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We stood outside a building that was back in the countryside. Steve and I were both in our uniforms, and we were hiding in the brush. I tracked the leader to this building. This must be the base.

"So what's the plan?" I ask.

"We split up. You go in through the back and I'll go in through the front. If you find the leader, let me know. We need to tell Fury. He'll decide what happens to him." Steve explains.

"Sounds good. Ready?" I reply.

"Meet me in the middle of the building when you're finished." Steve finishes.

We split up and move towards the different sides of the building. Steve silently snuck in the front. I climbed onto the roof and find a glass sky light. I creep up to the sky light and looked down. It must be a conference room.

I look at the men who were sitting around the table. Thy were looking at a picture of some kind of weapon. It looks like a gun, but it's so much more than that.

It looks like a nuclear weapon.

"Alice? It's Steve. I'm finished in the front. Do you copy?" Steve calls me through my earpiece.

"Steve, I'm on the roof. There's some kind of conference going on in there. Can you distract them? Can you get them out of my half of the building?" I ask.

"One distraction coming up." He says.

Moments later I hear gunshots. That must be Steve. The men in the conference room quickly stand and exit the room. That gives me enough time to get in and see what exactly this weapon is.

I open the glass sky light on the roof and jump down onto the ground. I see a laptop that had a flash drive plugged into it. I grab the flash drive and stuff it into my pocket.

Then it happened.

The explosion.

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