Aizen vs Madara

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Hello everyone, this is Shinigami. Now, Aizen vs Madara is a very heavily debated topic, like a very toxic one. So I wanna give my opinion of this. Now to let everyone know, by stepping into this, I am not winning, because both fanbases look at who won, and not the arguments being presented, so if I say Aizen wins, I get yeeted, if I say Madara wins, I will get yeeted as well. PLEASE if you have any disagreements with this, join my Discord server to discuss it, alright?


For Aizen's ap, he is actually stronger than he was against Dangai Ichigo, he flexes his spiritual pressure and crushes the Mimihagi little minion clones, did a Kurohitsugi without incantation and was even said to be stronger than the one he used on Ichigo, and he actually fought against Yhwach, he was able to inflict hypnosis on Yhwach and wasn't getting crushed by his spiritual pressure, and he's still sealed. For a lowball, its a bare minimum planet level, Yamamoto was gonna incinerate the whole planet by existing (with one arm as well), Yhwach absorbed Yamamoto's Bankai, then he gained the powers of As Nodt, Mask and several other Quincies, then gains an amp from Ichigo's Hollow and Quincy powers, and Aizen can still fight that. Now for some of the higher related stuff, this is still me lowballing, but Gremmy created the Galaxy Room, a galaxy sized pocket dimension, yet he couldn't imagine anything stronger than Kenpachi, who Aizen scales above.

Speed wise, he scales far above fodder tier characters who can react to light based attacks, like the Negaccion light, Aushwaleon Light, he would even scale to Ichigo and Yhwach who are easily MFTL, Ichigo blocks 20+ Quincy arrows, consistently calced in the 100s of times light speed ranges of speed, then you give the Horn of Salvation and Bankai multipliers which gives a 20 000 multiplication to the speed.

Now for Aizen's hax and abilities:

Shikai: His ability is Kyoka Suigetsu, a Kazensani (perfect hypnosis), he can manipulate all your senses, all he has to do is release his Shikai "Shatter, Kyoka Suigetsu" and you looking at his Zanpakuto, you are instantly under the influence of Kyoka Suigetsu (The Vizards saw it 100 years ago and they were still under the effects of the hypnosis), And its weakness is by touching his Zanpakuto before Aizen can mind hax you (and no, its not obvious, NOBODY was able to figure it out, not even Yamamoto, arguably speaking). In the war arc, he is one with his Zanpakuto, so he can passively put you under the kazensani and the very concept of "grab his sword before he releases his hypnosis" won't work because he is one with his Zanpakuto. He also has 3 layers of mind hax in just his base state at least, the first comes from the Kido mind hax, Hichigo was still able to take over Ichigo's body even when Ichigo was under the effects of the mind hax, consistent with other Zanpakuto spirits that broke out of mind hax, (Now there are 3 Kido mind hax, so if you argue the one that instantly puts you to sleep is the strongest, so you can argue that Zanpakuto spirits can break Shinigami from 3 layers of mind hax) Shinji's mind hax was able to block Aizen's connection to Kyoka Suigetsu (his Zanpakuto spirit) granting him higher layers than the Kido mind hax, you may argue that it has at least 4 layers because its stated that the Shikai is more potent than the Bankai, and the Bankai can mind hax the Gotei 13 (as its implied), And Aizen was able to mind hax Shinji whilst Shinji was using his mind hax (it could be argued higher because the higher the Kido level the more potent it is, meaning you might argue 6 layers of mind hax) and EVERY other Gotei 13 and Vizard were under its effects. In his TYBW version, he would most likely have even higher layers (because of his evolution), but it also affects your passive and innate abilities which was Yhwach's Almighty, even when Yhwach can see infinite futures he still got hit by it (so with it, you can argue WAY higher layers of mind hax).

Hogyoku: A little object that can warp reality and do whatever it wants, it can read its master's heart and grant them their deepest desires, Kisuke wanted to break the boundaries between Shinigami and Hollows and the Hogyoku granted him that, not only did Ichigo absorb Rukia's power but she wanted to lose her powers, and Orihime and Chad got their Fullbrings awakened by the Hogyoku because they had the desire to not be a burden to Ichigo, Aizen wanted evolution because that was his desire the whole time, even losing, and finally, the Hogyoku manipulated the events that transpired between Ichigo and Rukia. The following Aizen was granted by the Hogyoku, ability wise, was;

Regeneration/immortality: Aizen was granted immortality, by living for eternity, regeneration, he regenerated from being blown up inside out, getting cellular level destroyed by Gin, sliced in half by Ichigo in Mugetsu (an attack stronger than Aizen), even when Yhwach absorbed Aizen, he just reappears like nothing happened.

Evolution: When Aizen dies, he will come back to life and gain more power as a result and be a counter to whatever he got hit by.

Fragor: In his 5th monster form that is unknown if he has it in the TYBW counterpart (though you may argue that since he maintained evolution and immortality, he would still have it), he can shoot concentrated blasts of energy, and the ultimate variation is 6 times more powerful.

And if you try to use the argument of "separate the Hogyoku from Aizen", Gin tried that and Aizen is confirmed to have a connection with the Hogyoku. He may also use the other hax like reality warping and stuff.

Now other abilities Aizen has includes every single Shinigami art, including Kido, Hakuda, Shunpo and Zanjutsu. I already talked about all the Kido variants before, but to update two includes Hado 91 and Hado 99:

Hado 91:

"A cluster of light rays that are spread out in the sky converged before Urahara, forming a high density barrage it bores into the swarm of dark red dragons along with the surrounding atmosphere, burning them away.

Oddly enough, it closely resembled the 'Gran Rey Cero' which Grimmjow and his company were unleashing at the same time in the Rukongai.

Even on the aspect of power, it is by no means outdone by Gran Rey Cero, perhaps the blow of a formidable Kidō even has the potential to surpass it."

Hado 99:

""Hadō 99 ———— Goryūtenmetsu" At Kisuke's words, the sky splits open. What made an appearance, is five pillars of light taking the shape of dragons and composed of Reishi. By nature, it was one among the Hadō which possessed tremendous power comparable to that of forbidden spells, creating Reishi dragons from the Spiritual Pulse of the earth, and shattering the ground around it whilst engulfing the target."

For the others, go to my Aizen analysis.

Now for Aizen's most terrifying quality, his immense intelligence. He was once a teacher at the Soul Academy, knows the Soul Society's history so much that he can manipulate Tousen, knows the sins of its creation, knows Yamamoto is the embodiment of them, knows what is the Soul King, he can plan out events that will take place 100s of years (like Zetsu, he wrote Bleach), he created WonderWeiss, a being meant to seal Yamamoto's Ryujinn Jackka, the strongest Zanpakuto, he was seen outsmarting and is relative to super geniuses, like Kisuke and Yamamoto, Yamamoto has a maxed out intelligence stat in the databooks, has 1000+ years of experience (was even in a war) and knows EVERY Shinigami fighting style and was able to defeat Yhwach 1000 Years Ago whilst he had Almighty, this is impressive because the base form Almighty allows Yhwach to look into the future and neg abilities, and Kisuke said to surpass that, can plan out 1000s of possible events happening and can prep mid battle, yet Aizen is implied to be relative to these two super geniuses, even prepping mid battle, he nerfed the Soul Society's chances of victory, by using Orihime as a distraction, fights people like Yamamoto, Shunsui as well, who was described as transcendent in combat (it can be argued that Shunsui was just fighting the illusion of Kyoka Suigetsu, however the thing is that Aizen wanted to lead them into a trap and nerf the Soul Society further, so obviously if he didn't do anything like that, nobody would have actually believed that they were fighting Aizen, so these kinds of things have to be taken into account as well), he is also even with characters like Ichigo in fight iq and he can even fight with all of his senses reversed (calling it Child's Play even, implying he isn't going all out). For Aizen's skill, he doesn't have much, but there is enough to put him high tier in skill, he was the Captain of Squad 5, a squad that specialize in skill, and to give you an idea on how good that is, random fodder Shinigami are said to be masters of swordsmanship, with Squad 5 surpassing that, he is also even with Isshin who is implied to be an equal to Yoruichi and Kisuke (as seen when they fought evenly against Aizen in his second fusion form), in skill, Yoruichi who is described as transcendent in her hand to hand combat, surpassing every previous clan member before her in hand to hand combat, and random fodder are stated to be masters in hand to hand combat, and another thing to consider as well is that Aizen told the Espada to watch out for 3 individuals and he had plans for 2 members of the Gotei 13, those being Yamamoto, Kenpachi, Isshin, Kisuke and Yoruichi, however he completely ignores Unohana (the original Kenpachi), who is in the same tier of power as Aizen himself, and she is described as being a master of countless fighting styles, so Aizen thinks he beats Unohana (you could argue she doesn't care for Aizen and she only wants to fight Kenpachi, however here is a thing to consider, is if Aizen kills Kenpachi, Unohana will have no one left to fight).

Aizen's sensory abilities are insane, he can sense events taking place in different dimensions! He also has a subconscious 6th sense that allows him to see Reiatsu.

Aizen can also resist soul attacks, space time stuff, as he resisted the Cleaner's space time manipulation and lesser characters can even interact with an orb of space time and matter, sealing, because when Shunsui took off one seal Aizen broke out of numerous others on his own, consistent with how Aizen thins he can break out of the chair, how he also got stronger than his 5th form whilst sealed, and power nullification, as Nana's Underbelly nulls your Reiatsu yet its implied that Aizen can recover from it.


For ap, Madara has various flexes and casual feats, the main problem with Madara is that he doesn't scale to Kaguya's realm busting feat, because as we see on screen, Naruto and Sasuke who were seen bullying Madara and his Limbo Clones, need more help like Sakura and a amped Kakashi in order to even stand up to her, there is also statements and showcases in the narrative that Naruto and Sasuke were struggling with Kaguya, so Madara doesn't scale, however he has far more feats to prove how powerful he is, like how the Nine Tails was stated to be able to turn the whole world to ash and Madara's Limbo Clones, which are just as strong as Madara, can knockout a TEN TAILS with just a punch, then he gets numerous amps after that, like how he went from 1 Limbo Clone to 4, he also scales to the God Tree being placed, which is consistently calced at being small planet level.

Speed wise, Madara is casually FTL, he fires the Sage Art Light Fang, which is stated to be at the speed of light, Naruto and Sasuke just casually blitz and one shot him, then he gets a Rinnegan and he can fight against Naruto and Sasuke, the Raikage has a lariat that was stated to be like light, Naruto avoided his incoming attack, which is consistently calced at 12-29 times light speed, and then Naruto got vaguely faster than that and Madara scales to those feats, Haku is stated to "possibly move at the speed of light" and lesser characters can match him, Naruto amped the entire Shinobi Alliance to 3 times the level of Kakashi, so even if you say Kakashi is a lightning timer (despite the fact he was a fatigued child with the lightning blade and got way faster since) there were over thousands of Shinobi still present and they were amped to be 3 times more powerful than Kakashi, Darui has laser beams that refract off water particles like light, so its undoubtable that Madara is casually at these FTL ranges.

Now for his hax... and there are a lot to go over;

Wood Clones: Clones that are wood based, the most powerful nature based Jutsu, outside of Yin Yang Release.

Shadow Clones: Normal clones that are just as strong as Madara.

Limbo Clones: Clones that exist in a dimension that overlaps the real one.

Genjutsu: Mind manipulation, it ranges from disrupting the Chakra flow to where he can hypnotize your 5 senses, to just inserting his Chakra inside your brain and attacking the 5 senses, the Infinite Tsukiyomi is the most powerful Genjutsu in the whole series, it works on people without Chakra as well, however it doesn't work on Edos for some reason.

Information analysis: This allows Madara to copy anything he sees.

Hashirama Cells: Regeneration, its better than Tsunade's and its so good that it can regenerate the lower half of her body.

Izanami: A counter to Izanagi, this basically allows Madara to lock down someone's fate, by making two sensations and scenes occur, trapping the opponent in a loop, the only way to escape it is if you cuck down, though Madara never used it, the only one it was used on was Kabuto.

Izanagi: This allows Madara to turn illusion into reality and vice versa, basically allowing him to retcon certain events so that they never happened, like being dead (though he only uses it to revive himself).

Truth Seeking Orbs: Orbs of Yin Yang release, it negates any form of Ninjutsu, negates regeneration on a spiritual level (Edos are soul based, and their regeneration are so good that Deidera can spam C0) and they erase the mind, soul and body, the only thing that doesn't get countered by it are nature based abilities.

Soul manipulation: He can rip out your soul, and once he absorbs your soul he will know everything about you.

Summoning: He has a dog that gains more power the more heads it grows. Spiritual dragons that steal your soul when it touches you.

Sealing: He has a few, he has the chains that, upon making contact with you, weaken you, and a lightning based seal, it shoot-out lightning and captures the opponent.

Chibaku Tensei: Puts you in a planatoid.

Almighty Push and Pull: Basically Jedi Force Push and Pull.

Precognition: He can read your moves before you do them.

Susanoo: A giant Megazord type that Madara can use, whilst it uses a whole ton of Chakra, it increases Madara's stats, gives him more height, more destructive capacity, more arms and the ability to fly.

And he has every Nature based ability, including fire, water, air, earth and lightning releases.

For Madara's skill in overall fight iq, how he uses his techniques and actual fighting techniques, he soloed the entire Shinobi Alliance on his own, even more impressive is how he can fight the 5 Kage by himself, even run mental circles around them, he can create and mix and match all of his techniques, like how made wood clones and all of them made their own Susanoo, he can even be argued to scale to Sasuke, who has presented exploitation, lots planning mid battle, can read opponents like a book and more. In terms of skill, Madara can solo the Shinobi Alliance, and these random fodder are stated to be experts in hand to hand combat, Madara also fought Hashirama, the 1st Hokage.

For his sensory capabilities, Madara has Sage Mode, this increases his sensory capabilities to the point that he can react to multiple attacks coming at him from all angles, despite the fact he was blind.


Located at a city in day time, several hundred Shinigami are seen being swatted away by a massive gust of aura. It was all responsible by Madara Uchiha.

???: Welcome to my Soul Society.

Madara looks behind him and notices a man on a chair. The man was Sosuke Aizen. Madara looks behind Aizen and notices Obito lying on the ground, dead, just a massive pile of blood is there.

Madara: I see, so you killed Obito by just existing. You might be a good ally for my plans.

Madara destroys the chair Aizen was sitting on.

Aizen: Ah, so you think we are allies, right? Well now that's just laughable.

Aizen then raises his spiritual pressure and its powerful enough to push back Madara.


Madara makes two Shadow clones appear, all of them charge at Aizen. However, Aizen just blocks an incoming attack from Madara with El Escudo then avoids the other two Madaras with his teleportation. Aizen then appears again on a cliff side, with a raised hand.

Aizen: Hado #88 Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō

A beam of lightning is then fired at Aizen's hand travelling towards Madara. All the sudden, Madara activates his Sharringan, and he avoids the Hado that Aizen fired. Madara then does another hand seal sign and his Limbo Clones appear. Aizen feels more spiritual pressures, its 4 spiritual pressures. With a smirk, he uses Shunpo and stabs a Limbo clone at the back, causing Madara to be shocked at what he is seeing before his very eyes.

Aizen: Did you think making clones of yourself be enough to handle me? You got another thing coming.

Aizen then evolves and he regains the Fragor, he then charges up a shot at the other clones to incinerate them completely, the real Madara was able to escape in time.

Madara: So you can see them without the need of a Rinnegan... this is gonna be fun!

Madara said it all with a smirk. He then fires a fire ball Jutsu.

Aizen: Bakudo #39 Ekosen

Aizen blocks the fire ball with a shield, but barely realizes Madara coming in from behind, before Aizen can notice what was trying to occur, Madara uses his Sussanoo to punch Aizen in the face and send him flying.

Madara: Now get ready.

Madara looks at Aizen, activating his Genjutsu, Aizen then all the sudden sees a black space of nothing, then he sees clones of Madara over running him, screaming in agony being able to do nothing as a result, with the real Madara just laughing in the background.

Aizen: Nice show, with your child's play of a hypnosis.

Aizen is seen behind Madara all the sudden, with Madara in shock at what just happened.

Aizen: You looked at me ever since the battle started, so now you are under my hypnosis.

Madara can't tell what is in shock psychologically but then smirks.

Madara: Are you really looking at me?

Madara points at the top, to where Aizen looks and notices Madara preparing the Infinite Tsukiyomi.

Madara: Wanna play Genjutsu?! Try this!

Madara shines the Infinite Tsukiyomi, with its ray of light catching Aizen and putting him under it. Aizen is then seen with purple eyes.

Aizen: Weird... didn't you notice it was day time when we started fighting and not a lot of time passed by, so why is the moon here?

Madara thinks about it himself and realizes that it was day time when the battle started.

Madara: So you wanna play Genjutsu with me huh? Interesting indeed. But why not turn you into the moon?

Aizen is now confused by what Madara means then all the sudden this black orb is flying away from Madara's hand is flying upwards.

Madara: Chibaku Tensei.

The black orb starts sucking in all the rocks and ground that Aizen and Madara are standing on, and its bringing Aizen into it.

Aizen: Really? I took much stronger attacks than that. Hado #90 Kurohitsugi

A black box is then seen destroying the black orb into nothing. Madara then takes the advantage to attack Aizen, performing a swift combo on him then changes to his Perfect Susanoo to punch Aizen away into a pile of blood.

Madara: Pathetic.

All the sudden this massive beam of light comes out of Aizen, his power levels increasing. Madara wanting to end this already, makes a shield of Truth Seeking Orbs to protect himself and it works.


Aizen then fires it at Madara's shield. Once the 5 dragons collide with the shield, a massive explosion occurs that overwhealms both Madara and Aizen equally, incinerating both as it seems. When the dust settles, Madara can be seen alright, just the right side of his body destroyed which he regenerates, and no sign of Aizen anywhere. Madara walks away feeling victorious but then Aizen can be seen, he regenerated once again.

Madara: What?!

Aizen then flashes over and cuts off Madara's head.

Aizen: Know your place human.


Conclusion: Yep, Aizen won against Madara. To start of with stats, Aizen is stronger than Madara, like even if they are relative in speed, Madara is not on the same level of ap as Aizen, Aizen fought Yhwach who is like the Kaguya and Momoshiki of the Bleach verse (at least in ap), Aizen is relative to him, Naruto and Sasuke are like "damn, Madara isn't even half this strong", like there are amps and tactics that Naruto uses that he never did against Madara but those didn't work on Kaguya, and he used amps like Boil Release, Sasuke got one shot in his Susanoo, so its very clear that Madara is MUCH weaker than Aizen. You may try to argue their hax will be the whole reason why everyone wants this match up, so we have to look at their hax. Now lets start out with the two big ones, Aizen vs Madara in mind hax and can Aizen see the Limbo Clones? Aizen doesn't have to see them, because he doesn't necessarily need to see them, he can create pocket dimensions, he can destroy the Cleaner which has space time manipulation, he can yank down the Soul Palace which is a separate dimension, Dangai Ichigo can bitch slap the Black Coffin, you might argue that in the first arc Uryu was able to sense a Hollow hanging around in pocket dimensions, and even lesser Shinigami can interact with an orb of space time and matter, and Aizen can even sense events happening in separate dimensions, let alone sense beings that are on a separate dimension that overlaps the real one, so if anyone says Aizen can't sense them, he can. As for mind hax, this is a pretty debatable topic, like some people argue layers for Madara and some may argue layers and higher ap with Aizen, some people use the Yhwach mind hax Almighty example for Aizen and say he has WAY more layers than Madara or some may argue that its just Yhwach has shit mind hax resistances, some people argue Infinite Tsukiyomi works on Aizen, but others argue that Aizen just needs to destroy the Moon or the Hogyoku or it won't work because it didn't work on Edos, we don't know why, because lesser Genjutsu works on Edos but the Infinite Tsukiyomi doesn't for some reason and its meant to be the best Genjutsu in the Naruto verse, so I'll kind of leave this point to everyone to decide for themselves, I won't even try to argue for either side, I may argue more layers for Aizen than Madara, but then we get into topics that I don't want to be involved with. Now lets go to the first win con for Aizen, the Hogyoku, Aizen simply negs Madara with it, like he has no way around it, Aizen will simply regenerate from almost anything Madara throws at him and evolve, or he can make the fight go on his favor, meaning Aizen will be way more powerful than Madara as a result and their vague speed will be more on Aizen's favor, like if Madara uses Almighty Push, or the Perfect Susanoo, those simply would get negged by the Hogyoku, it will just evolve Aizen to a being that will combat those things from Madara. Now you might be wondering, what do I mean by almost. Because there is one thing you can argue the Hogyoku gets negged by, that is the Truth Seeking Orbs. How will Aizen get around it? Well, since Truth Seeking Orbs are Yin Yang based, and we know that Natural Energy works on them, as in they don't get negged like Ninjutsu does, so does Aizen have a Senjutsu based ability? He does actually, that is Hado 99, as it absorbs Reishi around it into 5 Dragons, so these things can actually work kinda like Senjutsu (the worst part as well is that if Aizen evolves from the Truth Seeking Orbs, Madara is screwed). Another thing Madara won't have a way around is time stop, so Aizen will have a plan mid battle, whilst having all the time he can ask for, even if you argued Madara has time hax, here is the issue, its Obito's interpretation of the fight, so you have to prove Obito has a reason or a base to say Madara has the time hax, but even then, Madara can only reverse time for a few seconds, whilst Aizen can use his time stop however long he wants, and Madara can't spam his time hax, whilst Aizen only has a charge time that lasts for like a second. Now to all the Naruto fans saying that "Madara's skill will carry him", you do realize that Aizen is equal in intelligence to Madara, so no, and you have to prove that Madara can defeat someone with raw skill who is massively more powerful than himself and is just as smart as himself, like Sasuke fighting a dumbass like Kaguya, he can't even stand up to her with skill, so if someone like Sasuke who is one of the high tiers in Naruto in skill, can't even stand up to Kaguya with skill, than what is Madara gonna do against Aizen?

Win con for Aizen:

-Evolution is an insta gg.

-Hogyoku is also insta gg.

-Aizen's time hax being superior to Madara's time hax (time reversal is way better than simple time stop, however Madara can only use it for a few seconds and can't spam it, whilst Aizen can just use it however long he wants to and possibly can spam it, assuming you can argue Madara has it to begin with).

-Stronger and faster.

-The more skilled and smarter out of the two.

-Counters to what Madara has, like Truth Seeking Orbs.

-Better regeneration.

Win con for Madara:

-Literally try to cap Aizen on a level that Madara can deal with and gg.

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