightly, "I was thinking we could stay near Harry to give him moral support."

"Er, sorry I'm busy today."

"Busy doing what?!" Harry asked, looking aghast that I might want to do anything that doesn't involve him.

I couldn't help but glance up at the Slytherin table, where to my disconcertment, Draco was sat watching me as he bit slowly into a green apple. Smirking, he gave a slow cocky wink, instantly making my stomach knot and causing me to look away in a fluster.

Damn that sexy white-blond haired Slytherin.

"Studying." I said, realising Harry and Hermione were waiting for an answer.

They both looked at me agog, as I stood up, leaving my breakfast half untouched.

"Well, I think I'll get to it." I said, as Harry and Hermione remained staring at me with gormless expressions on their faces. "Enjoy your date, Harry, and don't forget your waterproofs this time."


I stayed hidden in the Entrance Hall waiting for the gathered to leave for the trip.

When the last student had finally dispersed, I tentatively stepped out into the open, looking around.

"Can't wait to get to it, I see?"

I turned around at the familiar drawling voice, coming face to face with that self satisfied smirk which I could never decide made me want to hit him or jump his bones.

Looks like I was opting for the latter.

His grey eyes glinted into mine and I felt something like electricity spark in my stomach.

"So," I said, casually folding my arms across my chest and trying to sound nonchalant about the whole thing, as if I do this all the time. "Where do you propose we go?"

To my horror, he pulled a key out of his trouser pocket, tossed it in the air and proceeded to catch it.

"I've got a room we could use." He said with a smug grin across his face. "Close friends with the Head Boy, see. Said I could use it for the day."

I stared at him aghast - I cannot actually fucking believe he organised a room for this.

My heart hammered furiously against my ribcage. So, this was actually happening then?

Deep down I think a part of me thought we were just winding one another up. That maybe we would even make out but get our usual interruption that would put a stop to things.

"Not scared are you?" He smirked, as he carefully studied my face, his eyes dancing amusedly at my hesitancy.

No way was I going to let him fucking think he'd won.

Pulling myself together, I stood up tall.

"I'm not the one who should be scared, Malfoy." I snapped, flipping my hair over my shoulder. "Now lead the way. I've got a busy day."

Chuckling, he turned on the spot, beckoning me to follow. We walked in silence through a maze of corridors and up various staircases, until we finally came to a halt at unremarkable looking door.

I followed Draco through it into a modest sized green room where a large four poster bed sat central against the back wall.

I stared fearfully at it as I closed the door behind me, shutting us in.

"So," I said, clearing my throat, trying to ignore the furious pounding of my heart.

To my horror, Draco started to loosen his tie.

"What are you doing?!" I gasped.

"Well we're not here to play Scrabble, Weasley," he smirked, throwing his tie across the room and kicking off his shoes.

This wasn't what I had imagined at all. I wasn't just going to stand there and remove my clothes like I was in a fucking doctors surgery!

I turned to leave.

"What's the matter, Weasley? I thought you wanted this?"

"I thought I did, but I guess not." I said, shrugging my shoulders unapologetically as I walked over to the door.

"Then what the fuck did you come here for?" He snarled, making me pause and turn around. His face was furious and a pink tinge had risen to his cheeks. "You were gagging for it!"

"I'm not your fucking doll, Malfoy." I spat, anger starting to boil in my stomach. "Go order one from a catalogue if you're that desperate."

"What would you know about ordering from a catalogue? The only use your family have for them is using them as stilts for that pigsty you call a house!"

Red spots flashed before my eyes. How fucking dare he!

"Don't look at me like that, Weasley. You should be thanking me for not having my father sue those mongrel twin brothers of yours. They ought to be put down like the filth they-"

He never got to finish his sentence because I had lunged at him.

We fell back on the bed and rather than smack him one like I had intended, I found I was kissing him instead; furious, heated, hungry kissing.

Hands were everywhere; ripping, pulling, groping. Clothes could not be removed fast enough. I could have cursed myself for choosing a top with so many buttons. In the end, Draco ripped it clean off me, buttons pinging everywhere.

Hunger swirled in his eyes as he looked down at my heaving chest, and I was glad I wore my good bra. He pulled his own shirt off over his head, messing his hair up as he did so.

He panted heavily over me, bare chested and tousled hair. My god he was fit as fuck.

His lips crashed back down on mine as our tongues resumed their thrashing dance. My stomach knotted in absolute longing as my fingers started clumsily unbuckling his belt.

As soon as our trousers had both been kicked off, I wrapped my legs around him, making him cry out as I bucked my hips up against his. I could feel how much he wanted me and it was driving me wild.

Without breaking the kiss he fumbled behind my back, unclasping my bra. I shivered as he pulled it clean off me, stroking a hand up and down the side of my left breast, making me cry out into his mouth when he finally cupped it in his fingers and brushed his thumb over my nipple.

My whole body had never felt so alive before. I was tingling from head to toe, my whole body trembling in yearning. My insides were pooling in complete desire and all I wanted, all I could think about, was having Draco as close to me as possible.

"Are you sure?" He growled hoarsely, as his hand left my breasts and moved down to my briefs, fingering the hem.

I nodded, barely being able answer such was my desire making me breathless beyond speech.

He didn't hesitate, ripping them down. His hand went straight to my pussy, making me cry out as he slowly inserted a finger, watching me closely as he carefully slid it in and out.

"Fuck your feel so good, Weasley," he murmured hoarsely, dipping his head to catch my lips in his as his thumb began to rotate against my clit.

I actually thought my body was going to rip in two. I had never felt such feelings before as I bucked and shuddered against his hand, my fingers clasping his hair, nails scraping his scalp.

And when he whispered in my ear, 'cum for me, Weasley', I hoped he'd thought to sound proof the room beforehand, because I wasn't exactly quiet about it when I did.

Wow, I thought, collapsing back into the mattress as I fought to catch my breath back. But Draco wasn't letting me recover that easily.

"I fucking want you," he growled deeply, his mouth pressing against my ear, "right now."

I didn't object when he kicked off his boxers, revealing his very hard and very large cock. He grabbed my hand and guided it to him as I tried my best to act casual, as though I handled these things all the time. Giving it a gentle squeeze, I was pleased to make him surrender a groan of longing as he shuddered beneath my fingers.

"Tell me you want me," He growled again, through hot, ragged breaths, "tell me to fuck you."

"I want you," I gasped, "Fuck me."

I removed my hand as he positioned himself over me then, as his silver grey eyes pierced mine, he pushed himself inside.

A small sharp pain shot through me, making me cry out. Our eyes simultaneously widened, startled. But then, seeing I was okay, he continued. Moving slowly at first, making me gasp and cry as I adjusted to his size, relishing in the utter deliciousness of feeling him inside of me.

I begged him with my eyes to go faster, digging my fingertips hungrily into his back, bucking my hips up to meet his. A low guttural groan vibrated in the back his throat.

"I'm going to cum if you don't stop that," he warned, an edge of annoyance to his voice.

"Good!" I cried, panting as I bucked my hips up even harder. He couldn't tell me what to fucking do.

"Fuck, Weasley!" He rasped, a mixture of anger and passion in his eyes.

But he obviously couldn't contain himself anymore because his pace suddenly sped up and he was biting into my shoulder, muffling his moans against my skin.

Eventually, he rolled off me onto his back, panting breathlessly.

"I could have lasted longer if you would just exert a small amount of control," he snapped, tossing me a small bottle of clear liquid.

"What's this?" I asked, inspecting it warily.

"Drink it. It'll stop you getting pregnant. And god forbid another one of you lot in the world."

"You know, you don't have to be such a fucking tosser!" I yelled, throwing my head back to make sure I drank every drop.

Like I'd ever want his babies anyway.

Tossing the empty vial back in his face, I leant over the bed to gather my clothes.

"What are you doing?" He asked, a touch of alarm in his voice as I pulled up my underwear and clipped on my bra.

"Riding a fucking hippogriff," I spat. "What does it look like? We've done what we came here to do, now we can forget it ever happened and move on."

"Fine by me," Draco sneered, furiously grabbing his own clothes. "This never happened."

Only thing was - it had.


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