Chasing Winter

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I rush to the railing and grip it tightly as I look over the side, fearing the worst. I look down and breathe a sigh of relief.

There was the hotel pool. Directly below us. I look over and watch as Steve comes out of the pool, dripping wet.

"The crazy son of a-" Fury begins.

"Look!" I cry out.

Steve had taken off and attempted to catch the soldier. Steve is so fast, he can catch up to anyone. No matter how fast.

"He's crazy." Fury speaks.

I grip the railing with my excitement, before I realize that I'm holding Steve's gun in my hand. I look down at his gun, and then out to the street.

"You're not thinking-"

"I'm not jumping. If I'm going to jump, I have to be motivated."

"Motivated, how?" He asks.

"Simple. Death." I reply, watching Steve closely. Then he gets flipped over the solider's shoulder and hits the pavement hard, "He can't do this alone." I cut of suddenly and dash to the door. I pull the handle and quickly run into the hallway.

I stop in my tracks as a huge army of officers come storming down the hallways. Their guns raised, and pointed straight at me. They shout at me, but I was too busy panicking to hear them. I dash back into the room and slam the door behind me. I lock the door and then run back to the balcony. Nick was still standing there.

"I thought you were going to help?"

"Yeah, well motivation is knocking at the door." I rush to railing and climb over the side.

The loud banging and clashing at the door almost made me lose my grip.

"More like pounding." Nick climbs over the railing and grips it tightly, "You're just like Rogers. No parachute.
Nothing." He says.

"Well I am his wife." I say.

The doors bust open. Nick looks at me with wide eyes.

"Jump!" He yells.

Without hesitation, my grip releases and I go flying through the air.

The water from the pool came rushing at me. It stung as my body collided with it. I force myself to the surface. I cough and sputter. Nick extended a hand and helped me out of the pool.

"Go. If they come, I'll stop them."

I nod my head, listening to Nick's words. I scramble to my feet and rush down the street.

Time to end this.

Once and for all.

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