Fury Wants Answers

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"So, are you gonna tell me what happened in Iceland or what?" Fury demanded to know.

Steve sat next to me at the table. His hand was tightly locked with mine.

"I can tell you any scenario you want, Nick. But that doesn't mean I'm telling you which one is true."

"Ms. Mathews, I understand you've been through a lot the past couple of days, but the only way that we are going to find this man is to understand what happened to you while you were there."

"Nick, first of all, call me Alice. Second of all, I don't want to talk about it. It's hard enough to think about it without having a panic attack." I try to explain.

"Nick, don't pressure her." Steve cuts in.

"Alice, if you want to put an end to this man, you have to cooperate and tell me what happened." Fury was getting angry.

"Nick, I understand that you want to kill this man right on the spot. But I think this matter is strictly between Steve and I. And besides, if I could just reason with Cole, I think I-"

"Hold up, who's Cole?" Fury interjects.

I suddenly realized that I just let a huge piece of information slip to the one man that I was beginning to lose trust in.

I shut my eyes and take a deep breath.

"Alice? You okay?" Steve asks me.

I swallow hard. It's hard enough to tell people that I lost my twin brother, but it's even harder to tell them he's still alive.

"Five years ago, my twin brother was killed in a car accident. The only way I know my kidnappers name is Cole, is because Cole is my twin brother."

Steve gives me a strange look and Fury raises an eyebrow.

"So, you're expecting me to believe that you're 'believed to be dead' twin brother is your kidnapper?" Fury smirks.

"Fury, I'm not lying!" I get upset.

"Alice, if your brother died in a car accident, I don't see how he could be your kidnapper." Steve speaks.

"Steve! What the heck! You're supposed to be on my side!" I yell.

"Hey! Now this isn't couples counseling!" Fury shouts.

I stand up from the table, my fists pounding on the glass table, "You know what? I'm done." I say, turning to exit the room.

"Ms. Mathews, this meeting isn't over yet." Fury states.

"This meeting is over when I say it is over. And it's Alice." I correct him, before I storm out of the room.

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