25 - Obsessions

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Harry was all sulky when he arrived at the Burrow the summer before our sixth year due to Dumbledore having cock blocked him big time.

"She was well up for it!" He bellowed. "And she had a waitress outfit on and all!"

"Harry, you shouldn't have been hanging out in the underground when the darkest wizard is out there after you!" Hermione pointed out quite reasonably.

"I WAS HORNY!" Harry roared.

Personally, I thought it served the git right seeing as he had scared off my fuck buddy by being the bloody Chosen One.

Speaking of Draco, we bumped into him on our annual trip to Diagon Alley.

His mother was fucking rude as. All Harry did was goad her something rotten about her husband being in Azkaban, and then she stormed out of the shop daring to stick her nose up in the air.

I'm seriously reconsidering her and Lucius as potential parents in law.

Draco acted as if I wasn't even there at first and I tried to pretend I couldn't give a fuck but actually found it surprisingly hurtful.

The look he had given me as he walked out of Madam Malkin's was one of pure hatred.

"Let's follow him!" Harry cried excitedly as we stood in my brothers annoyingly successful shop and spied Draco running towards Knockturn Alley.

And thus began Harry's freaky obsession.

Actually, obsession was an understatement. All Harry talked about was Draco after that trip. It did my head in because I was desperately trying not to think about him.

"Draco Malfoy is a Death Eater!" Harry concluded.

AS IF! Harry really is a fucktard. Simply because Draco's family was famous for being known Death Eaters. Simply because Draco refused to allow Madam Malkin to lift his left sleeve. Simply because Draco had some kind of creepy meeting with other Death Eaters in one of the darkest shops in Knockturn Alley.

Where does Harry get his wacky ideas from?

Anyway, summer was a fucking dull affair. Mum and Ginny spent the majority of it being complete bitch's to Bill's fiancée, Fleur Delacour.

I'm just glad I didn't get the Weasley family bitch gene.

I also wondered why Hermione was spending yet another entire summer with us. Do her parents not like her or something? I suppose she could be an exhausting know it all at times.

I was relieved to be going back to Hogwarts. I wasn't sure why though. My eyes kept trying to seek out the familiar shock of white-blond hair despite being completely over him.

Shame the same couldn't be said for Harry.

"Will you shut the fuck up, Harry!" I bellowed as he once again reiterated the idea that Draco was a Death Eater.

I was in a foul mood. Draco hadn't turned up to the prefect carriage, and when I had passed his compartment during my prefect patrol, I was incensed to see him lying down with his head nestled on Pansy fucking Parkinson's lap.

"You'll all be sorry when I prove you all wrong and me right!" Harry cried.



Harry turned up to the welcome feast with his face smashed in.

He probably deserved it.


The Slug Club.

The fucking Slug Club.

Who the fuck was this stupid professor, anyway? Like I gave a flying fuck that I wasn't invited to join.

Fucking Harry was. Fucking Hermione was. Even fucking Ginny was.

Sod the flaming lot of them.

And that was another thing. Despite him being totally inappropriately obsessed with Cho only last year, I couldn't help but notice that Harry was now making eyes at my little sister.

Yeah, I get that Ginny was pretty. Annoyingly fucking so. But there's nothing worse than being known as the ugly sister. I wasn't stupid; I've looked in a mirror. I've seen photos of me next to her and wanted to immediately bury my head in a pillow and cry.

But I'd always been accepting of it until Harry started having wet dreams about her.

"She has nice skin." He said pathetically when I casually tried to ask him about why all the guys fancied her.

"So you're saying I've got fucking ugly skin?" I yelled at him in response.

He chose that moment to go to bed.

"Don't worry about it, Ronnie," Hermione soothed, "boys would much rather be with a girl with a nice personality."

I was fucking screwed then.


Draco Malfoy wasn't the only thing Harry had become obsessed about this year.

He had a book. A book that I swear he would stick his fucking cock in if it didn't threaten to ruin the precious ink of his beloved Half Blood Prince.

It won him the bottle of liquid luck. I couldn't help but notice that Draco looked just as pissed off as I was over this. In fact, I couldn't help but notice that Draco looked not only annoyed, but exhausted too. The imprisonment of his father seemed to take away that air of cockiness that used to always surround him.

It made me feel sad.


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