Another Mission?

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"Third time's the charm" Cole's voice echoes in my ears. My own brother had made a threat against my life. I don't even know what to say.

"Alice? Are you okay?" Steve asks me.

"No, I most certainly am not! Steve! My brother just threatened my life, again! What makes you think that I'm okay?" I yell, my voice sounding angry.

"Hey, just relax. I'll make sure that he won't touch you." Steve tries to calm me down, "I'll always rescue you. You know that."

I smile slightly, "And you know that I will always come for you." I return. I love it when Steve tells me that. It makes me feel safe.

"Captain Rogers, Agent Mathews, report." Fury's voice comes booming over our earpieces.

"What do you think he wants?" I ask.

"Maybe a mission for us." Steve replies.

"Well, if we keep him waiting, he'll get mad." I say.

Steve walks to the meeting room with me. Fury stood still, staring out the window.

"You're both early. Figured that it would take longer to get you both here. But since you're always together, I figured that you would both arrive together." Fury begins.

Steve and I stood there in silence, exchanging glances and waiting for him to tell us why we are here.

"Well, turns out that the base where you and Steve were imprisoned at was not the only one."

"So you're saying-" I begin.

"There's more than just that one base?" Steve finished my sentence.

Fury nods his head, "Their leader, your brother, is in our forces at the moment."

I nod my head, "So what do you want us to do?" I ask.

"I want you and Rogers to hit every one of these bases. If we can slowly tear them apart, that might bring them down." Fury says leaning on the wall.

A holographic picture appears on the table in front of us. It's a map of the United States and Europe. Flickering red dots began to appear all over the map.

"These are the bases I want you to hit first." Fury says pointing towards a cluster of dots in The Great Lakes region. "When you get done with those, come back and I'll point you towards the next region. By the way, you leave tomorrow."

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