21 - Detention Draco Style

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We did it again.

Less than twenty four hours later, in fact.


Harry didn't have as good a Valentine's day as I did.

"Cho dumped me."

"Can't say I'm surprised." I said, as we made our way down to breakfast the following morning.


"Jesus Harry, all you ever did was make her cry!"

"What would you know? You were too busy studying to bother to come and watch me on my date."

"Stop being such a fucking baby, Harry. You're the only person I know in the whole world who needs their hand holding to go on a date."

"Now, now, don't make me dock points for use of foul language in the corridor, Weasley,"

Pale pointed face alight with malice, Draco Malfoy appeared from behind a door, stepping out in front of us, halting us in our path. Silver eyes glinted delightedly into mine and I couldn't help but get a vision of him ripping my clothes off.

"Prefects can't deduct points from prefects you fucktard," I snarled, remembering the feel of his hands upon my skin.

He smirked, taking a step closer to me. I caught a waft of his cologne, and I felt my stomach knot.

"Yes, well I think you'll find members of the Inquisitorial Squad can, Weasel Queen," he sneered leaning his face down closer to mine, causing my breath to quicken and my pulse to accelerate. "And we can also issue detentions, so I'd start behaving yourself in front of me, if I were you, Weasley. And we both know what a naughty little girl you can be."

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked stupidly. "What's the Inquisitorial Squad?"

I blinked, forgetting Harry was next to me.

"The Inquisitorial Squad, Potter." Draco said, turning slightly to show Harry the front of his robes as he pointed to a tiny silver 'I' pinned to his chest. "A select group of students who are supportive of the Ministry of Magic, hand picked by Professor Umbridge. Anyway, members of the Inquisitorial Squad do have the power to dock points from whomever they like...so, Weasley, I'll have five from you for your dirty mouth, and five because I don't like you, Potter."

"You can't do that!" I bellowed, feeling anger boil inside of me.

"Well, I just did, Weasley," he smirked self satisfactorily, "and while I'm at it, I'll take ten from Granger for being a Mudblood."

"She's not even here!" I yelled, fury making white lights obscure my vision.

"Another five from you, Weasley, for that filthy little tongue." He drawled lazily, his eyes dancing hungrily into mine.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, you power hungry twat?!" I spat, not being able to help myself as I felt all my blood rushing southwards.

"Five more, Weasley. Do it again and I'll put you in detention." The tip of his tongue darted ever so briefly across his top lip.

"CUNT!" I screamed right in his face.

Something flashed in his eyes.

"You're coming with me right now, Weasley," he snarled, grabbing my wrist tightly and pulling me up the corridor, leaving Harry behind, gawping after us.

I didn't object when Draco briskly dragged me into an empty classroom, kicking the door shut behind us.

And I didn't object when he slammed me up against said door and started angrily assaulting my lips with his.

Our hands were everywhere; pulling, grabbing, groping at anything they could get a hold of. The room was filled with the sound of urgent grunts and the smacking of lips. I could feel his hardness through his trousers, pressing up against me.

"Fuck, I want you so bad, Weasley," he growled fiercely in my ear, stating the bleeding obvious.

I responded by unbuckling his belt, my fingers fumbling clumsily in my desperate desire to get his trousers off. My whole body was yearning for him; trembling all over in anticipation of having him inside of me again.

This time there was no messing; he hoisted me up, pulled my briefs aside from under my skirt, and rammed straight into me.

We both groaned heavily and violently into each other's mouths, my legs wrapping tightly around his waist; my arms encircled around his shoulders, fingers tangled in his hair. His hands squeezed my arse, holding me up as he pummelled me against the door, over and over.

When our breaths became too short to be held, he pulled his lips away from my mouth, trailing wet kisses along the delicate skin of my jaw, eventually reaching my pulse point which he began to ravish with little nips and licks that felt sinfully good, and I knew were sure to leave a mark.

I was already close, but I was going to need more than being fucked against a door to get me there. And by the way his muscles were becoming tauter beneath his increasingly trembling body, I was starting to feel anxious that I would miss my chance.

"I- I need-" I gasped, struggling to articulate my words through my breathless state.

He stilled, immediately lifting his head to look at me questioningly, his eyes so dilated beneath the mess of tousled hair that they gave off an unnatural darkness about them. I suddenly understood the meaning of lust-filled eyes because right then Draco Malfoy's were the exact definition. It was hot, he was hot.

His fingers remained digging into the flesh of my arse (nice and toned thanks to all those fucking stairs) as he held me literally pinned to the door with his cock, both of us panting heavily against the other.

"Tell me," he rasped, his chest rising and falling heavily. "Tell me what you fucking need, Weasley, because I'm not going to last much longer here."

"This." Removing an arm from around his neck, I reached down for his wrist and began to guide his hand upwards to where we were joined. Finally getting it, he pressed his palm flat against my stomach as his thumb found my clit, and applied just enough pressure to make me softly whimper as he began to rub it in a circular motion.

I rolled my head back against the door, arching up against him in pure pleasure as his thumb worked magic in a way a wand never could.

"That's it, cum for me, Weasley," he demanded, his voice steady as he continued to fill me up, his movements becoming sloppy in our new awkward position.

His words were enough to cause the growing knot in my stomach to rip, and I cried out as my orgasm rushed through me like a white-hot explosion, my hips rutting wildly against him as though I was trying to push myself away from the door and further into him.

He swiftly removed his hand from my stomach and forcefully pushed it over my mouth, muffling my cries. I could feel the wetness of my juices on his thumb as he curled it under my chin, and I used the opportunity to bite his finger, finding this an incredible turn on on top of everything else.

It obviously was for Draco too, because as soon as I pinched the flesh of his long bony digit between my teeth, he sped up, profanities spilling from his lips, accompanied with strangled moans and a growing hum that vibrated in his throat.

And just as I thought he was going to rip my arse off in his vice like grip, it seemed he finally got that sweet release he had been eagerly chasing as he shuddered out a loud groan, his whole body jolting against me through one more forceful thrust.

"Fuck," he panted breathlessly, riding out his high before coming to a still and rested his forehead against the door above my shoulder, his heart racing noisily beneath his heaving chest.

He eventually unpinned me, allowing me to slide back to the floor, landing unsteadily on my feet.

He stepped back, swiftly putting himself back into his trousers and doing his belt up whilst I attempted to readjust my skirt.

"I thought we weren't going do that again?" I said haughtily, straightening out my school shirt.

"Well you're the one who can't keep away, Weasley; flirting with me in the school halls and giving me those 'come fuck me' eyes."

"What the actual fuck?!" I bellowed, "I was on my way down to breakfast when you literally pounced on me and dragged me in here!"

"You were practically begging for it, Weasley." He drawled, a wicked glint in his eye as his mouth widened in a smirk. "I was just giving you what you wanted."

"I called you a cunt!" I hollered incredulously, anger already building at his complete arrogance.


"Whatever, I'm out of here. I'm not missing breakfast for you."

I turned towards the door, ready to get the fuck out of there.

"Wait a second, Weasley," Draco commanded. I paused, turning to glare at him.

"What?!" I spat. I was hungry and he was keeping me from my food.

He pulled out a small glass bottle and chucked it towards me, which luckily I managed to catch.

"You really ought to be more careful. Anyone would think you want my children." He shuddered, as if nothing would disgust him more.

"Like fuck I do. Don't make me sick." I snarled, as I downed the bottle, throwing it back at him once every drop had gone.

"Likewise, Weasley. I wouldn't want to sully the Malfoy name, after all."

Sticking my middle finger up at him, I yanked open the door and slammed it behind as I strode out into the corridor.

"Ronnie, are you all right? I was so worried about you." Harry gushed, as he finished up his breakfast. "What did he do to you? It wasn't lines was it?"

"Well, clearly you weren't that fucking worried, Harry," I grumbled, as I started plating up with eggs and bacon. "I don't recall you coming after us to check he wasn't murdering me."

"You seemed like you had it under control." He shrugged, swigging down some pumpkin juice.

I looked up, just as Draco walked through the doors. Our eyes met across the hall, and I didn't miss the twitch of a smirk as he threw me a sly, discreet wink.

Control was definitely not the word I would have used.

Because by the way he made my insides dance, I knew that it wouldn't be long until I was on my knees at the Slytherin Prince's mercy.


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