A Suite Fit For Two

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I sat on a couch by our luggage. Steve was waiting patiently in line to get the keys for our room.

That dream. I can't get rid of that dream. That voice. It haunts me. It's all too familiar. And it lacks a face to go with it.

"Ready?" Steve was standing right in front of me. I wonder how long he was standing there.

I jumped back in my chair, startled by his sudden appearance.

"Alice? Are you okay?" Steve asks, taking his suitcase in his hand.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I was just a little lost in my thoughts. That's all." I answer.

"Okay. Well, our room is ready. I've got the key." He hands me my suitcase.

"Great! I wonder what floor we're on." I begin.

Out of the corner of Steve's mouth, a smirk escapes. He's up to something again. I bet it has something to do with our room.

The elevator was loaded with our luggage. It was mostly my luggage only because I don't travel lightly.

Steve punched the button with the highest number on it. The highest number was 9. Our room was on the top floor.

"We're on the top floor?" Excitement grew quickly in my voice.

"That's only the first surprise." Steve grinned. His arm wrapped around my waist, and he pulled me in close to him.

"How many more surprises are there?" I ask.

"I can't tell you that."

"Please?" I beg.


The elevator doors open and Steve grabs his bags. I take mine and waddle out of the elevator.

"Need help with your bags?" Steve looks back at me as I struggle to hold my bags.

"If you help me, can that be surprise number two?" I ask, setting my bags down.

Steve turns around and takes my bags away from me. He leans in and plants a kiss on my cheek.

"Surprise!" He whispered in my ear.

"Thanks." I give him a peck on the lips. "I'm enjoying this surprise." I follow behind him.

"I figured!" He calls back to me.

He sets the bags down in front of a large pair of double doors. It was all the way at the end of the hallway, by itself.

"Wait, this is our room?" I ask.

"Must be!" He replies.

He places the key in the slot and the door clicked open. The lights were off, and the shades were pulled.

Steve sets the bags down and flicks the light switch. The lights came to life and my mind was blown.

Steve booked us a suite.

"Surprise!" Steve's arms wrapped around my waist.

"Is that the last one?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Not yet, I saved the best for last." He replied. He planted a kiss on my lips.

"Then what's the last one?" I ask.

He takes my hands in his, "Close your eyes and follow me." He says softly.

I shake my head in disbelief, but he gives me the puppy dog eyes. I melt inside when he does that.

He guides me through the suite until he stops me in front of what I think is the window. The sound of the drapes being pulled back made me curious.

Steve's arms wrap around me once again. "Okay, open them!" He whispers in my ear.

I couldn't believe the sight. The Eiffel Tower was beautiful. It was right outside our window. It was perfect.

"This is the big surprise." He whispers.

"It's perfect." I reply.

"The perfect way to begin our lives together." He whispers.

"A suite fit for two. In Paris of all places! It's amazing."

"I love you." He spins me around so that I'm facing him.

"I love you." I reply, kissing him.

Without warning, Steve sweeps me off my feet and carries me over to a door that I'm guessing leads to the bedroom.

Without a single sound he kisses me suddenly and opens the door, and kicks it closed with his foot.



Well, you can probably guess what's gonna happen. I'm not gonna write a chapter about that, just so you know. What happens in there is up to your imagination.

Also, I just want to thank everyone! Vibranium Strong hit 1k reads! I can't believe it! You guys are the best!!

Keep the votes coming and feel free to comment! Thanks!


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