Tracking The Enemy

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The jet touched down near Lake Erie in Ohio. Steve and I were supposed to be looking for the first base.

We checked into a small hotel that was right on the lake. We set up some tracking equipment into the room and began to search for the base.

"Have you found anything?" I ask Steve as he continues to figure out the equipment.

"Depends on if I can even get this thing to work." Steve says, flipping switches and pressing buttons.

I stand from the bed, "Here, let me do this." I say handing my laptop to Steve.

I quickly fix Steve's laptop and begin searching for a signal.

"See anything?" I ask.

"Nothing." Steve sighs.

"Well, all we have to do is wait. When it picks up a signal of the base, or a signal of the leader of the base, it will go off. It should send us a direct signal and location." I explain.

"So now comes the fun part." Steve sighs sarcastically.

"The waiting." I finish.

As the hours pass, night falls over the lake. I had fallen asleep in the chair.

The loud beeping noises jolt me from my deep sleep. I rub my eyes before I realize it's the computer. A bright red dot appears on the map. I watch as it slowly moves on the map.

It must be the leader.

I elbow Steve in the chest. He grunts as he springs to life.

"What? What happened?" He asks sleepily.

"Look!" I exclaim, pointing to the moving red dot on the computer screen.

"Well, since a base can't technically move, this has to be the leader." Steve says.

"We have to move in soon. Otherwise, we could lose him and the signal." I say.

"So, we should move in while the signal is strong." Steve says.

"I'll make some coffee, and you get into uniform. We've got a man to hunt down."

"It's going to be a long night." Steve sighs.

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