Old Friend

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Steve had gone to his room to unpack and I had gone to mine. Fury wanted to meet with Steve and I after we had finished unpacking.

I was tucking clothes away into my closet when I hear a knock at my door. Before I could get to the door, it opens. Dr. Bruce Banner steps into my room.

"Good to see you're okay." He begins.

"Physically but not mentally." I correct him. I might be okay physically, but not mentally.

"You look great for someone who was tortured for a few days."

"Makeup solves a lot of problems, Bruce." I state.

"You don't need makeup, more or less, I know that you don't even wear makeup." He corrects me.

Bruce gives me a friendly hug. I had been friends with him even before I came here to work for SHIELD. We both got recruited together.

"Maybe I don't wear makeup, but I looked a lot worse when I first came back." I say.

"I heard you were injured." He says.

I lift up the front end of my shirt, revealing the scar from the stab wound. Bruce puts on his glasses before he looks at the scar.

"What was it?" He asked.

"A knife." A mutter.

"Thank God that you're okay." Bruce speaks. I pull my shirt back down, covering the scar.

"I might look okay, but I definitely don't feel okay. I just wish I could forget the whole thing." I sighed.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Bruce asked. He'd always been such a good friend to me. He listened to me like no one else, and he always cared about me.

"If you want to know what happened, I'll tell you." I say.

"I wanna know how you got your scar." He admits, crossing his arms.

"Well, uhh, Cole found out that Steve had left to come rescue me. He put a knife to my throat, and the only way to free myself was to hurt myself. So, I stabbed myself, which gave Steve some time to attack Cole." I briefly explained. Bruce looked stunned.

"You sacraficed yourself?" He asked seriously.

"It was the only way." I tried to explain.

"No, I'm pretty sure it was not the only way. Why? Why would you do that? Alice, you have to think! You have to think about the consequences of your actions!" He continued.

"Bruce, I'm alive aren't I?"

"True, but I could never let anything happen to you. You're like a sister to me." He pulled me in for another hug.

I see a tall figure stand in the doorway, it's too large to be anyone but Steve.

"Am I interrupting anything?" He crosses his arms.

Bruce releases me from the hug, "Nothing, nothing at all." I say.

Bruce smiled before he left the room, Steve watched him leave.

"Am I missing something?" Steve asked.

"Bruce has always cared about me Steve. He's just a friend. You have nothing to worry about." I smiled, and lightly kissed his cheek.

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