Flash From His Past

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As I round the corner of the street, I come to a stop when I realize what's unfolding in front of me.

The Winter Soldier, the man who tried to kill Steve and I, is finally here. He's right in front of us. And this time, the odds are in our favor.

Steve's shield lay on the ground. I rush over and pick it up. Steve notices and whips the soldier around. I throw the shield with all my strength. It bounces off the soldier's back and flies towards me. Winter elbows Steve in the gut and pulls out his own gun. I catch the shield in time to block the bullets. Steve tackles Winter to the ground, but he kicks Steve off of him in a matter of seconds.

With Winter's back to me, I launch myself at him, running full speed. I jump on his back and put him in a headlock. Steve throws a punch at his face, and his glasses shatter. He throws me off of his back and kicks Steve in the gut. We both fall to the ground, tumbling across, gaining cuts and scrapes.

His pulls off his glasses and tosses them to the ground. His eyes meet mine. They are cold and lifeless.

Like all my happiness was drained from me.

I stand quickly and throw the shield again. But he catches the shield with his metal arm. His eyes staring into my soul. Steve uses the distraction as an opportunity to attack.

He flips him over his back. Steve stands tall over the soldier until Winter whips out a knife. Steve jumps as he misses the swing of the knife at his feet.

I sight the soldier's arm in my gun. Maybe if I fired enough rounds, I could penetrate the metal of his arm. That would slow him down.

I try to focus, but he's moving so quickly. Once I finally get a steady target, I quickly fire. But the bullets weren't enough to damage it. Not even slightly.

Instead, his attention turned to me.


He lunged at me. I didn't have Steve's shield and I had nothing to protect myself. Well, I had my gun. But I just fired the entire clip at his arm. I lost Steve's extra gun when I jumped from the balcony. Basically, I don't have the time to reload.

I dart to the side and grab ahold of his real arm. I send him flying over my shoulder. I haven't flipped someone in years, and I didn't think I still had it in me.

He tumbled to ground, and his mask came off.

He turned towards us.

Steve's eyes widen.


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