I Knew Him

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"Who the hell is Bucky?" He says.

A grenade lands in front of his feet and then it explodes. Steve grabs me by my waist and pulls me to the ground. He pulls me to his chest, his back was to the grenade. He shielded me from the blast.

I look out from Steve's protection and find the entire team walking towards us.

When the explosion settled, the soldier was gone. Not a trace. He's just gone.

Steve was crouched on his toes, his arms around me. He stands softly, his arms never leaving me.

"You okay?" He asks. He delicately brushes a fallen strand of hair away from my face.

"I think the question is, are you okay?" I ask.

Steve closes his eyes and swallows hard. He releases me from his grip and takes a few steps away. He runs his hands through his hair and runs the back of his neck.

"Steve?" I ask.

His eyes dart to mine. He looked stunned. Like when a three year old gets caught doing something they shouldn't be.

"Steve." I call his name again.

"What?" He asks, still pacing.

"Did you know that man?"

He pauses. He completely stops in his tracks. He knows something. His eyes can't lie to me.

"I knew him." He says.

After we board the jet, Steve tells us everything. The whole story of how he knew him.

He has never told me this. All the time that I've known him, he's never told me this.

And I feel terrible.

What happened on the train was an accident, and Steve lost his best friend. He says that he was a great friend. And his only friend.

I wish I had known him. Before he became this way. Before he became The Winter Soldier.

Back when he was Bucky Barnes.


Vibranium Strong hit 2k reads! I can't believe it! I never thought it would get this far! Not to mention that it's almost to 100 votes!

It's amazing, and I have to thank all of my readers. Without the readers, this story probably would've never gotten to this point.

So thank you! All of you!


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