Plane To Paris

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Steve's hand locked with mine. We sat together on the crowded plane, waiting for the moment when the plane would touchdown. Then, we would be in beautiful Paris.

"I can't believe you're finally my wife." He smiles at me.

"I've waited long enough to be yours." I reply, resting my head on his shoulder.

Steve looked out the window, staring at the empty and endless stretch of ocean. I was generous, and allowed him to have the window seat.

"Nothing but ocean." He sighs.

"Patience, Steve." I taunt him.

"I have patience, it's just that we are going to Paris for the first time, together." He grins.

"Yeah." I reply simply.

"You don't sound so enthusiastic." He comments.

"Maybe because back at home, it would be 1:30 in the morning?" I state.

"If you're tired, sleep."

"I can't! Like you said, we're going to Paris! It's the trip of our lifetime!"

Steve smiles as I wrap my arms tightly around his arm. He kisses the top of my head before he turns to look out the window.

"Are there any other surprises that I should know about?" I ask.

"There might be a few, but I can't tell you. That's the point." He grins.

I chuckle and close my eyes. The sound of the wind blowing on the outside of the plane slowly put me to sleep.

As I sit up and look around, the entire plane is quiet. Not a single sound can be heard. Not even the sound of the wind hitting the plane.

"Steve?" I ask, "What's going on? Why is it so quiet?"

Steve stares straight ahead, he didn't move or breathe, he just blinked. I pushed him with my hand.


He moved, but then went right back to the position he was in.

"Steve! Talk to me! What's going on!" I cry out at him.

He refused to look at me, like he was forever frozen in time. I shake him roughly.

"Snap out of it! Steve! Please look at me!" I scream.

I stand from my chair, breathing heavily. I look around. No one was moving. Every passenger was frozen. Except for me.

I run down the aisle, looking for any signs of movement. Not a sound, not a move. I run back to my seat.

"Hello, Alice."

The chilling voice sends shivers down my spine. I turn to see the owner of the voice, but I was cut off by the sound of a gunshot.

"Alice? Hey, Alice. We're here. We're in Paris." Steve's gentle voice lures me away from my terrifying nightmare.

I rub my eyes and then run a hand through my hair.

Whoever I heard, I have met before. I just can't place the voice.

Either that, or that person hasn't talked very much to me.

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